
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Friends, Festival and Fun

 I'm so Grateful that I decided to drive up for the Festival and that I survived my scary hotel.  How awesome is this quilt?
 The main reason I went was to meet up with Friends.  I met Randy and Clare from the West Coast and Wendy and her 'sisters'.  It was wonderful to share the show with these ladies!
Festival Quilts in no particular order.... enjoy!
 Congratulations to Blair!!   I shared her quilt in this post.  I have to say I was proud to see my Baptist Fan Stencil used on this Blue Ribbon quilt.  Click on my Etsy button if you want one for yourself.
Hip Hip Hooray for Wendy!  After a sleepless night thinking she didn't get a ribbon, her well deserved Blue Ribbon was attached the next morning.   It made for a great redemption story.
 Her workmanship and design sense is remarkable.
Little Nutmeg tried to tag along with me.....
look how small these diamonds are and the basket block.  Aaaahhh.
love, love, love
I met up with Christine at the show and here is her fabulous Hexie quilt.  I always love her work and admire her hand workmanship.  She's also genuine and very nice.  
 This one is for you, Norma.
I hope you enjoyed the photos, there were many more quilts but I was so busy chatting and laughing and making plans for "adult beverages" that I missed many.

The only way to keep Nutmeg off my quilt and out of my hoop, was to give her her own :)
 She loves why????
I'll be back soon with the Antique Quilts and Scrap Quilts from the Pepper Cory lecture.

Happy Fourth of July.  I do hope our Country will return to its Founding Principles one day soon.  I'm not feeling particularly proud to me an American at the moment.


  1. Hello from Maine! It looks like your trip to Vermont was a success--friends and fabulous quilts. You saw so many beauties; I wish I had been there to gape and discuss with you. Our cats are suitcase explorers too.

  2. Glad to see all these quilts, so thank you for posting them. I can see that the Vermont Festival is a different social and quilty environment than Road to California; I enjoyed seeing the differences and appreciating that we are all from the same quilt universe. Thank you for your last comment. I echo that. {tanks in the 4th of July parade??!!?? oh my!}

  3. Nutmeg is a hoot!!
    Love that pineapple quilt! Congrats to Wendy and her lovely Noah and Matilda quilt.
    I'm always proud to be an American.

  4. Oh my …. Love reading your blog and have been a faithful follower for years. Love the quilts and all that you share in the quilting world. Totally agree with your final comment. I long for the days when we had a kind and truthful leader who embraced all citizens - not only those with blonde hair and blue eyes. Makes me wonder about the values of those who embrace this type of leader. Sorry for the rant - just thankful you had the courage to comment. Terry

  5. I love the picture of you and friends !!
    Congratulations to Wendy... her quilt is terrific and she is a very- very - very talented quilter !
    Thank you for sharing these wonderful quilts.. ahhh they are beautiful !
    Happy 4th of July Barb !

  6. Such beautiful quilts--thank you for sharing them;))) We feel the same about celebrating America now--but the 4th is still the 4th--Hooray for Liberty --we do not need a dictator...[don't get me started]...
    hugs, Julierose

  7. What a blast we had! I thank you for getting a post done. I am struggling to keep up this week! Let's start planning our next adventure. And, I want to hear more about your scary hotel!! We had a ball at the Shelburne on Friday too and Vera Bradley was doing a photo shoot so we got some swag because Randy had her bag with her. I left mine at the hotel in order to travel light, but come to find out they were staying there too so we got free beach towels as well. FUN! I will say Happy 4th to you because I am a hopeless optimist. We will be spending the day with our grandson and watching him grow and learn and hope that he will help to make a difference in this world!! Love ya!

  8. Thanks for sharing the quilt show with us. Hugs

  9. Oh, what a fun filled post! Yes--more about the hotel experience, please. Inquiring minds (Wendy and myself) want to know. :)
    So many gorgeous quilts--I especially love Wendy's and "Farm Market Blooms".
    Nutmeg makes me laugh. Glad she now has her own hoop--what every kitty needs.

  10. All those quilts are incredible. Of course, Wendy's Noah and Matilda is totally awesome. Glad she got her well desired ribbon. Nutmeg is a gem. You're such a good mama to give her her own hoop. Next we have to hear about the "scary hotel".

  11. Thank you for sharing the festival with us. I love the hexie quilt with the red background...wheeeee. Wendy is such an inspiration and so glad she got the ribbon she deserved.
    I agree with your last comment...thank you for saying it. I feel sad and scared for our country right now.

