
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Sweet re-TREAT

I started the year out right, with a 3 day retreat!  I made this little doll quilt as I am participating in an Instagram Swap.
Don't worry, I fixed it before sewing.  I brought a baggie of left over 1" strips to play with.
I also started this little shoo-fly doll quilt.
 I used this "too big" block to start a medallion doll quilt.
When I got home I started yet another one.  I love little four patches, don't you?
I was very good and worked on star blocks.  I finished my modern set - woo hoo.   The circles were a project table mate, Lynn used to make a cute baby quilt.  I forgot to get a finished photo.
I sewed up my Honest House blocks.  To get those cornerstones right there was some sewing adjustments.  A challenge I conquered!
My other table mate and friend(?) Molly, reminded me I have to complete the sashing and cornerstones on the other 2 sides......Oh yeah.....I wondered why it looked off.  I sort of completely forgot about that since I had added the sashing as I went.   Live and learn.  Thanks Molly!

Louise of Island Creations by Louise was our planner and hostess.   We each received these fun gifts.  I love the pink utensil caddy and who doesn't love a fun tote bag?  Thanks Louise.
The food was great and the wine and cheese party and the Chocolate fondue was really fun.  
Here are Molly's projects.  She kept busy and got a lot done.
Star Runner.  I think she made two or three in all.
two silver and gold tree skirts.  That is a lot of sewing.
Runway ready!
Pretty string runner.  We worked on the color placement layout, which forced Molly to unsew a lot blocks, but it was worth it.
These are 1" hexies - wow
Tina made these adorable stuffed animals a companion to a fabric book for her first grandchild who is due this spring. 
Some more Show and Tell from the other retreaters.
It was great to get away and just sew after the holidays.  I felt absolutely no guilt despite these two!
While on the USPS website the other I noticed the weirdest things.  Day old poultry?  Cremated remains?  what the heck?
Have a happy week!


  1. LOL my husband and I are sitting here laughing at the USPS form - I just read it off to him. Have never seen that!
    Love all the quilt projects look like you had fun at the retreat

  2. Yes, I mail day old poultry all the time!! LOLOL
    I'm looking forward to my retreat next week. Ours will likely be way more casual than yours. No fondue.... heehee
    Love your little quilts.

  3. The doll quilt with the pink centers is precious. Really adorable

  4. Wow Barb, now I know why you call your blog "Fun With Barb" ... all those cute little mini quilts, stars, darling houses, etc. you look like you're having the time of your life! I'm leaving for a quilt retreat today, and you have given me a ton of inspiration. My scrap bin will be coming along!
    Btw I know a little about day old poultry - my friend has an egg business, and orders baby chicks through the mail all the time. Sounds crazy, but quite common in the egg industry, I understand.

  5. What a great way to start the new year! Looks like you got a lot done. I'd have felt a little guilt if that sweet face was looking up at me while I was packing. ;o)

  6. I love the fabric in the setting triangles on the four patch quilt. It is just so satisfying. Sounds (and looks) like you had a great time at the retreat.

  7. So much fun! I’m looking forward to my retreat in a couple of weeks. Aren’t we lucky to have so many good quilting friends? Love your little projects.

  8. wonderful projects and looks like retreat was a hit....i need one of those!

  9. Your projects look great. And your friends did super too—I would like to know what Lynn made with those circles.

    The location looks like a hotel. Can you tell me what the venue was and how many participants you had? Thinking ahead for my next Retreat Event.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  10. Wow! I don't know where to start! So many beautiful doll quilts that I don't know which one is my favourite. Looking forward to see them quilted. They are little darlings. I ♥ Molly's new attire! She's ready to party! (she must be a fun one to have around.) Love the beginning of the string quilt. So promising. Hope you'll be able to show us the finished quilt. Nutmeg doesn't want you to leave without him. So cute! I'm not sure I would be happy to received a day old poultry, dead or alive!

  11. I am coveting the double pink centres of your log cabins... yum... and that very cool tote bag!
    How fun to go to retreat after the holidays to rest and recover!

  12. First of all, I thought maybe you stole some of my fabric for your 4-patch doll quilt while I was out of town! Especially the blue squares and one of my favorite cheddars. I know it was only a tiny square of cheddar, but really. The houses are adorable. It looks like your kitty wanted to go with you. My DS & DIL got their baby chicks in the mail last year. But day old poultry?!? What a fun retreat!

  13. Poor Coco and Nutmeg but so good that you got away for three days and I'm sure they did fine;). Nice way to start the year and your little doll quilt is so cute. Lots of varied and interesting show and tell from your fellow retreaters!

  14. Retreat! What a great one you had, and lots of beautiful projects shared! Love, love the doll quilts. And I'm sure Mr. Fun more than compensated for your absence with Coco and Nutmeg. Maybe even re-treated them often!

  15. Looks like you got a lot of fun things worked on while you were away. It's so inspiring to see what others are making too. I just got home from a retreat and was like a zombie all day yesterday--hopefully I will be more productive today!

  16. OMG, I can't stop laughing! I'm guessing that you have never mail ordered chicks! It is kind of funny how they word it and I have to say that the cremated remains might give me a start. In this day of everything at our fingertips, there is a check box for everything! I am so glad you had fun on your most excellent retreat. I can feel my fingers itching to stitch with my sewing sisters! I'm actually hoping for a snow and sew day this weekend. Thanks for sharing you photos. I am in love with that house quilt!!

  17. It looks like a great retreat!!! Lots of good projects and you were very productive.
    I love the 4 patch doll quilt, I might need to steal that idea......

  18. Ooh, that little log cabin doll quilt is so sweet! You have a way with the reproduction fabrics for sure.:) Always a pleasure to pop by and see all the great projects you are working on!

  19. My smile just kept getting wider as I scrolled through the little quilts you worked on. Each one is delightful!
    Too funny about not noticing the lack of sashing on two sides of the house quilt. Wonderful bold contrast in the blocks!
    I have loved my January retreat, and really was looking forward to it this year, but sadly I will not be able to attend. I will live it vicariously through you.

  20. Oh, what a fun retreat! You worked on so many wonderful projects. I love all your little quilts! Enjoyed seeing what all the other quilters made, too! It looks like Coco & Nutmeg really wanted to go with you. Now I know where to go the next time I want to mail Day Old Poultry, hahaha!

  21. What a fun retreat...and all of your projects look fantastic...enjoyed your post.

  22. What a bunch of sweet little quilts, love that light blue! Oh, Mama, don't leave without us!

  23. You definitely started your year right. I love your little doll quilts. They are a fun way to experiment with fabrics and colors. My brother owns two UPS stores. Mailing can be an interesting business 😳


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