
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Good Old Days

Elegant Migration 2008
I shared this old traditional quilt on IG last week and was quite surprised by the positive response.
I guess you can't ever go wrong with a classic.  I was inspired by this quilt.  You know, I wish I had done the double yellow striping.  I am not sure why I didn't.  Maybe I didn't have enough gold?
This is one of my all time favorite quilt books.   Did you know that my friend, Barbara was a co-author?  If you are not reading her blog, it is wonderful see it here Quilts, Gravestones and Elusive Ancestors.
Here is another oldie by goodie from 1994. 
This was my husband, Rich's, quit that he hung in his office.
the backing was fun.  I just cut along the buildings and appliqued it by machine to a backing.   I wish I took more time like this to make creative backings.  Maybe I will.
I'm working with solids a bit this week.
TIP:  it is good to grade (or trim) the back so that solids don't show through the white. 
aren't these sweet
I am working on this too.  I am following Kelly's Tree Tutorial.  She makes it looks easy, but it takes practise.
I've already chopped down that one on the left and have re-done the left side.  It looked to controlled and awkward.

We had a fun weekend here.  Hanna came home for a 5 day visit and we celebrated Rich's 60th. 
 I had to move all my truck show quilts to the sewing room.  Today I'll sort them and put them away.
I found this sweet little clump of crocus in my yard.  If I hadn't looked I might have missed them.
Spring is surely coming.....


  1. I love your antique-inspired flying geese quilt. I thought the way you arranged the stripes was unique and effective. Then I looked at the original and it occurred to me, maybe the maker didn't have enough gold, either, as she only double striped the one stripe on the side. Which makes hers unique as well. Its all good!
    The double nine-patch is one of my favorite patterns, and very cool int the "Amish" colors. And your back treatment is brilliant!
    I'd love to see your trunk show sometime. Do you ever come to the west coast?

  2. Nice eye candy today. I always enjoy seeing what you are working on. Hugs

  3. Your "Elegant Migration" is fabulous. Love the colors and the floral stripe is so similar to the original. It was the perfect find. I didn't realize Barbara was a co-author to the NJ quilt book. I'm going to search for a copy. Those wee little crocus give us hope that spring is just around the corner. Glad your family had a fun time celebrating Rich's b-day.

  4. That is a beautiful quilt! I love that book too!!
    YOu have so many fun projects going at your house!! Whoop! Whoop! My friend sent me a photo of her crocuses yesterday- I am usually ahead of her, but mine are still buried under snow!! It is slowly melting....

  5. Your pink and green tree looks more natural than the one on the left side. And I like the colors.

  6. Spring weather cannot come fast enough for me... so relieved to have survived another winter!
    You and Hanna look like twins! It really must be like looking in a mirror all the time!

  7. I was thinking the same as Kyle that your floral stipe is so similar to the original! It is a gorgeous quilt! I love that hot pink solid - I look forward to seeing what those 9 patches become. I'm glad you enjoyed celebrating Mr Fun's birthday. Spring flowers - I can't wait.

  8. I love everything on this post especially the new bed quilt!!!! Fun village quilt.

  9. I had to look a couple of times at the pillar print in your quilt and at the historic quilt. They are so similar! The back of the simple Amish quilt is such fun! I remember when those bright, busy pictoral prints were popular. (I still have some....)

  10. I love the first quilt. Wow! You did a great job. I love that you put it down so the geese are flying sideways instead of always having them flying North. I am so in love. Yes, you should have put the double yellow strips; it makes people talk, haha! I had to read and re-read the part about Rich's quilt. I was looking for the picture of the back. Then it hit me. OMG that's the BACK? Wow! I love that too. Enjoy your new project with solid colors. ;^)

  11. Elegant Migration is gorgeous. Such a faithful replica.
    Thanks for the heads-up on the book. I follow Barbara--didn't know she had a hand in this book. I found a copy on Amazon.
    Love the rich colors of the double 9-patch, and the absolutely "Fun With Barb" backing! Classic Barb. :)
    My goodness, looking at you and Hannah all I can say is, that apple didn't fall far from the tree!
    Happy to see those harbingers of spring!

  12. When I saw the book on IG last week, I ordered it on Amazon ! I love these kind of books and thanks to all the american blogs, I can discover them !
    Your quilt is awesome ! Very inspiring..
    Happy Spring my friend !

  13. Your Elegant Migration is wonderful - it speaks to me of all the flocks of geese that cross our autumn skies, knowing they will return this spring. The colors you used are perfect. Like Barbara who just shared a picture of her winter aconite, I thank you for sharing your crocus in bloom...we are still snow covered and it will be a while before anything is visible.

  14. Looks like there's a run on those books on Amazon. Will have to look for a copy too. I love your interpretation of the antique flying geese quilt. Single or double gold strip, beautiful any way you look at it. Love your fun quilt back too.

  15. Your points are perfect on your flying geese. Alas, they are my nemesis. You always have such interesting backings on your quilts,love the buildings. Great post.

    1. I wish I had your email Janet. Thanks for the nice comments. You can email me on the form, and then I'd have it.

  16. First--thank you for the link to my blog :) The minute I saw your Elegant Migration quilt at a GSQ show I knew it was a reproduction of the quilt in HQPNJ's book. Where did you ever find that large floral stripe? It is perfect! Clever idea to applique the building fabric to the backing. Cute little 9-patches, too. That's a great photo of you and Hannah--and Happy Birthday to Rich!

  17. Love that geese quilt!! I love the NJ book too. Barbara did a great job with it. I hate moving quilts from one pile and back, but I'm guessing it was well worth it to have Hannah for 5 days. I'm happy for you and your signs of Spring. It snowed on my way to work today so I don't think I'll have crocuses any time soon.

  18. Your blog is always full of fun and interesting this to see. I am glad you like making the trees, they are not too hard and can be fun to do.
    Inquiring minds want to know about that pineapple block. Love it!

  19. There is so much to comment on, all the wonderful quilty goodness...

  20. I love that flying geese quilt - the cheery yellow keeps it from being too serious! Nice you could have your daughter home for the b-day. Yes spring is coming to New England hopefully sooner rather than later! I’ve leap frogged this year, visiting NC and TX where spring has definitely sprung!

  21. Love your blog : )
    I especially love seeing what's on your design wall.
    I've always piece my back cause I never buy large amts of one fabric.
    I always think they look like big messes but people always comment on them...


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