
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

I'm hand quilting the big stitch on my Honest House Quilt and I love how fast it is and how well it goes with the style of this quilt.
 I've called it "honest" because Pepper Cory referred to a southern quilt in her lecture as "honest" and I just loved that sentiment.  It is a quilt that is not being too fancy, too perfect or too too. 
 I do struggle a little with making my big stitch BIG and even.  I also don't care.  There.....I said it.  This is not a competition quilt.  This is an "honest" it is just a nice quilt.

I'm using geranium pink, #8 pearl cotton and a #24 chenille needle.
 Nutmeg loves to climb into a quilt hoop cave.
Have I mentioned that she is a stinker.  Albeit a sweet one.
I entered my "Song of the Sparrow" quilt in the Northern Star Quilt Show in May and The Vermont Quilt Festival in June forcing me to finally get my sleeve and label done.

I found this fabric scrap on a free table and thought it was just right for this quilt.  I add simple running top stitches on large labels to give them a little dimension.
My pen was a little boogery when I first started but I had to keep going.  Perfect is overrated. I love this little scene.

I'm hand quilting this little doll quilt with pink thread too :)
 This is my current "take along" project.

I found this wonderful Theorem painting after dropping off some good stuff at my thrift shop.  They are a wonderful local outreach shop.
 It pairs perfectly with this little quilt that Jill made for me.
Large water bottles and super size sodas has resulted in perfectly sized cup holders. 😁
I saw this wonderful lawn sign on a recent walk with coco.   It really warms my heart in the divisive times in which we are living.
Maybe I should call my house quilt "Won't You Be My Neighbor?"  What do you think?
Happy February Everyone. 
Spring is on its way. 
Of course we haven't really had winter in CT yet.


  1. love the name for that quilt! I can't do big stitch quilting lol - I can't quilt with large needles for some reason - I think for hand quilting because I have done it for so many years I can not change to taking large stitches now and will use the smallest needle I can when I am using thicker thread and continue to make smaller stitches.

  2. So many things that made me smile Barb! Perfect name for your quilt!
    Loved seeing the two hand quilting projects... makes me want to call in "sick" and stay home and quilt!
    I laughed out loud at the wine in the cup holder!!

  3. Love big stitching--uneveness, wonky-fication (have coined a new word? lol). Your house quilt is just lovely;))) and
    that label is so sweet--just perfect...
    Winter seems to have skipped right over us this year--if it remembers that, it may come back and give us a huge blizzard--hope not!! hugs, julierose

  4. First of all, I think that is a perfect name for this fabulous quilt! I am reading "The Good Neighbor" right now. Such a remarkable man. I am so happy to see you are trying the big stitch. I remember when we first met at Sturbridge Village and you and I both said, "I don't care for the big stitch". I have learned to love the look of it and now that you have tried it, I am ready to give it a whirl! The pink is perfect too!Thanks for the tips. I think I may use it on my swap stars with your fan stencil. Of course I will have to piece the top first - wink!

  5. We haven't had winter yet either. Snowed yesterday and it warmed up overnight and its gone! Boohoo!
    Love that title for your house quilt!! I've not been successful at the big stitch. I should try it again.
    Love your recent thrift shop find and it does look cute with Jilly's little framed quilt. Gosh, I still miss her!!
    Nutmeg is sure a cutie!!

  6. I love your yard sign. That's why we are here - to be good neighbors to each other. Perfect name for your imperfect quilt. I love your blog, it's like you're having a coffee break conversation with all of us. :) Thanks for sharing!

  7. Cute post! Your little house quilt is so inviting. I, too, have a hard time making my 'Big Stitch" big. I think I start out with a size of thread that is too small. I need to bump it up to what you are using. The pink thread looks so good on this quilt and the little doll quilt. So charming~ The label is adorable.

  8. Honest quilt? I like that a lot. I love the name for your quilt. It sounds like Mr. Roger: "Won't you be mine?" it's perfect for an honest quilt. I need to buy my next car in the states because you could never do that in a Canadian car, haha! I can't quilt big stitches either. I relentless revert to small stitches and have to undo all the time. So I gave up. Yours stitches look very good. Enjoy! ;^)

  9. I love your big stitch. It is a perfect detail for this quilt. Loved that it is called honest too!
    You find the best things, the label, the painting, very cute! Is the doll quilt for your swap?

