
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Quilters Meet & Greet 2019

Welcome to the 2019 Quilters Meet and Greet!

This event is being hosted by Benita Skinner of Victoriana Quilt Designs.  Thank you Benita, for inviting me and for offering wonderful prizes.
Hello! Welcome to my Fun With Barb Blog.

I have been quilting for about 30 years and I love all styles and techniques, but primarily I am a traditional quilter who loves hand work.

I live in rural Connecticut with my husband, son, chocolate lab, Coco and new kitten, Nutmeg.

I've picked my Jubilee Quilt to share and tell you more about.
I made this quilt to commemorate my 50th Birthday which was in 2012.  It was inspired by a quilt at the Newark Museum in New Jersey.

Jubilee won Best Hand Quilting at the Vermont Quilt Festival and was a Finalist at AQS Lancaster and AQS Paducah.  It was also on display at the Houston Quilt Festival and Chicago Quilt Festival.
It won Best at my local fair and also Best Hand Quilt in Connecticut Fairs in 2018.  So it has been well traveled!

I enjoy hand work and needle turn applique.  This quilt is hand quilted using wool batting and all the berries are stuffed.
Here are a few more of my recent quilts~
I invite you to look through my archives and check out the tabs at the top of this page.  I have some tutorials and instructions from past block swaps that I have hosted.

Benita is offering an amazing Grand Prize to all visiting participants.  You can see all the prizes on Benita's Blog by clicking here or click the box below to enter.
If you enter and win a prize and have left a comment here, I will also send you a prize! 

Thank for visiting Fun With Barb!  I offer several Lectures and Workshops and would love to visit your guild and share my work in person.    Just have your program coordinator visit my page or email me at

Head over to the main page to meet the other bloggers and enter to win!  
Have fun and Good Luck!


  1. I follow your blog, but I enjoyed your mini show today. I did not realize you lived in CT. I buy all my bulbs from White Flower Farm outside Litchfield, and was fortunate to visit there once. Great quilts and excellent workmanship!

  2. Hi Barb;)) love your quilt show...those little houses are just adorable..hugs, Julierose

  3. Wow you have lovely quilts. I really like your recent wonky house quilt as I lean toward modern styles. Lovely!

  4. What a delightful treat to find your blog! I love your Jubilee quilt....and all of the others. Such beautiful work. I'll be back to visit, but wanted to say Hi before I forgot.

    1. Hi - thanks for visiting and saying hi. I hope you can change your settings to receive email responses. Email me and I'll tell you how. thanks for the nice comments.

  5. didn't realize you lived in CT - I lived there for 3 years back in the early 70's - hubby was Navy -- loved that little state! Beautiful quilts

  6. I absolutely love your quilts! You certainly have an eye for color and detail!!!

  7. Love your quilts so inspiring .

  8. Love your house quilt! And the medallion. I’m trying to get up the nerve to trim a piece and start a medallion. The center is an odd 20ish by 40ish and I’m intimidated by the math.

    1. Hi Donnie - thank you - if you email me at I'll give you a few pointers. You can also reset your blogger profile to include your email - it's in the privacy settings. just click "include email"

  9. Beautiful quilts, Barb! I especially like the colourful houses.

  10. Congrats on your Jubilee Quilt, well-deserved! :) I love applique, but with my skills were stronger. Any tips for needleturn on those tight spots where all you have is a thread? Love the houses quilt, and Coco's tail peeking out behind the Christmas quilt, too.

  11. Your Jubilee Quilt is beautiful, and defiitely prize-worthy!! How fun! Those stuffed circles are amazing! I always enjoy reading your blog!

  12. Your quilts are beautiful. I really love the holly. Thanks for sharing all of this loveliness.

  13. Loved having you at our guild, Crazy Quilters in Emmaus.

  14. Your quilts are always so inspiring! I would love to live in Connecticut :-)

  15. I have enjoyed your blog for a while and really admire your stitching!

  16. Lovely to meet you again! I hope you get new readers too!!

  17. Been an avid reader for s long time, but it's always nice to see your wonderful quilts and hear your stories and history.

  18. I like needle-turned applique. Your quilt is stunning. I have bookmarked this page so I can come back and look around your blog some more.

  19. Oh my, your handwork is gorgeous! Love those little houses too!

  20. I have followed your blog for a few years. I love your work.

  21. Love the one using the "stack and wack" as my grandma calls it! The one with the oriental fabric pieced into hexagons. I haven't tried one of these yet but always love the way the fabric transforms by cutting it like this!

    1. HI Katly - Thanks it is a one block wonder, very similar to stack and wack. they are so fun as you never know how they will turn out! If you go to your blogger profile settings, you can click the "include email" and then you will get follow up emails to blog comments.

