
Saturday, March 21, 2020

Quilting for Comfort

I hope you are all doing okay and are well.  Things are so surreal. 
I'm working on this 2014 UFO.
I had planned to share my recent cruise photos, but I'm just not up for that today.  Here is what came out of the UFO drawer.
The nine patches are from my first Fun With Barb Block Swap in 2014.
Amazing sewing shrinkage!
It was a fun challenge to pick fabrics and animals.  I made several changes along the way.
I have fused them down and I'm machine appliqueing them with a tiny zig zag and monofilament thread.  This isn't an real video just a still because it is really hard to video with hand and sew with the other, lol.
 Nutmeg is almost 1 year old and she is a great little sewing room buddy and has deep appreciation for my large scale fabrics.
In preparation for Hanna and David, who live in DC,  I had to rustle up all the quilts in her room.  This was the easiest solution.  This is about half of my quilts.
My son's girlfriend, Alexis, is staying with us too and together we made slime.
 I used this recipe here.  It was a fun activity and it is therapeutic to play with.
This is her cat, Momo.  He is friendly and sweet and Nutmeg is "letting" him come up from the basement a little more every day.
We are very lucky to be a family group of six as we stay in and stay put.  Lots of working from home and lost of shared meals.
 coco and nutmeg are a perfect example of how to get along during mitigation.
 I hope you are doing okay, and if you are not please reach out to a friend or family member and let them know.

We all have to take care of eachother.


  1. Loving the "Animal Crackers" idea--great that you can all shelter together...stay safe...hugs, Julierose

  2. love your animals crackers and that stack of quilts folded up. So nice you have family with you - I wish it was more of us in my house than just the two of us but we have plenty to do. You say you were on a cruise! so glad you were back safely.

  3. I LOVE how you've used all of your cute nine patches Barb -- what a fun quilt design. Sounds like you're all making the best the virus -- I'm hoping we'll all be able to look back and remember the family togetherness rather than the mess that's been created.XO

  4. Animal Crackers is so FUN! Love how you let us see your process on the animal decisions. We make slime and goo and moon sand all the time at the Centre. At the moment, it is closed of course. Stay safe. ;^)

  5. Animal Crackers is a wonderful "medication" for these troubled times - thanks for sharing, as the quilt made me smile and brought back lots of Shirley Temple memories! I wish I had my kids at home, but we are making use of phone calls and text apps to stay in touch.

  6. Younger son has moved home with us - elder son, wife, and grandson are in their house across town. One day at a time . . . and yes, we do need to keep sewing and posting and commenting!!!

  7. Your quilt is so cute with the animals in the border! Nutmeg must have had some lessons on picking out fabrics. We just returned from a week in Hawaii and yesterday was spent unpacking plus shopping for food. We got take out pizza for supper last night. Usually we have our DS & DGS over on the weekend for Sunday dinner and to watch sports, but we're thinking maybe they should stay away from us for a while in case we picked up something from the plane trip back (although we don't think we did). Also our TV went out the night before we left, so I suppose we will have to get a new one. We've had this one a long time. I just posted about my Hawaii trip. Keep on sewing - as if I need to say that!

  8. Understand your mood on not posting cruise photos at this time. You are fortunate to stay busy with family and agreeable pets. May you all stay well!

  9. Oh, I love Animal Crackers, including the ones that used to come in the circus boxes! Some little person is going to love this little quilt one day. Our kids are all staying in their own homes, most are working from home and home schooling, but a couple are still having to report to their work site every day. They're the ones we worry about most, and they have a three year old. Thankfully he stays at home since they work alternate shifts.

  10. Good for you working on a UFO! I had my churn dashes out the other day ready to work on at our retreat that got canceled. I may still work on it. Lots of very unfocused time on my hands (-:

  11. Your Animal Crackers quilt is so cute! I made one similar to that (without the animals) from a 9-patch swap, a couple years ago. Yours is much "airier" (mine looked more chaotic) due to your lighter setting fabrics. Nice!
    Glad the pets are all behaving nicely. Nutmeg is still adorable ~ I, too, could curl up in those gorgeous large scale fabrics.
    What exactly do you do with slime?
    I want to know about that light shining directly on your needle! Did u post about it already? I want one!
    So nice you have your family around you at this time. Take care Barb, stay busy and have fun!

