
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Well That Was Fun

Happy New Years Eve.  It's hard to keep track of the days in these last weeks, isn't it?

Just before Christmas I finished my last house blocks for My Honest House Quilt.
Which layout do you this is best?
 or #2?
 You move them around so many times it is hard to tell.  Here are the last couple of blocks.   OOpps, I flipped the house section on this one and it's staying.  Take that Quilt Police.
I really like this combination.  I'll think of this as Jilly's house because she loved purple.
Hanna was able to come home for a whole week which was wonderful as my son was on break from Nursing School too.  Having them here was the best gift.
Hanna and I went to Bingo at Foxwoods.  So fun and we got a lot of admiration for our festive attire, lol.
I love bingo, does anyone else?  There is always such hope when the game starts.  I don't even mind losing because we play like 30 games.  We were one away several times.

The same day as my last post we had a big ice storm.  Here are some photos and a short video.
It was incredible and lasted several days.  
The Swap Blocks are coming and I'm keeping a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice......Deadline is January 11th. 
Coco turned 10 on Christmas Day and here is her Birthday Portrait.  Backdrop provided by my local Consignment Shop, Molly Rose in Madison, CT.
 It was pretty hard to get her to sit nice (which of course she didn't).
 Here is my favorite outtake.  What is that face even doing?
Nutmeg enjoyed all the packages, lights and taking naps on the tree skirt.  Can you find a kitten in this pre-Christmas photo?
Can you tell Hanna is excited for Danish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes and Cabbage? 
Everyday we took a long walk outside which are some of my favorite memories.
I hope your Holidays were filled good laughs, good food and good times.

I wish you all a Joyous and Peaceful 2020.


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family!!! I like setting number 2 and I am not sure why....! I am on my way up to the sewing room to finish (maybe) some blocks for Piper's quilt.
    Happy Birthday to Coco!

  2. What a wonderful family Holiday!! Enjoy your swap hostess duties. The participants are SEW excited to receive their packages!

  3. you and your daughter look a lot alike! I love all your photos - ice storms can be so pretty but yet so dangerous - I didn't realize you are in CT - I used to live there years and years ago when hubby was in the navy - our youngest daughter was born there. Your santa photos so cut and love the houses - I like #1. Spotted the kitty :)

  4. I see kitty peeking out on the right inspecting those presents;))))
    Sounds like you had a wonderful Holiday..
    Happy New Year hugs, Julierose

  5. Number 1 is more restful. I like number 2 for some reason. Either one would look great. So enjoy your blog! Happy birthday to Coco and Happy New decade!

    1. I like #2 as well. Thanks for visiting and Happy New Year

  6. To my eyes, layout 2 is my favorite, though I couldn't tell you why, maybe the balance of colors. At any rate I love the boisterous yellows in the sashing strips, they bring so much joy and playfulness to the quilt. It's so much fun to watch our pets' reaction to Christmas, from bringing in the tree to their joy with each new toy they receive. Gibbs ran in circles with each new little stuffed toy, so hilarious. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  7. Happy New Year Barb!! Nice to see and hear about your children. Good for your son going to Nursing School. If I hadn't been a teacher, I would have gone into medicine in some fashion. Thanks for all the joy you bring to quilters far and wide. (LOL - I am one of the wide ones )

  8. I vote for #2...the reds are bit more evenly disbursed. Great picture of you and your daughter! Happy New Year!

  9. I like layout number one. No particular reason. It just is IT.
    Are you going to do one of those books again of your quilt finishes? I have never done that but it is such a good idea and I enjoy seeing what goes into yours.

  10. I really like your 2nd layout. Great balance. Good for you leaving the wonky house block as is. Makes for such an interesting quilt!:) Sounds like a wonderful holiday for you. Looking forward to seeing all your fabulous projects in 2020!

  11. Wishing you a very Happy New Year. If we're still voting, I like #2. Not sure why. Maybe the darker blocks seemed more balanced. I do like Bingo, but haven't played forever.

  12. Hmmm. Number two. Just like the way my eye is drawn to wander around the quilt. That icy tree is beautiful! That one dog and santa picture totally cracks me up! Happy New Year, Barb, enjoy your family!

  13. Happy New Year, Barb. I enjoy your blog. I like #2 layout better.

  14. Great pictures. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  15. I like House #1 for no other reason than I do. I like that house with the high front windows. It looks like it has an elevated front yard, lol. Coco's pictures are so cute but the best are with your family. Enjoy those precious moments together. Sweet memories are made in time like these. Wish you all the best for 2020 and then some. ;^)

  16. Great houses. Love your photos.
    What are the swap blocks you have

  17. What a joyful holiday post! I like your second combination best, it seems more bright.
    Have a wonderful new year!

  18. You have a lovely family. Happy Belated birthday to Coco. The storm really made it Christmasy and beautiful. Happy New Year.

  19. Peace and Joy and Happy New Year to you! And, I love both layouts - sorry!

  20. Lovely photos! #2 is my favorite.....the dark blocks feel more balanced.

  21. What a sweet colorful house quilt. I think you could arrange the blocks any way and it would look great. Love your hair decorations - so festive!

  22. I love the house quilt and especially the purple house. I would only space out the houses with the white background more so they aren't right next to each other, but any way is great. I have always wanted to make a house quilt, but never have. There are so many quilts on my to do list!! Love Coco's portrait! and I did see the kitten. Happy New Year to you and your family! I'm looking forward to a productive quilting year, but haven't made a list yet.

  23. Your house quilt is so bright and cheerful! I tend to favor #2 :) That ice storm was really something! We got it, too. I love the way it shimmered and sparkled in the sunlight. And the 'crunch' when you walked on it. Happy Birthday to Coco and I love seeing that little Nutmeg trying her best to hide among the presents. So cute! Wonderful photos of your beautiful family. Happy New Year, Barb!

  24. You two looked great at bingo! And so alike. :D Happy new year!

  25. Great happy houses! I like either setting. Sometimes you just gotta start sewing them together or you end up going nuts moving them around! LOL
    The ice storm looked crazy! Hopefully none of the family had to be driving in it. So nice to have your kids home for the holidays. Our son and girlfriend are moving to Central Oregon so will be sweet to have them close by. Happy new Year!!

  26. I'm so glad you had a nice holiday with family and fur babies. It's so good to have our kids back home isn't it? The house quilt is a winner no matter what you decide. I love your disrespect for the quilt police, I feel the same way! LOL
    I hope 2020 brings you much joy, laughter, fun and fabric!

  27. Happy New Year Barb! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas this year -- your tree is beautiful! I like setting number two the best -- I was distracted by the dark diagonal in the first setting ;-8. Looking forward to another year of your fun this year!!!

  28. I like #2 it was hard to pick so I think both layouts are good : )

  29. Happy New Year Barb! I love your house top - it is just so cheerful! Fun family times and pretty winter weather. And Happy Birthday Coco, so cute.


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