  22. All of your quilts are beautiful! I especially like the house quilt ~ just my style!

    1. Hi Ronda - thanks you! see comment response above if you want change your blogger settings so you are not a non-reply .

  23. Love your quilts. I really like your quilts in general!


  24. I have always loved your style. Mine is very similar. I was just showing my Jubilee quilt to someone last night. It’s such a special quilt to me.

  25. Your quilts always amaze me. Your hand quilting looks perfect.

  26. I particularly love your bird quilts. You are new to me and I've glad we've been introduced.

  27. Your Jubilee quilt is beautiful. The stuffed berries add such a perfect touch. I can't even imagine handquilting, the detail is amazing.

  28. Enjoy seein what you are working on. dorthac at

  29. What a lovely selection of quilts. All beautiful and each with their own personality.

    1. Hi Jen Thank you so much for your nice comments!
      If you go to your blogger profile settings you can "include" your email to get blog responses.

  30. I enjoyed seeing your Jubilee quilt again. Looking forward to seeing lots of new quilts in the future.

  31. Wow, your hand quilting and applique are amazing! I particularly love that crow and black circle quilting on the red! Nice to meet you!

  32. omigosh barb that is soooo beautiful! well deserved accolades....i am also a hand quilter and working at improving my applique...thank you for inspiring me! wish you had posted your kaffe applique...i am seriously thinking of tackling one of those myself....really beautiful quilts! i have your large baptist fan stencil and will be using it soon....

  33. Although I am not good at it myself I love seeing handwork in quilts, especially hand quilting. You are such a great quilter. It was wonderful to see your quilts today.

  34. What a great assortment of quilts. I love them all!

  35. Your Jubilee Quilt is beautiful and I enjoyed seeing your other quilts including the House Quilt.

  36. Beautiful quilts, congrats on all the wonderful awards on Jubilee!

  37. Hi Barb! It's so nice to meet you. I can certainly see why Jubilee won so many awards. It is stunningly gorgeous. Oh, I would love to feel those stuffed berries, and just the overall quilt. Your quilting is perfect. I'll take a browse around your website! ~smile~ Roseanne

  38. Great to learn a bit more about you!

  39. Such a wonderful range of styles! I love the little houses...which one to live in...hmmmm. I also recently learned from Katy at that you are a Lincoln fan. So am I! So pleased to "meet" a fellow Lincolnphile! I have been following you ever since Katy told me about you. Your work is lovely! Thank you for sharing your lovely work with us.

    1. Thank you - Yes, I am a Lincoln fan. I have several items I've collected and have read a lot of books about him. I wish you had an email attached to your profile, you can fix that in the privacy settings, just click "include email"

  40. Kept up with your blog for a while. Always enjoy seeing the beautiful work you do. I love the simple holly quilt.

  41. Your Jubilee quilt is awesome. I enjoyed seeing all your other quilts as well.

  42. I love seeing your beautiful work.

  43. I admire your beautiful applique!

  44. Hi Barb! I enjoyed seeing some of your gorgeous quilts again. They are still shockingly beautiful the second time around!

  45. that quilt with the holly and berries is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! there is a pattern in Quilt Media Modern 2016 winter issue.

  46. Your handwork is simply amazing. x

  47. I haven't tried hand applique yet, it is a bit intimidating to me. The results are beautiful though and I will have to just jump in and give it a try.

  48. A very enjoyable mini quilt show. Traditional to whimsical. Very nice. Exquisite workmanship on Jubilee. Thanks for sharing.

  49. Wonderful post, Barb! You are so talented! Loved seeing your quilts and especially enjoyed the close-up of Jubilee. Your handwork is amazing!

  50. Your applique quilts are just awesome. I'm glad to meet new quilters on this blog hop!

  51. I love you appliqué Quilts. They would fit right in at my house!

  52. I have enjoyed getting to know you and to see your quilts. I have a one block wonder quilt on my design wall which I hope to be able to finish soon. Your strip on the left side was a nice touch. Nancy A:

  53. Glad to see you among the M&G bloggers this year, Barb. I hadn't seen your wonky house quilt and since I have such a project on my near-term horizon I'm going to remember your setting.

  54. I really enjoy reading your blog each week. It’s full of such fun and quirky quilts that really keep me thinking!

  55. Enjoyed your quilts and really love the houses.

  56. Your blog and work is one of my favorites! Thanks for taking the time to keep your blog going ....

  57. L LOVE, LOVE ,LOVE your house quilt, that's definitely something I want to try.

  58. love your quilts, thanks for sharing.

  59. It's nice to meet you Barb. I did look at your tutorials, very nice! What I love is your Banner with the bird. I'm thinking that was hand quilted. Beautiful!

  60. Your medallion vase with flowers & birds is very Gwen Marsden, but with your own personality. It's my favorite of all you've shown. I always look forward to your posts. I need some of your "mojo" to get quilts finished!