  12. Thank you so much for sharing those fabulous quilts. I too love the hexi one with the red background. Has given me an idea how to use my hexies that I have collected in a box. Your little nutmeg is such a cutie!

  13. So many amazing quilts! I already saw Randy's blog. They are too stunning for words!

  14. Nutmeg is demonstrating the cat motto, "If I fits, I sits!" Most commonly applied to boxes but any device that defines a space is treated like a box by a cat.

  15. Nutmeg is a hoot! And thank you for treating us to a wonderful quilt show, every one of those quilts is a show-stopper, incredibly talented folks there. So happy to see Wendy's quilt with blue ribbon attached.

  16. What marvellous quilts! I enjoyed your post so much. Wendy's quilt is fabulous - lucky you to see it and meet her in person!! I adore that blooming basket quilt - the fan quilting is lovely without detracting from all the interesting applique. The other basket quilt is quite amazing as well.

  17. Such a great variety of quilts - thank you for sharing.

  18. Thanks for sharing...I was unable to get there this year. Maybe NEXT year! You can ALWAYS be proud of our country...maybe just not the way 'some' people are interpreting it. Go to a local celebration tomorrow and ordinary Americans will be celebrating...beers, bbq and fireworks! What's not to love? CHEERS!!!

  19. Wow, what fabulous quilts! Love that pineapple and, of course, Wendy's beautiful appliqued prize-winner! That little Nutmeg is just the cutest. I think she knows how lucky she is to have her own hoop :) Happy 4th!

  20. Thanks for sharing these beautiful quilts! I've been wanting to make a Sweet William basket quilt for years and even have the yellow gingham tucked away for when I get around to it, so it's extra fun to see Blair's lovely version. Nutmeg is adorable!

    I'm always proud to be an American no matter what - you have your freedom to write your blog and to say whatever you want....
    We forget about the behind the scenes work of our soldiers , like my son, and others who keep us safe. There's so much we don't know about, nor do we need to, that is intervened to keep us safe.
    Yes I believe in our founding fathers principles and wish we'd keep it that way with less laws- -but alas the times are a changin from then and thanks to everyone wanting to make a law for every tiny thing the vicious infinite regresss has begun...

    I spent 4 days at shelburne museum and never saw it all. Love that area and almost moved there- (after the federal government took my home after my husband died -life estate /Emminent domain) still think about it sometimes but alas I'm happy here in the smokes of Nc as I'm still beginning over after 6+ years of stuff still in storage.
    It's amazing what we can endure -
    I've learned not to complain just pull up my big girl panties and start over at 52 from ground zero.

    Love your blog and forward to your posts and photos. I can't afford to travel and do the things I use to do anymore so I live vicariously through you.

  22. Simply incredible quilts. An East Coast quilt trip is on my bucket list ...
    Precious image of Nutmeg in yhe hoop!

  23. Thanks for posting the beautiful pictures. I was especially taken by the hexagon quilt with the red background. Love your new kitty Nutmeg! I am also a quilter/cat lover person. Our cat Ella always gets in our suitcases the same way whenever we are going somewhere. Why does a cat do that? Because they are a cat! I've had cats all my life and no other explanation needed. I always enjoy your blog so thank you for faithfully writing and passing on so many good ideas and tips.

  24. Hi barb, It was great meeting you! I really enjoyed our conversation. It's fun looking at your pix of the show. Some I remember really well an others I don't recall seeing at all?! That hexie quilt with the red background knocks me out! So beautiful! 'hope to see you at Randy's next year!! cheers, Claire W.

  25. Thanks for the Vermont Quilt Festival report! That show is on my bucket list...

  26. oooh so much wonderful eye candy....vermont is truly a spectacular show...

  27. I, too, am so glad that you decided to make the trek up to Vermont for the show. It was great meeting you and getting a chance to spend some time together!
    Love your photos of the quilts!
    And Nutmeg would have had a great time!!
    Looking forward to other meetings!l.. Next summer??? (hint hint to you and Wendy!)

  28. What a lovely array of quilts! Thank you for sharing!

  29. Great to catch a glimpse of you and Wendy. Wonderful quilts! Love Wendy's per usual. And the yellow baskets - what a lovely quilt, and your baptist fan stencil is perfect for it! Love that stencil. It made the cut for what I brought to Japan. So glad you made it to VQF.

  30. So many gorgeous quilts, such beautiful work. That must have been an inspiring visit, just one question (curious) ...... why was your hotel scary?


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