
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Relax...It's almost Christmas

Take a page from Coco's playbook!
I usually have my vintage pink tree in the sewing room, but this year it is in the Living Room.
 I used piece of vintage linen for a skirt.  It looks pink here, but it is red.
I have a mix of vintage and new red and pink ornaments.  I love when they have glitter.
 or snow.
One of my favorite holidays crafts is making Pomanders.  I use a citrus spiral tool to make designs and make it easier to push the cloves into the orange.
From the internet:
Pomanders were first mentioned in literature in the mid-thirteenth century. They were used in the late Middle Ages through the 17th century. Also a version of the pomander with oranges, cloves, oils, and a golden ribbon can be used as a recovery charm in witchcraft.
 I recommend you check dollar stores or Job Lot because the whole cloves can be really expensive.  I rotate them to dry them out evenly.
While enjoying a sip of Christmas Cheer I like to take a walk down memory lane with my View Master reels.    Click here to see a post from 2009 on how we made these hat boxes.
 I have my mother's collection from the 1940s, mine from the 1960s/70s and my kids from the 90s/.

 these were my Moms.  I have everything from Nursery Rhymes, World Capitals, Animals and Bible stories to Sesame Street and  Spider-Man.

I'll close today's pre-holiday post with this sweet photo of Coco.  She is such a dum dum.  I love this look on her face.  It is mostly blank but with a mild confusion.
 I put it on the freezer so she can enjoy it.  She was born on Christmas Day and will turn 9 this year.
Wishing you a little piece and quiet during this busy time of preparation.


  1. I’d give anything to see the old New York City reels. So glad you are keeping these treasures!

  2. Love the pomanders so pretty--I dried citrus slices a few days ago (b4 the back hoop-la!!) and strung them on a baking twine for a little garland--some got too dark but I just put those in an old glass dish of my Mom's...I love Christmas crafting...your red/pink tree is simply lovely you have some gorgeous ornaments...Merry Merry Christmas full of Joy to you and yours, Julierose

  3. I have the same red and white Santa tablecloth. It was my Grandmother's. I love it!

  4. I think I saw that same tablecloth in an antique mall about 25 miles from us last weekend while we were scouting out a tree. Bought a sweet little red and white quilt instead to use as a tree skirt. I wonder whatever happened to the few view master reels my sister and I had when we were young. Coco certainly has the right idea! Merry Christmas to all of you!

  5. Oh that Coco! She really know how to enjoy the holidays! I love the pinky tree and the pomanders. Do you keep them from year to year? I have a petrified orange I found in my son's room one July (he was never know for his cleaning habits!). I'm guessing it is now an antique, I just can't seem to part with it.

  6. Those pomanders smell so good! Yours are adorable as well!
    Your pink tree is a perfect combination of old and new, love it! I loved view finders but have no idea if any of mine were saved. How fun for you! Coco looks very sweet with Santa!

  7. Looks like you are really enjoying the holidays with all the fab and fun decorations and crafts. Merry Christmas to you and wish you many blessings and good health in the New Year.

  8. Festive as usual! Love the matching cocktail in the first tree photo! Happy Birthday to Coco! I love pomanders, but, have never made on personally. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Hope hubby is recovering well from his surgery?

  9. Coco looks like he's just learned to go with the flow. So cute. Glad you had a matching cocktail to go with your tree! What a fabulous collection for your veiw master. Your fun collections seem endless. I'm so glad your share. Merry Christmas

  10. For Christmas, the star is Coco !! I love her face !
    Your pink tree is beautiful ! And the pomanders smell sooo good !
    Merry Christmas Barb, to you and all your family !

  11. I love that Coco gets to enjoy her photo! My dog is deprived.

  12. I love seeing your happy house, especially during the holidays!! I made clove oranges with the kids when they were little.
    I think I actually have view masters in our attic!
    Merry Christmas friend.

  13. Your post makes me wish that I had saved my view master. Loved, loved it. Thanks for the memory.

  14. Merry Christmas Barb...May you continue to cheer us in the New Year with your wonderful posts

  15. You have the coolest stuff, and the greatest style... and Coco is awesome! Merry Christmas!

  16. You're so funny -- I love that you put the picture where Coco can enjoy it. And Wow -- look at that cool viewmaster collection -- how Fun! Merry Christmas!!!

  17. LOVE your George hat box, and went and looked at how you all did them. What FUN! Love that you are keeping all those old view masters too! What a treasure!

  18. Oh, Coco is so cute! Love your pink tree with its vintage linen "skirt." You have the best collections! What fun to go through those View Master reels. I remember reading your post when you made those hat boxes with Susan and Jill. Happy memories! I used to make pomanders--they always smelled so good!

  19. Wow - View Masters! I remember looking at View Master reels at my grandmother's house (she also had an amazing collection of old National Geographic magazines). Wishing you a Merry Christmas and inspired New Year!

  20. what memories! i used to make pomanders as a kid to gift to relatives...and viewmaster was one of my favorites too!

  21. Viewmaster! That's a blast from the distant past. I love, love, love the linen tree skirt. Who's the designer?

  22. Merry Merry to you as well Barb. Thanks for writing a wonderful post that brought good memories back...and made me smile.

  23. Oh gosh, I haven't made orange/clove pomanders for years--I can almost smell yours from here---yum! How fun to have the vintage View Master collection--it makes me wonder which of my seven brothers or sisters ended up with ours--lol! Happy Holidays!


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