  10. Fun post, Barb! That's a perfect name for your quilt and those stitches look really good! Love that label. Pics of Nutmeg always make me smile :) Sweet Log Cabin quilt, too. I think you scored big with that theorem painting. It makes a perfect companion to Jill's little quilt. I hope you don't drive around with that wine bottle in the holder, hahaha!

  11. You are a delight, Barb. I was smiling through this post. Yes, that is the perfect name for this quilt. Like Karen, I struggle with big stitch. I started hand quilting at about age 12 and my Mom ingrained tiny stitches into me so well that even when I start with big stitch, as soon as I quit focusing on the stitch, I find myself slipping into trying to make them as small as I can.
    Your Theorem find is perfect with that little quilt from Jill. Do you leave the price tags on? We love thrift store shopping and my son-in-law doesn't like to remove the tags. He likes to be reminded of what a great deal he found.
    That is a wonderful neighbor sign!!
    Love the little kitty in the quilt hoop cave. :)
    The label is so sweet--boogery pen and all. I can't even tell where you had a problem with your pen.

  12. Your posts always make us laugh, smile, and fills us with inspiration. "Won't you be My Neighbor" is a perfect name for your quilt. Great big stitching!

  13. Oh gosh you're up to good stuff! I love the 'honest' concept of the quilt, big stitch will always be my favorite, and the kitty helper is too stinkin' cute. Love the sign you found and the house quilt name would be perfect. I wish you were my neighbor!!

  14. I need to leave 10 comments...I so want to try big stitch quilt, but I feel like I need a class first and no one around here teaches hand quilting. Isn't kitten a synonym for stinker? (hehehe, mine is six years and still a stinker, albeit a sweet one also) Love, love, love the label! I'm really bad about labeling my quilts (as in never) if I could find a similar fabric that was me, I might actually be willing to label a quilt. Your cup holder contents had me rolling on the floor laughing. Explaining them to the cop who pulls you over would humorous. Love the sign, I think "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" is a perfect quilt name. I think a quilter should run for president. I will happily send you some of my snow, we had more this week, although it didn't stick this time.

  15. I love all of it, Barb, the quilts, and that wonderful painting. I had to smile at Nutmeg in the quilt cave. My cat Blackie loves quilt caves ... or caves lf any kind! I'm another one who has never mastered the big stitch. Luckily my machine does a beautiful job of it. I see those "neighborhood " signs all over around here, but then I live in the very liberal Bay Area. It always warms my heart.

  16. Oh I love the quilt by any name (and you know I love big stitch) and the label is just great! Love that neighbor sign for sure. Nutmeg.... just looks cozy to me!

  17. Perfect name for your beautiful quilt !! I never tried these kind of big stitches but why not ?
    I have many of these pearl cotton in different colors but I use them for embroidery !
    Nutmeg is a sweet baby !

  18. I honestly love the new name for this quilt. That's the sign I want for our house. Maybe it's time for an internet search... The theorem painting is lovely and quite the find! We have a glass walled bookcase that is painted in that exact faux finish. It's beautiful, especially filled with favorite reads. No Moby Dick, though... ;-) I hope to finish my handpiecing project this month (inherited Ruby Kim "Road to Oklahoma" blocks in 30s fabrics), and then I'll use your fan stencil for the quilting. Not sure if I will big stitch it, but it will be my hand quilting project for 2020.

  19. Pink thread and big stitches--so fun! No wonder Nutmeg wants to help finish that joyful quilt!

  20. Won't you be my Neighbour is a great name for your quilt. It is looking fabulous and the big stitch quilting texture will be wonderful. The doll quilt you are working on is really lovely as well!

  21. Oh yes, what a perfect choice for the Neighbors quilt--that big stitch Baptist Fan! Very lovely vintage vibe.:)

  22. very nice house quilt...definitely says winter at all here in MD and now forsythia blooming...

  23. As always, so much fun stuff Barb! That little quilt label is PERFECT -- and just so sweet. I love the name for your house quilt. We haven't had winter here in Indiana yet this year either -- I'm waiting though and hope it doesn't decide to finally come in April LOL!

  24. Hi Mz Barb. Hiuse Quilts my favorite. The big stitch and using the “Pink” thread! Maybe I need a Barb infusion.

    This brightened my day. Hug your fuzz butts for me. I miss having a critter observer.

    Jane M

  25. Perfect name for your quilt...and I love that you are quilting it with Geranium Pink thread!
    And now I'm inspired to try making at least one quilt label that is fanciful and not just functional!

  26. Chenille needle for big stitch, wonderful info! Love your blog, and good neighbor quilt.

    1. I wish I had your email! thanks for the nice comment

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