
Monday, December 31, 2018

All is Calm.....

Happy New Years Eve.   I hope you had a peaceful Holiday Season.
I finished my mini Asian One Block Wonder
Lilly  21" x 24"
 Here you can see how small it really is.
 I quilted it the same design as the large quilt.
 The backing is a bit of a mashup with what I had leftover. (still needs a label)
I also made this quick modern mini.  I just felt like making something new the other day. 
Chicken Little 12" x 14"

 I had exactly 1 strip of this cute fabric.  I think I picked it up teachinga workshop or from the free table at guild.
I like to use a single fold binding for little quilts.  I have also developed a new pre-pressing method and glue basting which makes the hand sewing go very smoothly.   Hhhhmm  maybe I should do a tutorial?  
I found a fat eighth of this pretty fabric I picked up somewhere for the backing.
Yay!  Here are some great Liberated House quilts from a workshop I taught last spring for the Ocean Wave Quilt guild.  Thank you Lorraine for sharing this photo.  I see Elmo, lol.
My talented friend, Nancy, finished her Christmas Lollipop Garden workshop Quilt.  Very Cute!
Mah Jongg! Santa brought me a beautiful set for christmas.  I'm very excited to learn and play.
It came with a beautiful carrying bag.  
 I am spending time everyday with lessons on YouTube and I'm looking for a local teacher.
I also received a vintage ViewMaster and some new vintage reels including Mary Poppins one of my all time favorites.
Today we are going to see Mary Poppins with friends and then out for dinner.  Home early which is just how I like on New Years Eve.

Thank you all for making my blogging rewarding by continuing to read and leave comments.  I am very grateful for my little corner of Bloglandia. 

I wish all Peace and Joy for 2019~


  1. Great progress. Keep at it. Love reading your blog.

  2. I love your Mini quilts. Wishing you a Happy New Year. Hugs, Cathy

  3. Love those little minis! I can't believe you have the Mary Poppins Viewmaster reel! I wish I had all of mine from my youth. Most were Roy Rogers and Bonanza!! I hope you master Mah Jongg. We have a lovely set that belonged to Gordon's grandfather. I think there might be missing parts, but I guess I'd have to learn the game before I could figure out what might be missing! Happy New Year to you and yours!!

  4. Every so often, I just want to make a mini..they are so fun and so fast to make. Yours is adorable. I love the chicken fabric! We went to see Mary Poppins Returns last night...delightful! We highly recommend it! Happy New Year.

  5. I love your little Asian mini--that geisha on the side is really creative...I love your One wonder--(I looked at the book on Amazon and thought, I could never do this;000)--it is a captivating quilt.
    Lovely workshop quilts...Hope you enjoy Mary Poppins sounds like a fun night.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR so enjoy your blog posts...hugs, Julierose

  6. Little quilts are such fun! Love the one block wonder! I play Mah Jongg on the computer and might have to check out a "real" game to see how it is played. My sister is visiting and she is the one who turned me on to the game. We like to make puzzles when she comes and we are on our 2nd one. Thanks for blogging! I love your posts!

  7. Peace and joy to you as well.
    Lovely little quilts!

  8. Your minis provide maximum delight! Good luck with mah jongg lessons!

  9. I do enjoy your corner of bloglandia. You always have something playful that makes us smile.

  10. Love your mama chick and baby mini!! And, of course, the two quilts, one large, one small, are fabulous.
    I used to play Mah Jong when I was a young girl but haven't since then. I think it's a fun game so good luck with that.
    Happy New Year to you, Barb!!

  11. Beautiful and eclectic finishes Barb! You know I am ALL about "Chicken Little!" You are a wonderful teacher, so, a tutorial would be great! I look forward to it! Happy New Year to you and your family.....and a special New Year's wish for Coco from Sophia and Lilly!

  12. Your minis are beautiful as usual Barb !
    Happy new year friend ! All my best wishes for you !

  13. It is always fun to come to your blog and read what's up in your neck of the wood. The mini is so small. Wow! Was it machine pieced or hand pieced. It's fabulous. That is a great fabric; too bad you only have a fat eighth. I love it. I always appreciate your tutorial, so if you're in the mood, I'm all ears ... well, so to speak, lol. Have a wonderful 2019, may it be full of family, friends, fabric, scraps, dog's licks, health, squeeshy mail and happiness, in any order you wish. ;^)

  14. Love your little minis! Would love that tutorial - I'm always willing to learn something new, and you do a great job. Good luck with Mah Jong - I've only played on-line although my DH brought a set to our son from China so it might be good to learn the real thing.
    Enjoy Mary Poppins, and have a very happy 2019!

  15. Happy New Year and I will be looking forward to your posts which I always enjoy reading. Let us know how you liked Mary Poppins. Looking forward to seeing your projects in the new year?

  16. Lovely quilts Barb. You have reminded me that I have a one block WIP some-where in my sewing room. I must just finish it and make it smaller. I tend to overdo everything size-wise. Smaller might just be better.
    Happy New Year from Down Under!

  17. Thank YOU for making bloglandia more FUN! I would love to see that binding method, sounds interesting. Happy new year Barb!

  18. Happy New Year!🎉
    -Jean 💟

  19. Happy New Year! I love small quilts. But wow! You really went for detail in the Oriental one!! It is fun to see creative results from your workshops. Have fun with Mahjong...people love it.

  20. Love that Asian Pheasant chintz on the back of your new mini quilt - and the adorable peeps on the front! Yes, please - on a tutorial for your new binding technique

  21. Love your beautiful little quilts! Also, I’d love to see a tutorial for your bi ding technique. Happy New Year!

  22. Your mini OBW is stunning. The Geisha ladies on the side are a nice touch.
    Fun mini with the chickens running across the top. Such a whimsical touch to a bold graphic.
    I think I played a computer version of Mah Jongg years ago, but remember next to nothing about how it goes. Love the look of your set, though. Very classy!
    ViewMaster was a favorite thing from my childhood. I love that you have an active collection. Did you enjoy Mary Poppins? I have wanted to go this holiday, but never worked it in.

  23. Barb, your mini OBW is fantastic and, yes, please do a single fold binding tutorial! Your modern Chicken Little is so cute with that strip across the top. Not to mention that yummy backing fabric. Have fun learning how to play Mah Jongg. What fun ViewMaster reels to add to your collection. Happy New Year, Barb! Always enjoy your blog--it makes me smile :)

  24. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! How fun to be playing Mah Jongg -- I used to love to play on the computer -- can't even remember how now. Beautiful quilts as always -- isn't it fun to just make something on the spur of the moment??? Happy New Year!

  25. Wonderful quilts, love your spontaneity! You will never be bored ever!
    I want to learn Mah Jongg too, it looks fun. A View Finder was a favorite of mine as a kid. Did you like the movie?

  26. Just stumbled on to your blog, love it. I have many chrome yellows but not that one, else I would get it in the mail to you at once. When I'm not quilting, I too play mah jongg with real people and tiles and everything. A great bunch of ladies. I recommend a book called "The Red Dragon and The West Wind" by Tom Sloper.


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