
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Bloggers Quilt Festival Fall 2018

Hello and Welcome!

I am happy to be participating in Amy's Creative Side Bloggers Quilt Festival.   Click here to see all the entries and enter a quilt.

Snow Flower and The Secret Fan
This was my first One Block Wonder quilt.  I will definitely make another one because it was so much fun!

Close up of the machine quilting.  I used gold silk #100 thread.
 My sweet chocolate lab, coco, modeling with it.
 I used my fan stencil to quilt fans on the black borders.
 Here it is hanging in the Brownstone Quilt Show Fall 2017.
I am currently working on a mini version using the leftovers.
These little blocks will finish at 2 1/2" across.  Good Girl Coco.
Thank you for visiting my Blog today to see my entry.  Have fun visiting the other bloggers at Amy's Creative Side.
Follow me here or everywhere to see more of Fun With Barb.


  1. Barb, what a quilter you are! Love your pup; I have a black lab, Murphy, who loves being underfoot in my sewing room.

  2. I just love that quilt--the fabric you chose to work with was perfect..a beautiful entry.. Coco looks so comfy ;))
    hugs, Julierose

  3. OBW's are so much fun...a built in mystery! Yours came out great and I love the quilting you chose to do, it shows it off beautifully. And of course, Coco....the perfect model!

  4. Coco wants to make a OBW too ! Congratulations for your quilt !
    I'm curious about the fabric before you have cut in it ! Did you take a picture of the entire piece of fabric please ?
    Thank you :)

  5. It is a beauty, Barb! You combined just the right elements in your fabrics, border, and quilting patterns.
    Can't wait to see that mini completed!
    Coco's modeling job appears to have exhausted her. :)

  6. Love it! And of course I love the border quilting. Maybe you should make a vest for Coco with your mini blocks! It would really show off beautifully on her and I'm sure she would love it!!

  7. Love this quilt and especially the lovely model on top of it! I linked up too. I love seeing all the blogs in one place so I can just click away and see all sorts of fun new quilts. Happy cooler temps!

  8. Wow -- this is gorgeous! What an amazing job of piecing and putting it all together!! :)

  9. I always thought this was such a great quilt!

  10. I love one-block wonders, and yours is one of my favorites! Simply gorgeous!

  11. This is a beautiful quilt.....inspires me to want to try hexies of some style.

  12. That's a lovely quilt, I've never made a One Block Wonder. Great job!

  13. I've never made a One Block Wonder but am always inspired when I see one. I really like the color scheme and the way you arranged the blocks. What a beauty!

    I like your little one too but don't think I could even see pieces that small! Looks like fun, though. I like little blocks but I also like big quilts.

  14. I love this quilt, Barb! So glad I got to see it in person at the Brownstone show :) Coco looks perfectly comfortable right where she is. So cute.

  15. I love seeing this quilt. And the little one is super cute, so tiny! And, of course, Coco makes the perfect model.

  16. Wow! Looks like another one for my bucket list. Your quilt is stunning.

  17. Your OBW is a beauty, Barb. I have the book . . .

  18. You really nailed the setting with this one. It's got so much energy and such a good flow! Love it!

  19. Oh, this looks so beautiful. I love the color combination

  20. This is a very unique and beautiful quilt! Coco enjoys it also!

  21. So pretty! Love the title name too!

  22. This turned out so amazing - I love analyzing all the blocks to see all the variations you got from the fabric!

  23. I love this quilt--it's beautiful! I hope to someday make a OBW, just need to find the right fabric!

  24. Such a beautiful quilt and the fan quilting on the borders is just perfect!

  25. Your quilt is lovely! Your layout of the blocks really adds to the overall effect—wonderful movement.

  26. Love your Asian wonder quilt! And the fan quilting on the border, too!!!

  27. Wow, your fabric made a gorgeous quilt! I love the gold thread and your quilting motif. You're a wonderful quilter, my dear.

  28. This is a knock-your-socks-off gorgeous quilt, Barb! It's beautiful from a distance and offers lots of details with a closer view, too. Really just spectacular!

  29. I love this! I have seen a few one block wonder quilte recently and the results are fantastic


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