  12. It is a scary time. I work in a large hospital. I've been a nurse for 40 years, I seen a lot (AIDS SARS ebola etc...)
    but this is the 1st time I've seen the hospital in lock down. No one comes in without ID. No family with exception of one parent with a child or a family member with someone with dementia. The hospital is quiet but crazy busy. Please everyone pray for the sick.

  13. Animal Crackers is simply delightful, Barb! It exudes a playfulness that makes me grin.
    Nutmeg looks so comfy--everyone can find peace in a sewing space. :)
    Love the idea of making slime to play with for therapy.
    How nice that you can provide space for your family to shelter together. We usually have DD#2 and her family of 6 for Sunday dinner, but are rethinking it this week. Hubby still goes to work (in an isolated private office), and my son-in-law has had to meet with a few people for his work this week, and my grandson with special needs has still been in his class. We just aren't sure we should get together and possibly expose each other. We have had our first 2 cases of the virus diagnosed in our valley now--people who had been traveling. No community spread yet, but I know it is only a matter of time.
    Hope you all stay well!

  14. Animal Crackers is a cheery site to see! Your family and sweet animals are doing a great job sheltering together.
    It's good to pray for those fighting challenges and remembering to be grateful for all we have. I hope the cat blending continues to go well.

  15. This is such a sweet and playful quilt. It really cheers me up.

  16. Glad your family has been able to hunker down together. Im thinking that being isolated can be both a positive and a negative. Working on your animal crackers quilt goes hand and hand with all the sweet 4 legged friends you currently have at home. Staying positive is the key.

  17. I'm so glad you can all be together during this stressful time! Animal Crackers looks great and looks like fun to sew, too. Here's hoping we all stay safe and healthy!

  18. Now that is a lot of quilts. I really like the one quilt you are working on.!!

  19. I love that you are able to support each other during these hard times.
    What a fun quilt and I love seeing the pets!!

  20. Animal crackers is just lovely! Kids will love this quilt!
    Your pile of quilts is impressive. Glad you are okay and can be all together. Keep safe!

  21. Hi Barb !! Your quilt is beautiful and it's time to work on UFO's !
    In France, we are confined at home and I'm glad my husband and Clement, our second son are with me.
    Cedric our other son is still in his town because he is a soldier and I don't know when he will be allowed to come back home... Pfff I don't like this scary time....I'm stressed.
    Fortunately, we have our fabrics ans quilts. A great therapy !!
    Take care please.

  22. Oh, I love this post. First of all I'm so happy for you that you have your kids close at this stressful time. An extra kittie as well. Love that log cabin on your daughter's bed and what a stack of quilts!! Your appliqued animals are so cool. You really come up with the best most artistic and original ideas!

  23. That is an amazing stack of quilts! Love the kitties, and how doggie and kitcat get along.

  24. Love that stack of quilts! Right now, the bulk of mine are in my bedroom, but I long for the days that I can spread them out on the other beds. It does feel marvelous to put quilts on all the beds when we have company for sure. Your latest quilt is very happy looking. Gave me a smile just looking at it.:)

  25. What a great quilt!!! Who doesn't have fond memories of that song, and now this brings some joy to this crazy, crazy world.
    We are retired so staying at home, and making the best of the gift of not having to go places and do things that seems to have taken over everyone's lives, a time to slow down a bit.
    My children are in Philly with a mandatory shelter at home. Luckily they both still have jobs and can work from their apartments. My son's employer gave them mandatory 30 days work from home.
    Enjoy your family time.

  26. What a delightful and happy quilt, Barb! So FUN! I love seeing your stack of quilts. I'm doing the same thing at the cabin where my quilts are totally out of control. Looks like Nutmeg and Coco are best buddies :) Glad your family is together during these uncertain times.

  27. Every time I see a new quilt that you have made I think. wow, she really gets me! I adore this quilt. So fresh and sweet and colorful! So happy to hear the kids are with you. We are so fortunate that we have been isolated long enough to be with our kids and grandkids too. We are the lucky ones! Stay safe and healthy my friend!


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