
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Round 5 - Ding

I'm spending time each and everyday quilting.  I'm on Round 5.
I've enjoyed revisiting all my scrappy clams.
I'm using a link roller on sections before I begin quilting and I'm removing markings as I go too.
Quilting outside on the deck is fabulous.  It is so easy to see my markings.
Nutmeg is very curious about the outdoors and we are lucky to have a deck that doesn't lead to yard so she can enjoy a little fresh air.
  She kept sleeping on my quilt which was okay until I had to turn the hoop.
 She finally found her own spot.
I guess she is settling in.  Everyone loves her orange arm and her cute markings.
 Many people have asked how she is getting along with coco.   Really great.
 coco is so gentle and has always lived with cats, so no problem.
I hung my Olympic Star quilt in the hall for summer.
 I love hand quilting on a white quilt. 
 My container gardens are loving all the rain. 
Oooh my lime coleus really glows in morning light.
Some people like to watch Women's World Cup Soccer while sitting in a box.  Go USA
I'm driving up to the Vermont Quilt Festival tomorrow for a 1 day viewing and meet up with Randy D. and Wendy.   I'm bringing stencils with me so if you see me and want one, let me know or just say hi.

Happy Summer Stitching!


  1. Good for you getting that quilt done! It's going to be a masterpiece. It looks like Nutmeg is settling in and enjoying being with you, who wouldn't?
    Your flowers look great and I love the lime green coleus too, so bright and happy!

  2. Love everything about this post! Enjoy your day of quilts and friends. A banner day for sure.


  3. These are just sweet things to read about :-) Nutmeg and Coco are adorable. My sister has a deck like that where her kitties can enjoy the sun and fresh air. I love your fan stitching on your beautiful quilts. Enjoy the show and time with friends!

  4. Your quilting is beautiful and your stitches fabulous !! Oh wow !!
    Nutmeg is soooo cute and Coco very sweet but this breed is like that no ? I love to see them together !
    USA will play against France the next match !! Ohhhh....
    I wish you a lovely day with Randy and Wendy tomorrow !! Have fun !

  5. I love your hand quilting...such lovely and even stitches! It really seems to bring a quilt to life. Such a darling kitty; I like her orange arm too. Your flowers are flourishing!

  6. Your quilting is so lovely...nice that nutmeg and coco made friends...have fun at the Festival hugs, Julierose

  7. Your quilting is coming along. It is so beautiful. I just adore your new kitty. Hugs

  8. Nutmeg and Coco are adorable, so nice to see they are friends. I love your deck, what a beautiful outdoor space, I can imagine you love being out there and doing you quilting, which is beautiful. Enjoy your time at the festival.

  9. Your quilt is looking wonderful--just beautiful! Nutmeg is adorable and Coco is so sweet to get along with a new buddy.

  10. Nutmeg is cute and your quilt is beautiful. Enjoy the stitching...

  11. Little Nutmeg is so cute, your quilt is looking fabulous,and it looks as though you are enjoying each and every stitch. Have fun in Vermont!

  12. Omg your kitten is so precious! Reading your post elicited many "awwww.... s" !
    Your quilts are lovely, and good for you, for hand quilting them. I like how you include your initials, too. You do such nice work, Barb!
    Have a great time at the quilt show!

  13. Round 5 is looking good. Its amazing how much a little bit each day can add up to. The feather and cable pattern on you summer Olympics quilt is gorgeous. I hadn't noticed Nutmeg's one orange arm. She's super special and such an individual.

  14. I tell myself I am going to do some hand quilting every day and then I just plain forget. Kudos to you for sticking with it!
    Nutmeg is adorable, and her orange arm is charming. :)
    Great quilt to hang for the summer, for sure.
    You have lovely planters. I only have one, and I forget to water it too often. I forget a lot of things, don't I?
    Oh, how fun to meet with Randy and Wendy! Wish I could be there, too.

  15. I'm so excited for you that you are closing in on a finish!! It's one amazing quilt with so many details to enjoy. Any kind of hand sewing outside is marvellous. Your planters are beautiful. Have fun at the show :0)

  16. Your quilt is fabulous. Beautiful hand stitching. It is so nice to work outside. What a cute little kitty. Your flowers are doing great!

  17. Nutmeg is soooo cute! It's fun to have company while enjoy hand quilting!
    Have fun in Vermont!

  18. Hi Barb, nice to see your medallion quilt again! Pretty combination of applique and patchwork, and I love how you've used dark colors along with the mediums and lights. :) Enjoy the quilt show!

  19. You are getting closer and closer to the end of quilting!! You are so disciplined at getting hat done!! I wasn't quite sure what a link roller is, but I think lint roller? LOL
    Ah, nutmeg is a sweetie.
    Love those outdoor potted plants. I don't do them anymore as it gets too hot and must keep them watered 2-3x a day in summer!!
    Have fun at the show.

  20. Yes nothing better than hand quilted stiches on solid fabric. Amazing what some simple lines placed on an angle can do for a quilt! Lovely

  21. Your hand quilting is making a wonderful quilt even more special.:)

  22. Your stitches are so perfect, straight and even. Excellent job, Barb! Love Nutmeg's pictures. She's just adorable. Enjoy! ;^)

  23. LOVE your hand quilting project!! Lucky you heading to VQF - I contemplated driving out, but too long a trip. Enjoy!

  24. So many wonderful things in this blog! Love your quilting, the container gardens, your Olympic quilt, and of course, Coco and Nutmeg! Happy summer days :)

  25. You had stencils with you and didn't say??? AWWWW... Was great meeting you and spending some **special** time together! So glad you drove all the way up to Vermont for the show.
    Your applique quilt is just beautiful; I also love your handwork that you sewed on last night.
    Nutmeg is previous. You really should've brought the cat along for a road trip!
    Have a great time with Hannah!!

  26. You are really creating a masterpiece! How wonderful to quilt out on the deck with Nutmeg adding some coziness. Sure wish I was able to attend VQF this year!

  27. I wad admiring the quilt you are quilting on. Fun to see all the different fabrics you used. A wonderful scrappy look though it all looks very pulled together.

  28. Isn’t natural outdoor light just the best ever for hand work! And sitting on the deck with your lovely quilt must be so peaceful and satisfying - love the design and your fabric palette. This is definitely the year for container flowers - they seem to be thriving everywhere. Mother Robin needs to take her new brood for a walkabout so I can also finally sit outside without getting dive-bombed...she is very territorial. Have a safe and happy 4th!


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