
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Honest House Quilt and Pie

Hi Ya'll!
I attended Pepper Cory's lecture on Southern Scrap Quilts while at VQF and wow!  Was it a treat.  I have always admired Pepper for her kind and easy way of speaking about quilts.  And not only because she awarded me a judges choice once :)
 This is the quilt that decided I wanted to make for myself.  I adore all house quilts.
If you have seen my scrap lecture, you'll know that I love to study old scrap quilts.  This one is awesome.  Here is what I learned:

I suspect it was made by several people with some people making multiple matching blocks.

The blue and red all used the same fabric and substituted that blue where needed.
These green and brown print blocks are all sewn the same "different" (not wrong) way.  I guess they had a front stoop.
 The red and black & white stripe houses use the same fabric but 2 have extra large doors with extra red strips.  Maybe 2 people were sewing together and sharing fabrics?
 same fabrics.
 Same fabrics and same challenge with the triangle over the door, I can relate to her!
The piecer forgot the windows were to be the same as the sky and door.  Charming, if you ask me.
 These are all crazy town, so I don't know what's up with them, but maybe they came from different people who didn't live near the others?
As far as layout, they were paired to face each other in the center area.  The top and right row are all facing the same way except one which also had 'custom' windows.
So here are mine so far.  I usually call these kind of quilts "Really Nice Quilt" but Pepper referred to one as an "Honest Quilt"  and I LOVE that!  Do you like my setting plan? 
I drafted my own 10" finished block and I'm paper piecing the roof section because: angles. 
Well, something went wrong here......
Take that perfectionists.😜  I always like anomalies in old quilts, so I did the easiest and quickest fix I could think of. 
I'm trying to keep up with the Whig Rose project.  Only 1 block to go before the borders.
 While at the Pepper Lecture, I was working on this project and Wendy offered to send me some acid yellow.  Yay!!! She sent me loads and I'm using some of them for the houses that don't work for the Whig Rose.  Thank you Wendy!!!
By the way, if you have acid yellow and want to be part of my border plan, I'm taking all sizes from 3" - 10".

I made this Mixed Berry Pie for my visiting girlfriends and we all agreed it was delicious.  Click here for the recipe!  It called for three berries, but I added blackberries too.  No berry left behind.
Okay, I'll leave this post here and come back with sailing and other news next time.
All I can say is "what????" 
Hope you're having a happy summer!


  1. Boy, that red and blue house is a wake me up version. Vibrant colors with lots of energy. My favorite house thus far is the red one with the lines of writing as the second fabric in the block. Oh, I like those yellow sashings. I call them Penn sylvania German yellows.

  2. Great house quilt and I love each and every picture and all the things you noticed. Yours is going to be such fun! I’ll check my yellows and see what I can send.

  3. I just LOVE that old house quilt--I like the anomalies--it looks like a "real quilt" if you get my meaning--older quilts are so fascinating with all their various "make do" piecing...Perfectionist--no way!!
    On my recent legos project I got to the LAST purple block to square it up this afternoon and found two of the strips were way too short--aaargh--so I just added a piece to their but they are vertical--well so what!!
    Anyhoo--I love how you are setting your houses..good idea to paper piece those roofs...hugs, Julierose

  4. Loved how you pointed out the variations on the "honest quilt". Great term. That acid yellow is such a fabulous color. It almost makes you pucker up like after tasting a lemon. I admire you for making house blocks. They are always a problem child for me. It's those angles. Great job!

  5. Oh, I meant to add, the pie looks awesome!

  6. Nice recovery on the short block. Works perfect. I love the layout. The pie looks scrumptious. I'd try it but I just started WW. Hugs

  7. I adore this quilt and all the quirks! Yours will be just as charming, I'm sure! You always have something cooking, even pie!

  8. Thanks for the "tutorial" on really looking--and really seeing--old quilts. It's nice to think that someday, quilters will be looking at ours and wondering about our quilting thoughts and processes. And pie. It's always good to have pie.

