
Monday, September 16, 2019

Where was I??

Ever feel like you are all over the place?  One place I was happy to be was the  New England Quilt Museum to view Sue Garman's exhibit of 37 quilts..
 This has always been my favorite Sue Garman quilt.  It speaks to me on so many levels.  The thoughtfulness of the elements is a wonder to me.
I took this silly selfie to remember that I saw this quilt in person.  I wish I could have met Sue and told her how much I love it.
I always think of her applique quilts, but she was an amazing piecer.
 Wonderful borders here and those mini blocks!
 I could sit here all day - literally....  I really lucked out and had the place to myself for an hour.
 This was also a favorite of mine.  I love her mix of prints.
 I was surprised she had made another one, and added applique' !  Amazing.
 This just happened to be the last one I saw, and when I read the card I knew it was the perfect ending to my visit with Sue and her quilts.
The Quilt world lost a lovely lady, an incredible quilter and a generous teacher.  Luckily there is a legacy of quilts to be loved for many years to come.

Thank you Miami Valley Quilters!  I had a great time visiting your guild and sharing my Quilts! I met Debbie and she brought two Fun With Barb Swap quilt tops.

Nine Patch Modern Swap Blocks.  The Blue Denim color sets them off so well.
 Modern Churn Dash Blocks.  Great Color placement and setting Debbie!
 I also met Patti J too.  She's a FWB Swapper in both groups.  It is so nice to meet quilters in real life!
 We had a fun workshop day building liberated houses of all types and styles.
pardon my cute shoes from Famous Footwear.
 The pretzel house later got a companion hot dog wagon mate.

The cabin and outhouse got a barn too.  Check out the Wine Igloo 😁  they are just all too fun.
 The house in the lower right hand corner is going to be a memorial quilt for a beloved and recently lost yellow tabby cat; Chester.  Isn't that sweet?
 Every house has its own little personality.
Yay!  I'm teaching Liberated Houses tomorrow at the Warwick Valley Quilt Guild.

Welcome new blog readers and Thank You to all who left a comment on my Meet and Greet Page.  I hope one of you wins the Grand Prize and the extra prize from me.

Nutmeg is really growing up!
 Can you tell she's about to race off?
See you next time.


  1. Thanks you for sharing Sue's beautiful quilts--what amazing workmanship and beauty...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Seeing Sue's quilts in person ..... what a thrill that would be. Glad to read that you were able to do that.

  3. Sue was certainly one of the most talented quilters ever. I am so glad you got to see them. I am hoping to get down before the exhibit closes. Funny, that second "Sleeping Beauty" is one of my favorites too. I remember when she started quilting it and I knew she was very ill at the time. What a wonderful thing for her friends to do. It makes it all the better!

  4. Lucky girl to see these beauties. She was such a talented lady.

  5. What a rare treat to be able to view Sue's quilts in solitude! She was an amazing quilter, and I have long admired her work. A tender story on that last one of hers.
    Looks like you had a great time with the "builders" of the Miami Valley Quilters. So many creative construction projects ( and I love the shoes). :)
    Looks like Nutmeg is getting a feel for posing with quilts--such an important quality in a quilt blogger's cat!

  6. Sue Garman was a lovely person. So glad you got to see her quilts. Wonky houses are a favorite of mine!


  7. Such beautiful quilts! I'm feeling very inspired. Very fun little houses! Fun shoes too :0)

  8. So cool you got to see those amazing quilts of Sue's up close and personal. Her quilts really knock my socks off!!

    So many fun houses!! I have a wonky fun house quilt top I'd love to get back to that I started in a class with Tonye in Sisters.

  9. So lovely to see Sue's quilts--she was one talented and inspiring lady! Your shoes are definitely pretty cute!

  10. What a truly amazing quilt exhibit. The story on the last quilt was very touching. Yes, I noticed your shoes before I focused on those fun houses.

