
Sunday, February 16, 2020

Pineapple Finish

String Theory: 48" Square
 Crazy back fabric combination.  Ghastlies and Fish
As you may remember, I quilted almost every seam with my walking foot in a spiral.  It was a bit of a challenge.
It was well worth it in the end because I love the texture.
I used Wonderfil Invisafil 100# weight thread.  It blends with all the different fabrics really well and it is fine like silk thread.  I like the brown grey.
There are 99 strings and 1 center in each of the 12" blocks, which makes a total of 1,600 pieces for the top.
I used my "go to" when I want a blackish binding which is a molted black.  I just feel solid black is a bit too harsh.
I really wish I had taken a 'before' blocking photo of the quilt.  Due to the quilting on a angle, it was very warped at the edges.  I was worried that it wouldn't lie flat.

After rinsing and washing in the tub, spinning and rinsing in the washer and 10 mins in the dryer, I spread it out in a carpeted room.
I don't personally like to pin it into the carpet, I just spread with my hands from the center out and and make sure it is square and let it finish air drying.  Worked like a charm.

Here is my new obsession - Steampunk blocks!  Have any of you make these?
 I'm using the Jen Kingwell templates and machine curve piecing them.
This quilt is going to have an unusual theme which I'll share soon.

I took a cold walk on the beach yesterday with coco and found this horseshoe crab skeleton?  Shell?  
I've never seen a complete one in the 6 years we've lived here so I brought it home.  It was also a good day for sea glass.
One thing I've learned about the Long Island Sound is that different temperatures, weather conditions and tides bring in different things so it's always interesting to see what has washed up.

Thank you to the nice ladies of Pieced Together Quilts in Bridgewater, NJ for the warm welcome this week!  I really enjoyed sharing my Scrap Quilt program with you.

Happy Sunday


  1. I love how you quilted the pineapple blocks - perfect! When I made the quilt you refer to as the Steam Punk blocks I was looking for a cheaper option then Jen Kingwell's pattern and templates which I thought was very pricey and found that the pattern was actually originally free in the 1930's newspaper the Kansas City Star. Some of the patterns can still be found and I found a dvd that had 100's of the blocks on it and you can just print them out and make your own templates - this pattern was name Air Ship Propeller. I really like the pattern.

  2. Congratulations on finishing your pineapple quilt. It's awesome. Glad you were able to block it.
    Curve piecing and I have arguments more often then pleasure when working together so, I'll just watch you have fun with it. ;^)

  3. Another masterpiece is born !! Oh là là !!
    Congratulations Barb !!

  4. Your pineapple is wonderful! Nancy, near Philadelphia is also making Steam Punk blocks. Here's a link:

    She is a quilter and a thinker, so always interesting.

  5. The spiral quilting works well with the pineapples. Steam punk blocks have been on my bucket list for awhile. This post is motivating me. I shall look into Jen Kingwell's method.

  6. Just lovely pineappie finish [do you put that thread also in your bobbin?)
    I love the Steampunk look of that pattern--been eyeing it for a while now...hugs, Julierose

  7. Wow! Your pineapple quilt is fantastic! Love the quilting, did you keep a cuss jar next to your sewing machine? ;o)

  8. The quilting is amazing and yes I love the texture too! I have seen the Steampunk block but have not tried them!

  9. Your pineapple quilt is spectacular, Barb! As I just commented on another blog, every stitch you put into it was worth it. Hm. I think I'm learning something here ! :-)

  10. Steampunk? WTH is that??? I have a few Jen Kingwell books but haven't even tried any of them.
    Yours look awesome!
    And that pineapple quilt? WOWZERS!! I've been doing one for years but I don't think my blocks have as many pieces..mine has 45!
    Yours came out great.
    You wash it in the tub first; then the washing machine; and then don't dry it in the dryer but on the carpet??!!
    LOVE the quilting! How long did that take?? BE HONEST!!
    How large is it? And what are you doing with it?

    I just sent you an email btw....

    Didn't realize you were on LI Sound... we were just across the water from you, decades ago! ;-)

  11. The texture on your beautiful quilt is awesome. All that stitching is well worth all the effort. I had to smile the fabric chose for your backing. Another one of your classics made modern.