    1. Thank you Holly. Gwen has been a big influence in my quilting life. I wish you had an email on profile. You can add it in the privacy settings.

  61. Jubilee is a stunner and your workmanship is impeccable!

  62. It's always inspiring to see a Barb Vedder quilt, and having several in one post is even better. I can't wait to see your medallion in person! Plus, challenge. XO

  63. I particularly love the holly quilt and the house quilts. Hope you are getting ready to enjoy CT fall! We’ll be up soon to welcome grandbaby #7 when she arrives!

  64. Your work is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful quilts!

  65. I always appreciate your new quilts that look old. Beautiful as usual. You make some lovely quilts.

  66. I have seen all your quilts before, but LOVE seeing them again! Thanks for the chance to win! Can't wait to see what you have for the block swap this year!

  67. Your quilts are stunning. I can't even imagine all the hand work that goes into them!

    1. Thank you ! you don't have your email turned on in your blogger privacy settings - I hope you see this.

  68. Hi Barb! Great post and display of some of your amazing quilts! They are all so beautiful! I remember seeing your Jubilee quilt way back then, It was a great pic for your intro. it is fantastic! Both the hand work and design! cheers!

  69. Wait, did I spy a finished basket surrounded by sparrows quilt! It's hiding amongst all your other gorgeous work. Thanks for sharing them in one post.

  70. Your Jubilee quilt is so beautiful!! I love hand work too - even binding! Lol ;P

  71. Hi Barb,
    I follow you and enjoy your designs so much. Your work is outstanding and I love the bit of whimsy the birds bring to a quilt. Thank you for such beautiful inspiration.

  72. I know you will end up with more followers who will enjoy all of your beautiful quilts! You are an inspiration!

  73. I love to read your posts and it's always a wonderful moment seeing what you're working on !
    And it's always a pleasure too discovering again your beautiful quilts !

  74. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your beautiful quilts!

  75. So lovely. I like the house quilt best. Thanks for sharing.

  76. I remember seeing your Holly Quilt on one Link Party or another. I absolutely LOVE that one!! Mind if I make a mini of it? It is just SEW cute.

  77. Your quilts are amazing and beautiful! Thank you for sharing them.

  78. Magnificent hand quilting on your Jubilee - a well deserved prize. I love your huge holly motifs quilt; lots of fun!

  79. Thank you for sharing your quilts. I made my first One Block Wonder this year and now I'm constantly on the lookout for suitable fabric for another one

  80. Barb, I've always loved your use of chintz fabric. So beautiful......

  81. Your applique is absolutely gorgeous. I love to hand quilt, but cant do it for any length of time anymore.. so I am learning to machine quilt.

  82. I took a hand piecing hex class with you a couple of years ago and it changed my life! I’m now a quilter! I’m so thankful that you are so enthusiastic about sharing your knowledge.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments and good luck in the drawing. xo

  83. How exquisite your handwork is! I love hand appliqué and quilting, but have gotten away from it for a while. I have never made stuffed berries but they add so much to your design! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Debbie for such nice comments! Good Luck in the drawing

  84. I love your quilts very much. I prefer what some would call the “traditional “ type vs. the “modern “ design type. Your needlework looks absolutely beautiful which takes a very special person to have the patience to complete such a huge project. Keep up the awesome work!!!

  85. Love your quilts! I'm new to applique so I will be adding your blog to my favorites for all the wonderful tips and tricks!

  86. Stunning work. You are a very gifted lady. I hope the whole world has an opportunity to see your appliqué masterpieces.

  87. Wonderful variety of quilts. Love the one block wonder. Your applique quilts are gorgeous. It's not a skill I've been able to master.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. You do beautiful work! So nice to meet you!

  90. Beautiful designs! So many unique styles.

  91. Your Jubilee Quilt is just gorgeous. I’m not surprised you won so many awards for your work!

  92. Your quilts are amazing. What a quilt - Jubilee! I'm always inspired by those who enjoy the handwork of needle-turn applique and hand-quilting. Hand-quilting is on my to-learn list. Thank you for sharing your talent.

  93. Your work is wonderful!I am an applique addict, and your quilts are beautiful. Thank you for participating in this blog hop.

  94. Wow, such gorgeous projects! And such great variety in the types of quilts.

  95. A border of birds around a basket of flowers, and pink clogs under it all, everything truly wonderful.this is one to have on the wall every day.

  96. Oh my goodness! Your quilts are simply stunning! I so admire your detailed applique and stitching. I am stopping by via the Meet and Greet to introduce myself - Jayne. I am one of the guests as well. It has sure been fun discovering new internet friends and seeing the wonderful diversity in the craft. Hope to see more of your work as I peruse your site!


Thank you for commenting! If you can not comment here, free free to email me directly at