  11. Amazing! Sue Garman was just amazing! I followed her blog and loved everything she did. I'm sure she knows how much you love her work. To me, New York Beauty is a quilter's punishment. To have all those points EVEN and in the SAME DIRECTION, not one leaning either way, to have them curving exactly right is pure punishment to me. And she did TWO!! Oh! The courage of that women. Both are just exquisite! Really.
    Fun collection of houses. Yes, I got the message, Mrs. Queen Bee. (wink)

  12. Thanks for sharing your trip to the museum.

  13. How fabulous that you got to see that Sue Garman exhibit! I love the quilts that you took pictures of!
    And the swap quilts are also great.
    The houses? TOO cute for words.
    And I even like your shoes, btw!!

  14. So wonderful that you got to see all those gorgeous quilts up close and in solitude. Makes the time even more special. Sue was such an amazing quilter. I also loved seeing all the creative wonky houses and shoes lol!

  15. Everything Sue Garman designed and made was precise and well thought out. And she made it look easy.

  16. Very poignant, the quilts. A quilter after your own heart, with great design, so many thoughtful details, and perfect handwork. Thanks for showing us her quilts! Nutmeg looks a dear. So sweet.

  17. Beautiful quilter (Sue Garman) and touched many people. Her work is just amazing and truly masterpieces. Have to say Barb that I love your houses and so fun and whimsy…! Think that I am going to have to try a few for a little project....thanks.

  18. Barb-Cannot wait to get to Lowell...our guild rep told us about it! What a blessed opportunity! Thanks for giving us a taste of what's to come. LOVE your Queen Bee flats-what fun and pink to boot! Susan, Hingham (Herring Run Q G.)

  19. Sue was mad inspiration for many of us. I loved getting to read her monthly blog post! Wonderful that you were able to see the exhibit. So jealous.:)

  20. Loved seeing the house blocks from your class - so much fun!
    Sue Garman - love her quilts - miss her blog posts and monthly inspiration!

  21. Sue’s amazing work lives on! Meanwhile loving these liberated houses. Creative and fun! Happy Stitching!

  22. So glad you had time to view and contemplate Sue Garman's quilts. Such amazing work! Love the 9-patch zig-zag set Debbie used for her Modern Swap block. What cheerful and charming houses! Cute shoes, too! And I love seeing pics of Nutmeg :)

  23. I love Sue's quilts, I'm sorry we will not see anymore from her. Your house blocks are one of my favorites and I love my quilt that include yours. I need to get moving on my churn dash blocks, thanks for the reminder! Love your curly locks!

  24. The very first quilting workshop I ever took was from Gwen Marston, and I still have the liberated houses i made! I always intended to make enough for a "real" quilt. I think I need to change my thinking on that. Hmm...
    I love that "low volume" log cabin quilt that Nutmeg is getting ready to pounce off of! I've always wanted to make something like that. I have tons of lights and shirtings, so now I'm inspired!
    How wonderful to see some of SueGarman's quilts in person. What a phenomenal quilter she was, and sad she is gone. Another big loss to the quilting community, but oh what a legacy she left.

  25. Just discovered your blog today & have worked my way backwards to May of 2017. LOL! Time we'll spent!

    1. Hi Sandi - your comment made my day. I hope you add an email to your blogger profile so I can respond directly.

  26. Thank you for sharing the photos of Sue's quilts. I've seen the ship one before, but had not seen the others. Each one is just incredible. Such fun house blocks. It's on my bucket list to make a house quilt, hopefully one day when the UFO list isn't so big.

  27. Sue Garman's quilts are totally wonderful! I especially love the Oaks in New York! Wow!! I just bought a New England Quilt Museum book and I got to visit the museum in 2012! I love the 9-patch zig zag quilt, and the darling houses. Cat pictures too.

  28. Hello, I'm not sure if you or anyone mentioned her blog & website, I loved reading her blog & patterns are available I believe. Her daughter has continued writing the blog. Loved the houses & your quilts.

  29. Wow -- you're really getting around! How LUCKY to see the Sue Garmin quilts. I love the same ones you do -- that first one {Gasp!} And the one Oaks in New York is a Beauty! You're so funny -- Famous Barb in her Famous Footwear!!!


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