
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Darling Doll Quilts Duo

So, it's snowing again here and that's all I'm going to say about that.

Love Nest - Little Liberated Medallion Quilt 22 x 24.
I made these two workshop sample blocks a couple of weeks ago.
Last week I just felt like playing in my sewing room.   You ever do that?  Just want to make something for no reason?  
 I raided my two miscellaneous block drawers.
and composed this fun little piece.  I used leftover stars, the black and red pieced section on the right was from Jill's sewing room.  I added pretty bird and floral fabrics, one little nine patch and
I quilted it by machine with my Newest Baptist Fan stencil using 
Invisafil 100 wt thread.   I LOVED using  this tread.  It blended across all areas of the quilt.
I even used left over binding pieces.  See?  It was like a public service project, right?
I just love this texture
The backing is a cheater print - still needs a label.
Darling Doll Quilt #2
I received this sweet Doll Quilt from blog reader/friend, Rondi.  She lives in KY and has sent me very nice notes from time to time and a few little quilts.  How cute is this one?  It is a Gwen Marston pattern.
Hand quilted with little fans - squeal.  So cute.   It has Little House on the Prairie fabric for the backing which I have never seen before.
It fits perfectly on one of my little beds.  So charming.  Thank you Rondi for this wonderful gift.
In other news:  I'm working on this Medallion Quilt (again).  Talk about over cautious
I've been working on this top for so long.  It first appeared in spring 2016......that is 2 years ago!  how did that happen?
Wish me luck with the last 2 borders.  
Hope you're having fun with whatever you are working on.

p.s. thank you for all the nice comments and appreciation of the swap this year.  I'm so glad that everyone had fun and likes the Churn Dash blocks.


  1. Absolutely love the little quilt made from this and that!!! What fun!

  2. What fun little quilts! I love the stars in your little house quilt. Rhodi's quilt is delightful - I didn't realize it was so small until I saw it on your doll bed - adorable. I love this applique quilt you're working on - the birdie border is so unique and I love all the berries. Good luck with the last 2 borders :0)

  3. Your quilt is adorable, so thrifty of you! I love playing with leftover blocks. The hand quilted What size quilt is amazing, I love it! What size needle do you use with that thread? I might have to give it a try.

  4. Your posts are always so inspiring. I just may have to pull out the UFO project of a partial pieced quilt top started in 2002! I wanted to make a quilt inspired by an antique quilt I own,at this rate the UFO might be an antique before I finish piecing it.

  5. Your little quilt makes me want to get out my orphan blocks and leftover bindings and go to town! I'm working on a quilt with a deadline now, but when I'm finished....
    I showed a fellow quilter the Baptist fan quilting on my bow tie swap quilt, and urged her to try it. It always enhances a quilt.

  6. Love the little quilts! And, yes sometimes I just want to play. I just put the Wonderfil Invisible Thread on my shopping list for the Lancaster trip and MQX. I wanted to sign up for your House Workshop for the Shoreline Guild but we're traveling back and forth to NH every week for my mother-in-law and I can't be sure if I'll be in CT then.

  7. Love the 2016 project... looks like it's coming along. All those pins??? EGAD...
    And I love the little mini that you made just for fun; how awesome to incorporate some of Jill's work, some random blocks you didn't need to put anywhere and scraps...
    Is the stencil just for your home machine? Or do you have a longarm?
    Maybe a stencil is what I need to motivate my machine quilting on a Janome (or Juki)!!
    thanks again for the churn dash swap!!

  8. I like that little blue toy sewing machine! And your top with the birds. I look forward to seeing more of it. I had forgotten about it from when you started the project.

  9. Such darling little Doll quilts!
    I love and use the Wonderfil thread as well.
    I do remember your Medallion quilt... happy to see you've pulled it out again, it's going to be stunning.

  10. What a great post! Your little house quilt is adorable. Love that you included Jill's work in it.
    Rondi made you such a sweet quilt--and hand quilted with Baptist Fans! This woman knows you!!
    The center block of your medallion just sweeps me up in its movement. So lovely, Barb. Yes--good luck on those borders. :)

  11. Wonderful blogpost. Beautiful small quilts, the one you made of bits and pieces you already had is just great, I love that kind of thing, isn't that just the basis of this passion of ours? The quilting you did, is that on a regular sewing machine? Thanks for the tip on the thread, don't think they sell it here, but I can always look out for it elsewhere. Your friend made a lovely quilt such a great gift! Beautiful quilting too. And your 'new' project is a beauty. Two years is not a long time, I just found an old project lurking in a dark corner of my quiltroom from.....8 years ago! Enjoy your stitching!