  12. Now you have me with this. I've been dying to do a mini logged pineapple. Many questions, was this paper pieced? did you have a pattern to follow or did you just cut one inch strips and go from there?

  13. Congrats on an amazing finish! I really do like the quilting you did on the pineapple! I don't imagine it could have been a lot bigger to do it successfully. (not for me anyway)
    Steam punk! Love the name, but nothing really new in quilting except for what we call it!! Cute fabric!!

  14. Love how your pineapple turned out. You did a great job on the quilting!

  15. Your pineapple quilt looks amazing! Excellent choice for the quilting, and I chuckled over your backing fabrics. I thought of you as I shopped for backing for an old Bonnie Hunter mystery I have finally decided to quilt. I ended up buying panda bear fabric--which has nothing whatsoever to do with the front.
    I have only seen the steam punk blocks on Nancy's blog--to which you already received the link. The blocks remind me of the test pattern that used to come up on TV screens when they signed off the air at midnight. Funny to think that they ever did that.
    That crab shell is quilt a find. And I love looking for sea glass on my rare trips to the ocean. I think it would be cool to have a jar full of it on a window sill where it can catch the light. Or maybe drill holes in the pieces and make a mobile that could hang in front of a window. Just rambling on here. :)

  16. The pineapple quilt is gorgeous. The quilting must have taken forever, but you're right: it's worth it. I saw Steampunk on Nancy's blog and now I am intrigued indeed.

  17. Barb-my sister bought me a set of 1930's steampunk blocks at the Round Top TX show- made from the newspaper block. The maker had SO MUCH TROUBLE with the blocks-huge lumps & nowhere near square. Before I die, I will have to re-do these blocks when I have no stressful weeks. Always a soft spot for pineapple blocks-one of the best I've ever seen was at the VQF years ago. Susan

    1. Oh I wish I had your email. email me sometime so I have it.
      The pattern was originally published as airship propeller in the Kansas City Star. Maybe skip re-making and make your own?
      I wonder if I saw the pineapple at VQF as I often go.

  18. Wow Barb, your quilt looks awesome! I love the funky backing too. Congrats on a great finish. Can't wait to see where your steampunk blocks take you!

  19. What an amazing feat of piecing--love your pineapple finish--even the back is extra fun! I've had Steam Punk on my bucket list for ages. I have the pattern but not the templates. Love the fabrics you have been using for yours!

  20. Oh wow, wow, wow! What a lot of work and oh so worth it is right! It is fabulous! What fun it will be to sit under that one and look at all those great fabrics. I have never seen the Steam Punk block, but I love the name and your fabrics. And, just because I love horeshoe crabs, the part you found is actually called the "carapace". We used to have thousands of them in our river. We still have them but their numbers are way down. I have a baby carapace on my desk that I found floating in the river years ago. It is the only one of its size (around 2") I have ever seen. Apparently they don't let their young venture out too soon! Have a great quilting day!

  21. What an exquisite finish for your pineapple quilt. I love the quilting and the fun backing fabric combo. I'm a tiny bit jealous that you are so close to the beach, so thanks for sharing the photos. Looking forward to the quilt that those cool blocks are going to become.

  22. That's a lot of piecing and quilting - all for a stunning result!

  23. Your pineapple quilt is spectacular, and the bold backing brings a smile! Thank you for sharing your method for blocking the quilt. Have I ever done that.... um I don't think so but I'm sure I should. The steam punk blocks are fabulous with your fabrics and I'm trying to guess at your theme.....

  24. Love the string quilt, your work is amazing. I finished the Steam Punk a year ago, the MOST fun I have ever had piecing a quilt! I would do another in a heartbeat...if there were just enough time.

  25. The quilt is gorgeous and I love the quirky backing!

  26. Your pineapple quilt is absolutely fantastic! Love it! You find the best fabrics for backings :) I'm looking forward to seeing more Steam Punk blocks. They look like lots of fun. Wonderful beach walk, too!

  27. Gorgeous!! Love that texture so much. Gonna be a show stopper in whatever show you end up entering it in.:)


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