
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Sharing - All Quilts Matter

All Quilts take planning and time to create.  They are all a reflection of the makers vision.  I would not be the quilter I am today if Quilters before me had not shared their work.

A group of Berry Basket Quilters shared a whole day with me making Liberated Houses. They were such a talented and nice group!  Thank you for spending the day with me.
here are some of their houses~
Blair brought her beautiful basket quilt to share with me.  She is quilting it with my Baptist Fan Stencil.  I love her smile!  and Carole is obviously in awe behind her.
Susan shared her Evening Star quilt.  I've made this beauty twice.  Her version is spectacular!
I recently heard from Quilts Inc. that my Mother's Garden quilt was accepted to exhibit in Houston this fall.  I'm so happy to be sharing this with a wider audience.
Janet of Mrs. Sew n' Sew blog took my encouragement to heart and entered her fabulous Bird of Paradise Quilt and it will be on display this year!  This quilt will be shared with so many people who will be inspired by it.
I am so happy that they offer a place to "exhibit" as well as  "compete".  Just because you might feel a quilt isn't "prize worthy", or  even good enough to get in a juried show, doesn't mean that it doesn't have great value to viewers of the show.

Like quilt shows?  Enter a quilt!  My favorite show is a Guild Show.  That is where I see (achievable) unique and original work.  Here is some from the Northern Star Quilters  recent show.
 I think this was my favorite - there is a charming little mistake in it which made me smile.
 Best in Show
Wonderful version of Florence Peto's Calico Garden quilt - this one is for you Barbara S.
 I loved this unique modern quilt!
I entered my Snowflower OBW quilt.  I loved every single part of making this quilt.
My friend, Elizabeth, won a red ribbon for her version of a Sue Garman applique' quilt pattern.
Norma won a HM for her charming Witch Quilt.
Speaking of sharing, Lori of Humble Quilts shared our mutual friends, Susan McD's quilts from the QuiltFest of NJ.  Click the link above to see and read more.
We as a community should take time to share our quilts and to support our sister quilters.  Go to shows, enter shows, read blogs and leave a comment.  Be encouraging.

As you can tell I'm very passionate about this subject.  If you are too, consider sharing this post to Spread the word of Sharing!



  1. Wonderful post! I’ve never met a quilt that I did not love!

  2. Barb, thank you so much for being willing to make the trip down to us and for sharing your quilts and your story! We haven't had such a lively presentation in quite some time, and I think we'll be buzzing about your presentation for a while. Your workshop was a delight as well!

    Carole S.

  3. Sharing EVERYTHING makes it better. Sharing joys enhances them. Sharing sorrows lightens them. And sharing quilts? Well, we learn so much about each other looking at our quilts; we learn techniques, we learn about color, we learn about design. And we learn about persistence and determination when we see intricate, complicated quilts; we learn about courage when we see quilts that are statements of the maker's feelings and opinions. I love sharing my work with my friends and at shows; sharing has helped me grow as a quilter and grow as a person.

  4. This is a great post Barb! I know you encourage and inspire many of us :0)

  5. I love them all, and thank you for a lovely story and sharing these beautiful quilts.

  6. My favorite is the medallion quilt with round after round of pieced blocks. It has a good use of fabric print in the center.

  7. Beautiful quilts!!Does anyone know if the gorgeous Basket Quilt with flowers in all the baskets, is an available pattern? LOVE it!!

  8. Awesome post Barb! Congratulations on having your quilt accepted into the Houston Quilt Festival. What an honor. I love that you are so passionate about quilts. You are a huge inspiration to many people. I completely agree.....we do so inspire one another. We all need to keep this wonderful art form alive and well. The best "side effect" are the friends one makes in the process. Keep all that inspiration coming our way and a big THANK YOU!

  9. WOW so much to comment on here! :) Love the houses and I think that the basket quilt is "Sweet William" ? which I have seen on other blogs in the past . just beautiful!
    Congrats on Mother's Garden being accepted and seen by others and I enjoyed everything after that as well! :)

  10. What a great post! I agree all quilts have love, sweat and tears in them and are worthy of showing!!!

  11. Another wonderful and thought provoking post. Thank for taking the time to share your photos of the quilts from your travels. It's always amazing what quilter's are able to create. Congratulations on your quilt heading to Houston. Are you going? This is my year to go. It will be wonderful to see your masterpiece in person. Maybe even you?

  12. Congrats on having your quilt go to Houston. It is such a beauty!
    Decades ago my Mom had one go there as well.
    You have shared some wonderful quilts here that have certainly inspired me!

  13. Well said. Lovely quilts and congrats on your entries.

  14. Wonderful Barb. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. It is so true, if we don't show, how do we share?

  15. Love this post Barb - your message, and all the beautiful quilts you've shared within.
    Congratulations on your quilt selected for Houston!

  16. So true and well said Barb ! Thanks to the books, thanks to the "old" quilters, thanks to our friends, we are sharing, discovering and for me, learning every day !
    Congratulations to all the ladies with their beautiful quilts and their beautiful smiles in this post !
    Congratulations to your quilt selected for Houston !! woo hoo !!

  17. Wow! Great post, Barb, and THANK YOU for SHARING all these wonderful quilts with us! Love the pic of FP's Calico Garden repro :) Houston is going to love your Mother's Garden :) Congratulations!

  18. Amen sister! I love the way you share such gorgeous quilts and really inspiring thoughts. Congrats, I can't wait to see your quilt in Houston! Thanks for being so generous in your sharing and encouragement.

  19. I agree whole heartedly!!! I love entering my quilts in shows and was even privileged to have one of mine hang in an exhibit at the Houston International Quilt Festival. This year I will be entering my Dear Jane quilt at the Yamhill County (Oregon) Fair and possibly at the Oregon State Fair (also my Flags of the American Revolution [quilted with your fan pattern]). And another 2 quilts will be hanging at The Great Oregon Steam-Up ( where they display all kinds of antique steam engine machines. The quilt show was added for the women who were accompanying their hubbys to see the antique machines so they could see something they were interested in. BTW, I won "Best of Show" for the last 2 years at the Yamhill County Fair (I hate to brag), but it's a small competition. Your post is most encouraging because I think many quilters feel timid about displaying their quilts. I will also be hanging 2 quilts at "Treasurers in the Attic" which includes a quilt show and is at the Yamhill County Heritage Museum (I love the name of our county - it's so unique)!

  20. Super post! And, yes we need to encourage people to share their quilts for the love of quilting! Congratulations on your "Mother's Garden" quilt going to Houston. I can't believe I have never been. I would love to go this year, but it is so close to the AQSG seminar. Someday!!

  21. Show and tell is usually my favorite part of our guild meeting. Quilting can be a very isolating craft, so I love to see what others are making, how they put a pattern together, the colors/prints they use. I love all of it!

  22. You're so cute Barb! Thanks for sharing all of your spectacular quilts -- and the quilts you see on your travels. Calico Garden quilts always catch my eye -- my mother wanted to make that quilt when she was quilting. Maybe someday I'll do it for her haha.


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