  12. The quilt with the birds is beautiful.

  13. Your doll quilt is super cute !! I love the variety of fabrics...
    I'm glad you work on your beautiful medaillon quilt ! 2 years yes, but sometimes we love to play on another project ... I'm pretty sure you are going to finish this awesome top ! No doubt about that !

  14. i love the improvised quilt. It looks like great fun, and resembles some of the really old doll quilt I’ve seen in books. You’re coming to my guild (Berry Basket Quilter) later this year, and maybe we’ll get to see your berry basket quilt! I can’t wait to see your quilts in person!

  15. Both little doll quilts are adorable and good luck with the next stage on your beautiful medallion quilt !

  16. Great post! I truly meant to start on a doll quilt last night, but was not inspired and ended up cleaning my studio instead (it needed it!). But - here in your post is my inspiration! I need a doll quilt to hand quilt on a trip next week (to Nashville). Thanks Barb! But I love to machine quilt and must try Invisifil thread. Too funny about your "overpinning" on your applique block - I'll bet it has been pinned many times on pinterest, too! It's a beauty!

  17. Did you use the invisafil on the top and bottom? 100w must look like a strand of hair!
    Love your dolly quilt- so unique!!
    Quilters are the best and so generous.

  18. Your medallion quilt is so beautiful! I can't wait to see this one grow--I hope you find time to keep at it. I also enjoy just playing in my sewing room, but sometimes it can get me into trouble and off on a tangent of no return---lol!

  19. Now that's the way to quilt -- just go into your sewing room and start making. What a sweet little project. Love that darling little doll quilt gift too -- what a thoughtful friend. And you made me laugh with your shock at having a UFO that's 2 years old. That's the norm for me LOL!

  20. Love your doll quilts! But most of all, I am so happy to see you working on your medallion quilt again. That quilt is wonderful! And thank you for the recommendation on the thread. I’ll try it soon. One question...if that is 100wt, what type of batting did you use to get so much of the quilting detail to show?
    Because it looks great. I like that it doesn’t shout a color. Thank you.

    1. if you don't have an email on your google profile, please send me an email with a question - to answer this one: I used 80/20 hobbs batting for this and almost all my machine quilted projects. I also wash it and partially dry it in the dryer before blocking it to finish drying.

    2. Thank you, Barb. I appreciate your taking the time to answer.

  21. Your post is filled with wonderful quilts. Love your impromptu sewing. I'd need to loosen up a lot to be able to do that. And then, of course, the new little dolly quilt is adorable and so perfect for the little bed. Then your medallion is gorgeous. I do remember you working on it and it will be lovely to see the next borders. Two years is probably nothing compared to lots of UFO's.

  22. Oh, I love your 2 year project. Given the amount of applique that's not long at all. The first little quilt is a nice use of leftovers. Love the gift quilt on the little bed. Fun to see!

  23. There's a whole lot of awesome packed into those two tiny quilts. I loved the 'public service announcement' comment. You crack me up!

  24. Fun mini quilt - I love the jack-o-lantern peeking through the window! Thanks for the tip about Invisafil thread - I just ordered some to try for machine appliqué.

  25. I adore this little quilt! And, yes, sometimes we just need to play in the sewing room. I would really like to do an orphan block swap, but seeing how much work you put into your latest swap, I don't know if I have it in me right now. I'll have to give it a lot of thought. So glad you are working on that medallion again. I LOVE it!

  26. Oh what cute little quilts! Love your impromptu one, Barb, and it's so nice to see a piece of Jill's fabric in there. Rondi's quilt fits your doll bed perfectly. So sweet :) Your medallion quilt is already a winner! I bet you can finish those last two borders in no time at all :)

  27. So many gorgeous quilts. I love them all. And that adorable little doll bed, where did you find that?

    1. I won it at a quilt show with a raffle ticket

  28. I love that liberated house block! But I basically love anything quilt related, whats not to love about it? So happy to see the medallion brought back out. I love seeing it again. Would love to have this in a pattern! What a stunner! Thank you for the swap, always a FUN time. Can't wait till next time to play again.


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