
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

NEQM - Solid Gold

My March Modern Mini:  Four Seasons
The Back - the binding still needs stitching.  I used blue to represent the sky.
It was fun to take photo at Hammonasset State Park Beach on Long Island Sound, but it was cold and windy.
 I used Invisifil tan thread and did even and uneven lines, which is my favorite modern style of quilt to do.
On Saturday I visited the New England Quilt Museum, Lowell, MA.  It is a wonderful museum and the quilts displays are thoughtful, creative and impeccably hung. 
I went to see my friend, Wendy! Her blog The Constant Quilter is one of my favorites.  Here we are with  Laura who works at the museum (lucky!)  Pam gave a great gallery talk but I didn't get a chance to snag her for a photo.
For the Fun of It - Quilts from the Collection of Gerald Roy was my favorite exhibit.  These have never been displayed publicly until now.  
Stunning quilting.  I love dark thread on a lighter ground.
I don't fancy this quilt, personally, but the quilting deserves my admiration.
I'm not a fan of Joseph's Coat, but this quilting is fabulous.
 This pineapple was all velvet and silk, ooh la la.
 Bump-badda-DA  My Favorite!  Pink and Yellow Prince's Feather!!  Where are the smelling salts?
 Here is a video with all the quilts that I missed while visiting.  You'll hear me call the Museum the "exhibit" and at the end you'll hear my response to Wendy's telling me she has to go.....
It was a great visit and I was so inspired by all the COLOR in this exhibit.  I highly recommend you see these beauties in person if at all possible.
I will have more quilts from the museum to share next time.


  1. Wonderful post, Barb, and thanks for your kind words! We do have a good time at the Museum, and manage to hang a few quilts, too!

  2. That little tree quilt is wonderful! Love how you chose to quilt it. The quilt exhibit! I wish I lived closer so I could see it in person!

  3. Thank you for sharing those wonderful quilts !! And what a pleasure to see Wendy !!
    Lucky you friends !

  4. Ooooh là là !! I forgot to tell your mini is beautiful !!
    Grrr.... I'm sorry !

  5. I was lucky enough to visit this museum in 2012 (on our 50th anniversary trip to New England). These quilts are amazing! I love the one you are standing in front of best. Your mini is very bright and happy and I love the lines of quilting too.

  6. Such a fun day! And your mini is superb. I'll link it in on Friday.

  7. Did you really change thread colors while quilting the mini? The pink/green block looks like pink AND green thread--wow!

  8. Fabulous exhibit - thanks for including the video. And your mini is gorgeous - love that photo of it on the fence with the sand!

  9. Your mini is splendid--and your choice of backing fabric did not disappoint.
    Looks like you had an incredible time at the museum. What fun to meet up with friends there. I appreciate your sharing of the highlights--and that Princess Feather quilt is jaw-dropping. I noticed in the video there were triplets.
    Was in Massachusetts last fall, but it was for my son's wedding reception. We were on the opposite side of the state and the weather on the day we were planning a trip to the east side was horrendous, with flood warnings along our route. Probably wouldn't have been able to convince a bunch of non-quilters that it was worth the trip out of our way anyway, but we decided to stick closer to home base. Maybe someday I will actually get to see the museum. :)

  10. Wow--what an amazing exhibit of quilts! Wheeee, indeed! Love your little mini!

  11. What a great post, wonderful visit to the museum thank you for sharing many pictures, always love seeing old quilts and the quilting. Great mini quilt, I love the 3rd picture of your post, such a contrast between your very colorful quilt and the surroundings and then (as a contrast to the contrast so to speak) there are lines everywhere, in your quilt and in the surroundings. Great!

  12. Looks amazing! The quilting on many of them was seriously beautiful!! How inspiring!!

    Love your 4 seasons!! Lookin' great on the dunes!

  13. Got those trees in my future... Love your backing for them. Got your bird right in there! And thanks for the quilt pics here. You can see the quilting on them so much better in the blog than on Instagram. They are lovely!

  14. Your Four Seasons mini is stunning. Your uneven straight line quilting was the perfect choice. The photo on the dune fence is great. A visit to the museum would be very cool and inspiring. The princess feathere quilt is spectacular, the colors, the quilting! And then to enjoy all of it with special friends is even better. Lucky, all of you!

  15. Wow! Lots of fun in this post :0) I love the photos of your mini at the beach. That black thread quilting is gorgeous!! Lots of fabulous quilting I think. A very inspiring post!

  16. Thanks so much for sharing all those wonderful quilts! I love your little mini, and especially the beach photos, a perfect backdrop. Do you spray baste your quilts when you do the closely spaced line quilting?

  17. Wow! Your bare tree quilt looks so very good in the beach scene photo. Great photo op.

  18. Barb, you got some great pictures of those quilts and the amazing quilting! THANKS!! Can't say which is my favorite. I think the first one with the cheddar (your backdrop for the picture of you and Wendy!) is amazing!
    I love your modern March mini. The setting on the beach is perfect for a windy, cold March day!

  19. Your quilt is fabulous! I love the photo of it at the beach... great lines from the fence and the shadows!

  20. Love how your Four Seasons quilt turned out. Great quilting and photography! Oh, what a wonderful day you had at the museum. Those quilts are truly amazing and the exquisite quilting takes my breath away. Some day I'll get to that museum!


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