
Friday, January 17, 2020

Honest House Quilt

My Honest House Quilt top is finished!  58"x 58"
 I'm so so pleased with it.  This is the first time I've tried adding the cornerstones as I went.  It was actually easier to do the remaining sides (thanks again Molly!) after they were pieced.

Here is my inspiration quilt from Pepper Cory's collection of southern quilts.  I attended her lecture at the Vermont Quilt Festival 2019.  I've always been inspired by Pepper.
I got a lot of help from Nutmeg.
Luckily this came together last week before I was hit with a nasty virus.  I don't know for sure if it was/is the flu, but it kept me down for a whole week.
I passed the week resting and watching Netflix and Amazon.
Here is what I watched and what I thought:

  • Don't F**K with cats - disturbing, but fascinating too (netflix)
  • The Two Popes - great movie and performances (netflix free )
  • The Joker - disturbing but provocative, good performance
  • Judy - Sad, great performance
  • Find Me - Inspiring, funny and sad (netflix free)
I love movies and it became a daily treat.  I gave Mr. Fun Acorn for Christmas and we've been watching Midsomer Murders.  They are a bit campy and gentle and just right.

Nothing better than a quilt and cat when you're sick.
I rallied for a few hours and made two tree blocks for families affected by the bushfires in Australia.  
My take on a jacaranda tree
 An EPP tree
you can see more on instagram @wollongongmqg.  

Yesterday I worked on swap block packages.  We are waiting for 2 in modern and 3 in repro - including me!  yikes.
will finish sewing these up today and tomorrow.
We had a dusting of snow early last week, but we have had very little snow this winter so far.  I made a nice backdrop for my bright houses.
Happy Friday Everyone.  Stay well!


  1. Love your houses--so pretty with the cornerstones...sorry you were taken down with that bug--they can be nasty!! good thing you had your quilt and kitty for comfort ;))))...hugs, Julierose

  2. Your houses turned out great. I'll have to scroll back and check out your technique for the cornerstones. Nutmeg looks all grown up now, but still so cute! Love the jacaranda tree!

  3. HOpe you're on the mend! So much inspiration today. Wish I had joined your swap. :/

  4. glad you are starting to feel better. Nothing better than watching movies and shows when you are sick - and curling up with a cat I remember doing that when I had one.

  5. I really hate being sick. So glad you are on the mend!!
    Love your house quilt top and the inspiration.
    The tree blocks for Australia are so fun!

  6. I love your version of the house quilt, especially those bright cheerful sashings, they make the entire quilt glow. Glad you're on the mend, a lot of flu going around here but we've managed to escape it so far.

  7. AWESOME House quilt!! Hope you are feeling SEW much better very soon!

  8. I love Jacaranda trees. Your block version is great. The house quilt turned out really cute. Sorry you aren't feeling well.

  9. So glad you are feeling better. What a bummer! I adore that house quilt. And, I too find Pepper a constant inspiration. Kudos to you for sending blocks to Australia!

  10. Your house quilt turned out wonderfully! Love the turquoise blocks especially. Adding the cornerstones as I go is my fave method. Too bad I don't always remember!:)

  11. Love the corner stones in the quilt, nice touch and looks vintage!
    Sorry to hear you have been sick, hope you are feeling better. Have you watched "You" on Netlfix? VERY Good!

  12. Happy to hear you're on the mend. Hope you're top shape soon. Nutmeg has grown so much. Wow! Good luck with the swap blocks. ;^)

  13. Fun houses! Sorry you were sick and am glad you are on the mend.

  14. Love your house quilt! You look like you've been busy.

  15. Could you tell us again what the "adding cornerstones as you go" method is? I'm not sure I know or understand what you mean. Glad you are feeling better, I'm sure Nutmeg's antics helped!!

  16. acorn is good indeed...and midsomer? quaint but unsafe...LOL! love the houses...

  17. I'm so happy that you are on the mend. I do hope you're back to having fun soon! I love the little houses and the tree blocks as well. I am glad to see that your supervisor Nutmeg is on the job! LOL

  18. So glad that you are feeling better! So glad to see Coco visiting the houses. She is a welcome guest. Love the blocks you are sending to the Australia Modern Quilt Guild. Our guild exchanged our block of the month for February to do tree blocks. I'm going to do a couple of the free blocks from Kristy at Bonjour Quilts. She created a full tree that reminds me of the kind we used to draw as kids. Enjoy your week!

  19. I love your bright happy House quilt! Even your wonky house! So sorry to hear you were under the weather. Kitties and movies definitely help! I love your take on a Jacaranda tree! I do miss those where we live.

  20. That is such a fun bunch of houses--especially the one with the upside down roof line!
    I don't know about your viewing list, Barb. I see two "disturbing"s and two "sad"s--not exactly what I would choose if I already feel rotten! LOL
    Wonderful blocks for Australia--love the purple one!

  21. Oh, what a wonderful house quilt! It looks great against the snow. And I loved seeing the quilt which inspired you :) I hope you are finally over that bug. Those sure are fun tree blocks for Australia. Happy sorting all those star blocks!

  22. AW, Nutmeg love! I watched Midsommer through a few times when it was on Netflix. Miss it. Does Acorn have the Dr Blake Mysteries? if so that is good too.

    1. sadly Acorn doesn't have Dr Blake. Its on Amazon but you have to pay. I wish your comments came to my email. what is your email?

  23. Great house quilt - can I ask why is it called Honest House? Hope you soon recover from your virus/flu. Thank you for supporting those here in Australia with your tree blocks.

  24. The house top is terrific! You have a wonderful way with bold good color. Sorry you've been sick. albeit cozy with Nutmeg and Netflix.

  25. Looks like you've been busy and having fun -- except for the being sick part -- glad you're feeling better. I love your house quilt -- will you hand quilt it yourself? Thanks for all the Netflix recommendations. I've been debating about Acorn -- I have Britbox, but it doesn't have Dr. IForgetHisName. So, I waffle -- should I get it just for a few episodes LOL?

  26. I love house quilts , I only made a mini once myself, I should really make a full sized one some day. Love the colors you used, such a happy quilt!
    Hope you are feeling better by now.

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