
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Hey Ya'll!

What a whirlwind couple of weeks!  Here's what I've been up to:

Drove 940 miles to get here, Pioneer Farm, our family farm in Illinois for a family visit and farm business meeting.
View of the Main House with the new crab apple trees.
still spinning.....
 I always have loved this garden spot hiding (sort of) the propane tank.
 There are always chores to do.  Mr. Fun with his Sister, Nancy.
We (with our farm partner) grow Corn & Soybeans
 We took lots of rides on the Gator.
A view from the front porch where I spend my mornings....
We went to see Hamilton!!!  woo hoo!!!
My Andrew started it all for me with the soundtrack.
Can you tell I'm excited?  The Show was FABULOUS.  We drove home through the night afterward (16 hours)  - but it was worth it!
Look who else was there to see the show?  Cynthia (wabi-sabi Quilts blog)   click the link to read about her trip.
Two East Coast Quilters meeting in Chicago for Hamilton. Cray.

State street was so pretty with these color changing lights and flowers.  It really is a great street.
after being home a couple of days we moved Hanna to D.C.
More road trip food.....yum and ouch.
 Here was the weather on Sunday. 
The key to NOT needing ponchos, is to go to THREE STORES to get them. ha ha.  We had a rain reprieve while unloading the cars.
Mr. Fun has put this bed together so many times.  What a hero.
 She has found a great spot - and she'll be back for the fair in a couple of weeks.
So now I'm doing homework for my fall teaching and lecturing schedule.  
 I'll post my schedule next time and on my FB page.  Lots of circle counting for my new Lollipop Garden workshop.
and supply making.
Back soon with some beautiful quilts I saw in Illinois.


  1. I have never seen a Culver's. Is it a midwest franchise type thing?
    You had a whirlwind trip full of interesting things. And how exciting to have seen "Hamilton".

  2. Ohh what a wonderful trip you had and the family farmhouse is really a beauty !
    Hanna is going to work in Washington DC ? Or she is still a student ?

  3. You’ve been so busy and I’m so glad it included Hamilton! It was just icing on the cake running in to you! What a beautiful farm! Very cool.

  4. I enjoyed my virtual travels with you!

  5. Great post today, Barb! I love Culver's! (too much, haha) Hamilton is so wonderful, it is hard to describe. I just kept saying OMG throughout! A work of genius, and just an excellent performance. WE get to go again in a couple of weeks, with some friends visiting from Minnesota who have never seen it (would we like to go with them? YASSS) Good luck to Hannah, my oldest lived there for a couple of years. Great place to visit! :)

  6. Love this post with all of your fun events! I hope Hanna will be happy in DC! There is a Culver’s in our hometown in Nebraska but we’re always having the ice cream after we eat the local delicious Mexican food—perfect dessert!

  7. Love your old homestead, it is very well taken care of and I can see why you like to visit. Thanks for all of the pictures.

  8. Wow, you've really covered some miles! I'm glad you are home safe and sound. It looks like you found a few ways to have fun on your adventures. Hamilton sounds amazing. I have wanted to see it for a long time. So happy for you!

  9. Your family farm is such a serene place. Always work, for sure, but lovely just the same. How funny to run into Cynthia at the performance. I haven't had the chance to go, but maybe someday. Glad you were able to get Hanna settled in. I'm assuming she has a new job. She might be having a bit more rain in the next few day. It feels good to be home after traveling even if there is plenty to do.

  10. Wow, you've been busy! Your family farm looks like "heaven" to me. So beautiful! What fun to see Cynthia at the Hamilton show. Would love to see that some day. Looks like Hannah has a lovely place to live in DC :)

  11. The farm is gorgeous and so green! I bet you'll miss Hanna but so exciting!!
    Did you and Cyndi know you'd both be at the show? Fun!!
    Yay for classes and lectures!

  12. Love the pastoral view of the farm.
    Am really anxious to see Hamilton someday.
    Sounds like you have had a flurry of travel and activity lately.
    Like Lori, I wondered if you met Cynthia by chance or design?

  13. The farms is beautiful! What a restful and restoring place it must be. How is Hanna settling in? A new adventure for her and I know you will miss her. You have had a busy summer!

  14. Love those farm photos! I can't believe you saw Hamilton! And, even more bizarre is that Cynthia went too. Did you know ahead of time? Spooky! Nah, not spooky, great minds think alike!

  15. Hamilton and a trip to Culvers!! Life is indeed good...everytime we travel out of state (or country) and return home to Wisconsin we always head to Culvers - (we even have one only 20 minutes away) Your farm fields and landscape look great - it has been a challenging growing season this summer but recent rains have things greening up again. Happy times preparing for classes and lectures - you are very organized!

  16. Hamilton is worth the trip. I started with the book four or five years ago then DH gave me the soundtrack. Glorious.
    What a treat to have a family farm retreat. A lovely mini-vacation but lots to do, too.
    Congrats on getting a child to college. Always bittersweet to see them leave but a delight to watch them successfully step out on their own.

  17. You've been having lots of adventures. The farm looks like a beautiful place!! I hope Hanna has lots of great new adventures in her new city. How fun to run into Cynthia :0)

  18. Yum - Culver's! So extraordinary you would run into Cynthia at Hamilton - memories being made, for sure! Your IL pictures remind me I am missing my midwestern roots; I hope to get my whole family to Wisconsin next summer!

  19. Beautiful pictures of the family farm!! We visited family in Illinois in April and had a wonderful time - not on a farm, however. I love farm country and while in MN in April I took DH past the farms of my Great Uncles where we used to visit every summer. The land is still in the family and I think one of them is farmed by family.

  20. Holy Cow Woman! You've been a busy girl. Looks like you've had a great few weeks. Hope you get some rest soon LOL!

  21. We've been through Illinois farm country! It's beautiful! I filled the phone with photos on that trip.
    Your family place is gorgeous. I could camp there for a long while. Or hang out at a quilt retreat. Whatever. The place is that pretty. :)


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