
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sleeping With George Washington

Sweet Dreams is on my bed.  Hooray! 
I just have to say, this quilt has been a delight to make from start to finish.  I love how old fashioned it is.

I'm not usually a quilt counter, but there are about 1,200 square knots holding my layers together
 I don't think I'll get tired of sliding my hand across them.  I really like the feel and texture of them.
I also don't think I'll tire of looking all the conversation prints.

The binding - Breaking News - There isn't any!  Call the Quilt Police!
I decided to bring the back to front and machine stitch it.  Here is how I did it:

I trimmed the backing to 3/4" of inch.
I rolled up the edge once
 twice - to the edge of the top
 Thrice 1/4" over the top
Finger pressed it and pinned it.
Carefully stitched it to the front about 1/8" from the edge.
I just love how simple it was and how I didn't have to cut, press and add a separate piece.  View from the back.
The Backing.  Here's where I had a little trouble.

I used this large GW print.  I had to piece it.  I'm not saying this is perfect but its really really close. 
I've developed a way to achieve this and will be teaching it as a bonus in my workshops. 

I had to make a long match too, which worked okay.  The repeat drop was very big and I didn't want to waste anymore of my limited fabric.
 you see how the background is print is "off"
I added this great NYC fabric (a nod to the Revolutionary War and George's Army)  He really slept around in New England.
I had planned it so that I would have the pretty yellow birds over me on my side of the quilt as you see here.
 Oooops.  My brain forgot I'd be flipping the quilt.  Rich has the pretty birds on his side and I'm sleeping under George Washington.
Thats how it goes.  Right?  Do you ever do things like this?
Please help a sister out and say yes.


  1. Of course I have done that many times. I think I am borderline dyslexic!

  2. You are sleeping with GW ? Oh my...I hope Rich won't be jealous :) :) :) !
    Your quilt is stunning ! Congratulations ! I love the way you sewed the binding !! So clever and perfect for a summer spread...
    I have to make 2 rows of blocks and mine will be finished too.

  3. You could rotate the quilt twice, it would then have the bottom at the top, and you could sleep under the birds. Of course, they would be upside down! Love the soft, warm look of all the low-volume prints. Great job, great quilt! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Of course!! And it makes perfect sense to bring the back around for binding. What a wonderful summer spread!! It's cooling off here in the high desert at night, I've started adding a second quilt in the early morning hours.

  5. I hadn't really expected a binding. I guess I never thought about how the edges of a summer spread were finished. I think you came up with a great solution with yours.

  6. is this a coverlet or a quilt - does it have batting in it? I had never thought to do a binding like that

  7. This is so great!! I love the stories about your backing, and I do love love that quilt. Reading your posts always brightens my day; thanks very much!

  8. Oh definitely--I was never good at geometry....that should have been a hint to me with my that bird fabric a lot--hugs, Julierose

  9. Of course I've done that, and much worse! I'm about as spatially dyslexic as you can get - especially with triangles. I do love that binding finish you did, perfect for this quilt.

  10. You kept GW's head on straight! No binding is the way to go with this summer quilt along with all those square knots. There are times I think and think, plan and plan and oops! Oh, well. Your quilt is beautiful.

  11. of course! we all do make mistakes like that! Now you get to sleep with George. Love the quilt!

  12. I do stuff like that ALL THE TIME! Your summer spread turned out great! I love what you did for the binding. My grandmother finished all her quilts bringing the back to the front. Curiously she would machine stitch that part as she mostly pieced and always quilted by hand.

  13. Wow! Your quilt turned out beautifully! I think we all have to fudge on the backing at one time or another.

  14. Great looking quilt! Nothing wrong with the way you bound it at all.

  15. Of course! I make mistakes all the time, especially when I think I am being really extra careful and and it all planned out just right! What went wrong? I scratch my head.
    Such a beautiful summer spread. Love the tied look. Have your ever seen the movie The Missing with Cate Blanchett? There is a scene in it where they show a bed quilt that is tied. It looks amazing, it must be tied every inch or so.
    When I first started quilting that was the only way I knew to bind the edge. My Grandma always did it that way.

