
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Kats, Kwilts & Kitchen Hacks

I haven't made a matching little mini in a long time.  What fun it was!
 When Randy D sent me some great low volume strips after I had I finished my top, I knew just what to do with them.  Thank you Randy!
 I simplified it to little plain blocks.  I tied and finished the edge in the same way. 
 I even did the backing the same.
Starbuck is such a good quilt inspector.
Speaking of matching minis....I had misplaced this a long time ago.
 It was buried under that still unorganized stack of crap good stuff.
 I think this will make a fun mini to my Snowflower OBW quilt.
Kitchen Hacks:
When you have leftover hamburger or hot dog buns they make great croutons.
Melt some butter in a pan
add fresh chopped herbs (dried in the winter) and garlic powder.  Add the cubed buns and toss and toast them
If I have some, I add Parmesan cheese when I take them off the heat and let the cheese coat the warm croutons.   If you are lucky they will not all be eaten before you add them to a salad.

Finally a good solution to storing quick bread loaves.  Just use the lid as a base and the bottom as a dome.   I had to use 2 for this loaf.
Here is a vine that I have no idea of its name.  The hummingbirds have been feeding on those tiny buds all week.  It is fun to watch an hard to catch on the camera.
 My moon flowers finally bloomed last week.  They only last one night similar to morning glory blooms.  (which have not bloomed yet).
 Linda Harris mentioned on IG that they have a lovely scent at night and she was right!
Paula Harden mentioned that they attract hummingbird moths.  I sure would love to see that!  Here is an image from the internet.
Starbuck seems to be saying "Are we done yet?" 
I'll be back on Friday with a bonus post on my Sewing Groups new challenge.


  1. that is such a great idea on the bread storage! love moon flowers must remember to plant some time - they only bloom at night?

  2. Love that little mini! And, don't you just love finding little things that have long been buried. What a great mini that is going to be. You are just full of interesting kitchen hacks. I guess I don't spend enough time in the kitchen to use any - wink! I'm linking this post to my August mini post.

  3. Starbuck is a star for sure. Quilts are such cat magnets. Yours look great on the bed and the dollhouse bed. Oh, that OBW- they are so fascinating. I've not made one, but love seeing all the combos a print can turn into. Wonderful work and tips. The moon flower is magnificent. I've heard of hummingbird moths, but never seen one either.

  4. Oooh just adorable matching minis--and I do croutons, too--but in my oven at 250 slowly...never thought of using a fying pan--Great idea...what a fun posting...hugs, Julierose

  5. Starbuck knows quality when he sees it. A perfect mini to go along with your summer spread. It's amazing what you can find in a closet. Some good stuff and some not so good. I love the idea with the bread. I might have to make a loaf to try it out. Can't wait to see what you share on Friday.

  6. Such a good idea to make the mini for the doll bed that has a similar look to the one you made for your big bed and made in the same method of finish. Love the George fabric on the back of it.

  7. I love it! The little bed is perfect for that cute little matching quilt. Starbucks face says it all!!
    The flowers are so pretty.

  8. Your kitten is the best inspector I have ever seen !! Meow !!
    I think he loves your mini !! And I love it too...
    Thank you for sharing some pictures of flowers ! It was very hot in France (a big heatwave) and unfortunately, I have no more flowers in my garden..!

  9. Starbuck clearly adores your little mini and wishes he could fit on that tiny bed! Wouldn't it be fun to make a corresponding mini for all the big quilts we make, especially those we give away.

  10. What a cute little mini! I love the idea for storing bread! Thanks

  11. Love your mini. I laughed when I saw the backing. You really went all the way with this one. Love it big time. I use plastic container for loafs too. The boys never seem to remember that the lid have to be at the bottom though. lol. ;^)

  12. VERY impressive to make a mini to replicate the original, including the backing!
    But I'm guessing you still have a LOT of strips left. I sent you a big stack and I don't think that mini used very much!
    Can't wait to see what else you do...
    Your closet is extremely impressive... so neat and tidy.
    Love your cat! And the banana bread looks pretty yummy.

  13. A great low volume mini! And that is a sweet doll bed.
    How small are the blocks on the mini OBW? Looks so good!
    The croutons and bread are making me hungry. :)
    The flowers on that vine are beautiful, and the moon flower looks gorgeous. Would love to smell it!
    Oh, my goodness--Starbuck has nailed that look. Intimidating.

  14. An adorable little quilt, perfect with that beautiful large one.

  15. Starbuck also looks like he wants to know where his kibble is for working so hard. LOL What a fun mini and I love that George made it onto the back of it as well. Your flowers are gorgeous! And I'm going to have to remember that upside down tip for the storage containers, that's clever.

  16. Love the mini Sweet Dreams! It's perfect for your doll bed!

  17. Is the doll bed too small for the cats to enjoy sleeping on?

  18. Your mini is the sweetest and so is the little spool bed--perfect together! Looks like another great mini is in the works to match your Snowflower quilt :) Amazing what we find in all our "stuff." Interesting vine and a gorgeous moonflower! I always have leftover buns so thanks for the idea of making croutons :) Mr. Starbuck looks so comfy. I think he's taken over, lol!

  19. Starbuck reminds me of Simpkin in The Tailor of Gloucester:

    What can I say? Every quilt is cuter when miniaturized! You've proven it, time and again. Your low volume summer quilt is charming and so is its mini. When you showed the back of it, a perfect replica of the original, I laughed and thought, "Of course you did!" You are too funny...

  20. What an adorable little mini, I love that pillowcase too! I am not sure what the vine is but it reminds me of my Black and Blue Salvia.

  21. Thank You for sharing your article, This is an interesting & informative blog. It is very useful for the developer like me.


  22. The vine is called Mina lobata Ecotic Love, it’s nickname is the Spanish flag. In our country (Netherlands) it dies in the winter. Love this blogpost, will read more over the days to come

  23. The quilt is gorgeous and I love, love, love the doll quilt!! It's really strange to me that I haven't had any luck with growing morning glories here in Oregon. I never had any trouble getting them to grow in Texas, where a lot of things don't grow easily. I love MGs and your moon flower is so beautiful!


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