  9. I love house blocks. I'm going to enjoy following along and see the outcome! Nutmeg and the pie both look sweet!


  10. I wonder if there's any chance those honest blocks were made by childhood friends for a friendship quilt, though you didn't mention any signatures. Or a youngster who didn't really want to sit by mama and make blocks! Whatever, that quirky quilt is a charmer! I love the version you're building too. No acidy lemon yellows in my stash, though I do love yellows and golds in a quilt. Mmm, that pie must be long gone by now. It sure would be at our house! Too hot here for baking for awhile.

  11. I love the antique quilt and your review of all the blocks. Your house blocks are wonderful! I have never made many of them and when I did it was a long time ago - maybe it was a BOM for guild or something. I should make a house quilt some day. Your pie looks so yummy!! I have made a lot of pies since moving to Oregon - more than every before in my life - because my DS has cherry and apple trees in his yard. We had the cherries already and the apples will be coming soon.

  12. Marvelous post -- so full of eye candy and observation.

  13. What a wonderful post! It is lovely to study this honest quilt with you. This quilt has such a cozy feel to it. I like the busy sashing fabric. Your quilt is growing into an interesting neighborhood as well. It's a great house block! I love your Whig Rose project - gorgeous design and color. The pie looks delicious :0)

  14. Your Whig Rose is a stunner--wonderful! I love that the quilter/quilters didn't worry about matching up the roof sections to the rest of the house. It makes me wonder why I agonize when mine don't match up by just threads--lol!

  15. I enjoyed following your study of the house quilt--and I appreciate the diagram of your block. May try it someday. Great save on the "oops"!
    Whig Rose is so gorgeous!! Don't know what I have in the way of acid yellow (probably nothing Wendy didn't already send), but I will take a look.
    That pie looks scrumptious, and your kitty looks exhausted. :)

  16. Your houses quilt will be gorgeous as always !
    And I can't wait to see the Whig Rose blocks sewed together !! Pfewwww... you realized an incredible work !!
    Give a hug to Nutmeg for me 😻

  17. I love house quilts, too, and enjoyed your comments about the original! Great save on your oops block and absolutely LOVE the setting! It was so nice of Wendy to send you a bunch of yellows--she's the best! Beautiful Whig Rose block. Looks like a picture perfect pie to me! That sweet little Nutmeg--what is she doing???

  18. Love your analysis of the house quilt. And I also was touched by her comment about "honest quilts"!!.
    I have put aside from chrome for you and just need to pop it into the mail...
    The Whig Rose block is fantastic. Those berries?? So round and perfect!!
    Have a great weekend, Barb!

  19. I was wondering where you got all your yellows, great selection. Love the houses. Makes me feel better about my piecing. Pie looks delicious. Thank you for sharing.

  20. Yay for house quilts! I love all the fun, funky fabric combos you're using and the yellow sashing will be awesome!

  21. Wow -- the old house quilt is SO interesting -- I never would have noticed all the quirks if you hadn't pointed them out. I love your version -- it's going to be perfect!

  22. I so loved this post--I'm crazy for houses, too! You may just have all of us making houses before too long. Have fun sailing, and see you next time!

  23. Wow, you are sure having fun! What great progress you are making... oh, and that darling curled up kitty has my heart full of love!

  24. Oh what a wonderful post. I love house quilts and this was so fun to read, to study the quilt along with you. Love the term "honest" quilt. And yours is going to be awesome - love it! Problem solving, the colors and setting. Your whig rose is stunning and so nice of Wendy to send you fabric. Quilters are the best. Cute nutmeg.

  25. I loved that talk with Pepper Cory What a character! Interesting analysis of house blocks! Hard to say what was going through the piecers mind. I like your version too! The scrappy yellow sashing gives it a nice pop! And I can't beleive you finished that app;ique block already. That would have taken me moths!!!LOL

  26. 'Honest quilts' are wonderful. If they would have tried for perfection, there would be many less antique quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Oh wow! Those house blocks are fantastic! I love the mishap. It makes this wonderfully happy quilt even happier! Pepper will be proud! I am so far behind in posting, I am going to send people to you and Randy for good photos of Vermont. Whigged out is coming along. I can't tell you how much I love this one!!


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