
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summer Fun

Summer seems to be flying by here!
I marked my Pineapple quilt for machine quilting.
 It can be handy to set up a banquet table in my sewing room so I can leave it for a couple of days.

Here is a great tip I shared on IG:  Fold your top, batting and backing into quarters and cut the layers this way.  It is hard to crawl around the floor!
 I used these 3 marking tools:  Blue water soluble pen, clover white pen and Sewline white ceramic pencil.
 I also like to weigh down the stencil so it doesn't shift.
I was so excited to mark it, I forgot to orientate it correctly and Mr. Lincoln was upside down!
 I made a patch and fused it on top of the strip.

Here is a video of the fix.
My Boys went sailing on the Chicago to Mackinac Island Race.   They came in 11 out of 14 in their group (they were happy not to be last).
 I kept tabs on them at home with a great racing tracker system.
 Beautiful  early morning photos that Andrew took.  Rich is really in his element on a boat.
The race takes several days and they are racing around the clock.  No major storms this year.
 They had a little trouble finding the wind at times.
While they were sailing, I had my Chicagoland girlfriends here.  It is fun to be a local tourist.
Mark Twain's Home in Hartford.
A beautiful day at Mystic Seaport Museum.
Yale Gallery in New Haven.
It was great to spend time together catching up.  We've been friends for almost 45 years!  We started this puzzle.
I finished it yesterday.  It was so so hard!
I'll be back soon so share how I made an outdoor spray basting wall.
I wish you happy summer days! 


  1. Looking forward to seeing your spray basting wall!

    YOu'll be done with your pineapple quilt before too long! Its a real beauty, as are you and your girlfriends!! How fun you are still making time to see one another.

  2. Great save for Mr. Lincoln..;)) love it...This is such a pretty piece...I just know it will be beautiful with your quilting...hugs, Julierose

  3. I'm sure Abe is thankful that he won't have to view things upside down. Loved the photos of the race. Beautiful. What a special treat to have your friends come for a visit. Having longterm friendships like that are rare and a blessing.

  4. I have to say that the pictures from the boat are just amazing! What a great tradition and a love of theirs!
    And how lucky that you get to hang out with your girlfriends from so long ago. It's great to have friends who've known you through most of your adult life! Lots to share! And cherish!
    Love the houses on the design wall, too! The pineapple is looking great (I've probably have left Abe being upside down... he was right side up if you turned it around, right?? VBG).

  5. You are so lucky to have some long term friendships! And you are all so beautiful!!
    I know your pineapple quilt will be quilted in no time. It's beautiful!!
    I LOVE summer!!

  6. Such a wonderful blogpost! First of all, I love your sewing room, omg that is a great space for sewing! And a tv in perfect spot for a bit of Netflixing! Your pineapple is sooooo beautiful. I love that pattern, it is the first quilt I ever made, handpieced and handquilted (little did I know) and it is still a fav pattern of mine. The pictures of the boat trip are beautiful, it must be so special to be out there on the water day and night. Congratulations on your longterm friendship, friendships are soooo important, with very few family even more so for me so I think it is lovely to be with people (even at a distance sometimes) for such a long time.

  7. Great fix for Abe! He'll be so much happier :) You gals must have had a blast together. Isn't that what good friends, do? What fun! The sailing pics are gorgeous. So glad there weren't any storms to contend with. I can't wait to hear about your outdoor spray basting wall. Little Nutmeg has certainly settled in :) So cute.

  8. I am eager to see your quilting process for this wonderful quilt. Great sewing space too!

  9. Love your Lincoln fix! So proud of your boys! I do love long distance sailing, but I am NO racer! Looks like you had a great time with your gals. I too enjoy being a tourist when friends come to visit!

  10. Well, of course Abe can't be standing on his head--lol! Good fix! I love the pineapple quilt and can't wait to see it quilted!

  11. Wow you really went the extra mile for Mr Lincoln! Gorgeous quilt and the fans will be perfect for it. Your sewing space is just ahhhhhhhh wonderful looking, good light too. The sailing looks amazing. Glad you had a great time with your good friends - precious times.

  12. Oh my - I have a list of “over the top” quilts to be admired - your Pineapple quilt just took 1st place! What a gorgeous piece of work. So enjoyed the sailing images...looks like quite the adventurous crew and what a sunset...being with like minded quilty friends is just the best, isn’ t it...

  13. Great post with so many fun summery things, from quilting to boating to hanging out with friends. Glad you fixed Mr. Lincoln. I do love that quilt of houses on your wall!

  14. I'm going to have to get the pens you use. I have been afraid to mark a quilt with some of the pens I have heard about, so I have just used a hera marker and the line doesn't always stay in, so I just mark one fan, then I sew it and have to mark the second fan, etc. It takes a long time to do it, so maybe I need to try it your way. It would sure be easier to have it all marked before I start quilting - especially for a large quilt. Love your stencil!

  15. Is that Robert Redford on the television screen. I was wondering what movie you were watching. My favorite Redford movie is "The Horse Whisperer". So romantic and sexy without them ever climbing into bed together.

  16. Are you hand quilting through all those layers?? Can't wait to see the outdoor spray wall. :-)

  17. Sometimes I do things in my quilts to bug other people, like leave in Mr Lincoln upside down. or directional fabrics going all different directions. even upside down fabrics. Loving that kitty photo, makes me want to blow bubbles on its tummy! Yes, on a cat! so fun!


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