
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Missing Post - ooops

I found out I wasn't supposed to share even a sneak peeks on social media - ooops.

I'll share here the other parts of the post.....which isn't much.

I found another great example of Large Baptist Fan quilting on this antique log cabin quilt.
I've been nursing a sprained back (which is a bummer)!!  But with a little help I got my seedlings planted along with some pansies.
 my nasturtium seedlings :)
 potted mint for tea and a little solar mason jar I picked up at the hardware store.
Sale on Etsy.  I have a 20% off everything in my Etsy store through June 5th.  I don't think you need a code, but if you get that prompt it is FANFUN.
Did you watch the Preakness?  Justify is quite a horse!  He likes to get muddy.
Could he be the next Triple Crown Winner?  I'm gong to root for him for sure!  It's been three years since American Pharoah.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!



  1. It's still pretty fun :0) I love the log cabin quilt. Mighty curious about what the fab circles are about though. Your flowers look lovely.

  2. I'm curious about the solar mason jar, what's the purpose? I enjoy reading your blog, helps keep me motivated. Thank you!

    1. It lights at night when it gets dark - gives a soft glow.

  3. The Baptist fan quilting is fabulous on the log cabin quilt. Sorry to hear about your ankle. Take it easy. Last night we had a terrible hail storm. So glad I procrastinate getting my flowers planted. Your flowers look marvelous and hopefully, mine will too.

  4. That quilt is lovely and the colors are so wonderful too! I am so behind in the gardening department it's not even funny. Yours is looking good!

  5. Beautiful fan quilting on that Log Cabin quilt! You're way ahead of me planting flowers. I won't get to mine until next week! Yours look so nice :) Go Justify!

  6. Love the quilting on the antique quilt, but is it really antique? I find the log cabin very "liberated" for an antique, no? Maybe I just don't antiques as much as I thought I did. It is still an awesome quilt though. As it been three years since American Pharaoh? Gosh, time flies. I didn't watch the Preakness as I was having too much fun outside to notice the time. Oops. I hope he gets the triple crown too. ;^)

  7. That quilt and especially the quilting are beautiful.

  8. What did I miss the sneak peak on?? LOL LOL '
    I hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Going through my Bloglovin and see what was supposed to be kept under wraps.

  9. beautiful fan quilting on that quilt and here is hoping for a speedy recovery

  10. I should have said something as I heard that too although I don't remember it being in the paperwork. I will block it from my mind - honest!! I just finished my entry and will keep my fingers crossed that it gets accepted. It was a great learning experience.

  11. Adore that log cabin quilt! Your plants look healthy and beautiful.Hope your back will be better soon.

  12. Rhoooo...I never received my newsletter !
    So.... you are a wonderful gardener and these flowers are just beautiful !
    That log is stunning !

  13. Those flowers are lovely! That quilt is really beautiful too.

  14. Happy Belated Birthday! I'll be putting a little something in the mail for you soon. I can't believe I missed a blog post from you, let alone one with highly classified information. Can't wait to hear what the secrecy is all about. Sorry about your back. Pain sucks! Your plantings look lovely. Pansies were my grandma's favorite flower. Take care. Maybe we could talk soon.


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