
Friday, August 31, 2018

Word Challenge

My sewing group is taking on a new challenge.  Here is our first reveal:
The Challenge is to pick a word and make a little quilts or blocks using that word. 

We were inspired by two quilts at the Northern Star Quilt Show.

This word is SQUARE - square dance, Times square, etc.
This word is APPLE - the Big Apple, Apple Computer, etc..
We decided on a 9" block and will make one monthly and reveal them when get together.  Here are our first blocks.

Norma's word is CAT:  Cat's Pajamas
Pauline's word is EYE:  Eye of the World
Nancy's word is TIME:  Showtime
My word is BEE:  Queen Bee
I am planning to make 9 blocks and make a wall hanging for my sewing room using the potholder method like my buddy Wendy at The Constant Qulter. who has perfected this technique.

I think it will be great fun and I have so many ideas for my word.  Stay tuned or jump in and pick a word to start your own.

Happy Labor Day Weekend!


  1. those are cute and bright - a wall of "potholder" size quilts is a neat idea I have thought of making some for one of my walls a little larger than that but still small.

  2. I absolutely love this idea and these quilts are sensational! Can't wait to see the next installment and of course your finished "potholder" quilt!!

  3. What a fun project! Love that you are making the blocks potholder-style and can't wait to see more!

  4. What a fun challenge! Do you each choose your own word for the month, or does the group choose and each participant makes her own variation? I could also see them assembled into a book format -- an "album" of little quilts.

  5. This sounds like a very creative challenge!

  6. I love this idea! I like them all very much and what a fun way to get those creative juices going. I've been thinking of potholder quilts ever since we had a speaker talking about those made during the civil war....the original "quilt as you go"!

  7. These are so cute! I'm anxious to see what you do with your little quilts - what a fun idea. And I LOVE your Bee!!!

  8. Such a great idea and great interpretations, already!! So very impressive!

  9. I am anxious to see the rest of the blocks. So very interesting.

  10. Super fun idea for these blocks...funny how certain words conjure up different images for us all...
    i would call them "Pun-ey blocks" Le bon mot...;))) hugs, Julierose

  11. A very cool and challenging idea. Your group is going to have fun.

  12. So very clever! A really fun idea for a challenge.
    I look forward to seeing your potholder wall hanging.

  13. So clever quilts. Thanks for the inspiration and eye candy.

  14. Eye catching! A fun pastime with friends. (I won't be sharing with my SIL, the bee keeper... she'll want one of yours.)


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