  16. Love the soft colors of this quilt! And tying it and folding over the edges is a great way to finish it.

  17. Your summer spread is just perfect. I love every aspect of it. My great granny & grandma made most quilts just like yours. They lived in East Texas where it's so hot & sticky. I love the simplicity of it...and the center of squares. Also fast & easy. I make baby quilts just like it sometimes.

    1. Thank you Holly for such nice comments. Making this quilt the old fashioned way is satisfying

  18. Yes, quilt sister, i reverse fabric when I am not suppose too and when I am suppose to reverse, I get it ipside down Lol. The binding tip is perfect timing as my grandaughter and I are making a doll quilt this week. I was going to try to figure out how to get away without applying a separate binding.

  19. I love everything about this coverlet/quilt. What a collection of shirtings!

  20. Love, love, love this quilt. There is just something about it that pulls me to it AND it makes me happy. Thank you for sharing the journey.

  21. This is such a strikingly beautiful quilt! The calmness of the fabrics mixed with the old and trusty log cabin piecing is just a balm for the eyes! This makes me want to pull out all my low volume fabrics and begin one immediately!

  22. I mix things up ALL the time! You are not alone.....What a lot of work to make those fabrics line up, they look perfect to me. I love your attention to details! (-:

  23. Oh, you are so not alone! I love your quilt. It looks marvelous on your bed. Very interesting and the ties really give it the cherry on top! Well done. It must feel lovely to sleep under in the summer!

  24. Can you hear me laughing? Oh my you are so funny and yes, of course I have made countless mistakes with my "careful" planning. I just adore this spread. And I too like the ties. My grandson loves his tied flannel quilt. I often find him fiddling with them as we read our evening stories. So sweet! Have fun with George and your birdies. Oh, and you are amazing at matching! I do think George has a sore throat now, but no one could tell!

  25. What a hoot, Barb! I am constantly doing things with my quilts that make me stop and ask, "What was I thinking?" But as long as hubby doesn't mind you cuddling up with George, and the birds don't keep him awake, all is well. :)
    Your piecing of George looks really good. I have agonized over things like that, and finally developed my own method for matching. I'd be curious to see if we came up with anything like the same idea.
    I love the fresh, light feel of this spread, and the finished edge is a great solution for a battingless piece.

  26. What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment you must feel right now! A delightful quilt, full of history and mystery... how did it do that?... ! You will enjoy this beauty for sure! By any chance, is there a full George left that you could send me? Just one.

    1. Hi please email me at
      You have no email associated with your profile so I have no way of getting in touch with you.

  27. ALL THE TIME. And it's perfect just the way it is.

  28. It is gorgeous and looks great on your bed!! I love a pieced backing and yours is wonderful. Hugs,

  29. I love the quilt and love your sense of humor.

  30. :)) ! I love everything about this quilt, the lightness, the low volume, the simplicity , it just breathes summer. And sleeping under George is a bonus ;-) . Great blogpost.

  31. Oh the nights you and George will have. And I’m not even going down the ménage a trois Road. I think the quilt looks fairly modern as well. I like the hummingbird pix in your last post. I’m refilling our feeder shortly....I think they are starting to tank up for their journey south,

  32. I once colored in a quilt drawing with markers, carefully trying to decide on which colors to use for the main triangles--red or purple. I decided on red. Then I cut out the purple sewed them on, and only later (as in a month+) realized I had used purple instead of the red I carefully decided on. So yes, I do things like that quite often! (The purple is staying--I didn't realize until I had done a couple applique blocks that (now) wouldn't look right with the red.)

  33. It's a beautiful coverlet for sure! A regular binding would have been too stiff. I love the colors and the backing - and love seeing a tied quilt - I'm always saying tied quilts are legit and not everyone agrees! Sweet dreams. Just switch sides of the bed with your husband, ha ha!

  34. I have to hang the quilt with the wrong side facing out so I can envision which fabrics go where, lol! In any case your backings look great and George's surgery looks pretty perfect to me :) I love the way your spread turned out with all those ties. The edge treatment back to front was a wonderful solution to a "no binding" quilt. Great job, Barb!

  35. Love this Coverlet & how wonderful to see it on your bed. Fabulous!!

  36. I LOVE this quilt Barb! I love love love that you tied it too -- it's perfect!

  37. Thank you for sharing valuable information nice post,I enjoyed reading this post.



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