
Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Hello all.  I hope you are all well and staying home and safe.
I saw this sweet little quilting Bee paper doll on Kyle's Blog, Timeless Reflections.   It is offered by Kathy Schmitz, and you can get it free right here.
She's my little quilting friend and she is helping me feel inspired to sew.  I am finding it hard to settle into hand work.

I made a sleeve for my House Quilt so I could hang it in my sewing room.  Nutmeg pulled it off the ironing board and made a little nest, pins and all.  The sleeve is matching so it's hard to see.

Here's my label with Nutmeg in the window.
I'm so happy to have this cheerful quilt to enjoy from my sewing machine.  It looks custom made for this spot. 
Yesterday I made a sleeve and label for my Pineapple quilt too.  When you make crazy backs, labels can be both fun and challenge.  Labels can be another level of design on your quilt.  I didn't have anymore of the fish fabric but the silhouette print relates to both backing fabrics.
I made a circle label using the silhouette fabric.  I think it works well pulling it all together.
Here are some prototype masks I made.  One of the most important things you can do is NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE.  This is especially important when you are in a store, so I'm wearing one when I'm out to remind myself of this until I go home and wash my hands.
 My nephew in Colorado asked me to make him one. 
 I asked him what color and he chose navy.
We have finished our first puzzle.  550 pieces.  woo hoo
I was disappointed to see this sign at our favorite Steamed Dumpling shop.  I think we'll try their other restaurant tonight.  I feel strongly about supporting privately owned restaurants.
Sunday has become Big Breakfast Day.  It feels good to have some new "Traditions" during this very unsettling time.  Virginia has a stay home policy until June 1st!  Not sure what this means for David and Hanna.  They may be here for quite a while.
I have been using meditation as a path to mindfulness four a couple of years and I has made a big difference in my life.  
I use the Calm App.  It also has sleep stories which I love when it's hard to sleep.  They offer a free trial if you are interested.
Breath, breath, breath and try to enjoy the view.
Stay Home
Stay Safe


  1. our local Chinese is closed - I missed it. you have some nice projects going on!

  2. You have been more productive than me! Even a lot of our take outs are now closed.
    I just finished a 1000 piece puzzle and did not even bother to post about it.....
    Have a guild board meeting today through Zoom, my how times have changed! In PA we are closed indefinitely!

  3. I love your little "dolly helper" so cute. And a nice finish on that puzzle:)))Kudos!!

    --your Circle Lady label is so pretty..and a creative way to use well spaced fabrics...

    We are getting groceries delivered as of this Monday as we, at our "advanced" ages should not go out,,,
    sooo...I actually was able to go on Instacart and put our order in--
    it will be delivered this coming Monday YAY--I did it correctly;)))--and really, given the circumstances, not such a long wait time...desperate times, desperate measures, right?
    Stay safe and vigilant..~ ~ ~ waving from nearby Julierose;))

  4. I always love a glimpse into your quilting life, and today is no exception! I need to print that little dollie, for sure. I think routines and new traditions are important right now!

  5. Lovely post, Barb - a day in the life of this unprecedented situation we are all living in. You've touched on many things, with a spirit of adaptation and encouragement. I'm loving your labels!

  6. sure hope this ends so you can come in July to Austin - love the house quilt bright and fun!! Austin restaurants have long been closed about 3 weeks already - few for take out or drive a lot and working on two quilts - started walking every day which I have never done - husband going too be well and be safe and stitch on!!

  7. Little nutmeg in your quilt is so cute!! What a perfect area for your house quilt. The circular label is darling.
    Ordering out isn't quite the same as going out. Thankfully I home cook most of the time anyway. Take care, you and the entire family.

  8. Your labels are awesome. I love the silouette for the string quilt, although the house label is pretty amazing.
    I didn't realize both your kids are home with you. It has to be nice to have your family all until one roof!
    Glad to hear you've found something to calm yourself. Sounds like a great idea.
    Take care, stay safe and healthy!

  9. Your house quilt looks very cheery with the lovely birds in the tree branch. A fun spot for sewing. I have MS.Honey in my sewing spot too. Kathy is coming up with some lovely ideas :-)

  10. Cute labels, I'm really bad about labeling mine. Don't you just love helpful (not) kitties? Your house quilt looks wonderful above your sewing table - how do you keep it so clean and neat? Take care and stay safe.

  11. Well, the pins didn't seem to be an issue for Nutmeg. She would not do well in a "Princess and the Pea" role. :)
    Your house quilt looks perfect there, and I love the label with the kitty in the window.
    I've been making masks, too, for my daughter's local hospital. Our hospitals won't take them.
    Restaurants here are all either closed, or just take-out (it's like that everywhere, I guess), but we usually only eat out once a month. With celiac, it is a risk every time we do, so it is mostly home cooking for us anyway.
    LOVE the daffodil vase! I have dozens of daffodils blooming right now. Is that a vintage piece?

  12. Your labels are as artful as the quilts. Love that you added Nutmeg to the house label. So cute! ;^)

  13. I love jigsaw puzzles. I have a bunch of them to do but generally just work on one when I have company that also enjoys. Otherwise, my quilting projects get ignored as I just want to work on the puzzle.
    Pretty applique. I like the vase fabric. I generally notice what a quilter uses for the vase first and then my eyes head to the flowers as certain flower shapes appeal to me.

  14. Your post was filled with good things. My little Honey Bee has been a good motivator for me and for you too. Your Neighbor quilt is perfect in your sewing room and of course, the label is super cute with Nutmeg at the window. We're trying take out Thursday as a way of supporting our favorite restaurants.

  15. Your quilt backs are as much fun as the fronts with those unique labels. Love the house quilt over your sewing machine, a perfect setting for it, and a house quilt somehow fits the current state of things doesn't it. In western NY Friday fish fries are a long-standing tradition that hasn't stopped with the stay home order, except now it's take-out only which rules out our favorite restaurant since it's over half an hour away. We're experimenting with some a bit more local so we can get the fish home while it's still hot. Making life an adventure wherever we can. Not resorting to eating a fish fry in the truck though lol!

  16. It looks like you have another exquisite applique quilt started. You do such beautiful work. I love your house quilt, very cute label with little Nutmeg in the window. I am glad you have your family around you. Our kids live 100 miles away and we can’t even go to see them now. Only essential travel allowed. Take care!

  17. Your house quilt is in a perfect place and it matches your FUN vibe perfectly. Pancakes for a crowd - what could be better? I've been experimenting with making masks too. Virtually everyone here wears masks and they are impossible to find in the stores now. Today David and I walked to get groceries, wearing our homemade masks, and we didn't suffocate so that's a good sign. Stay healthy my friend!

  18. Just love your house quilt! It is perfect.

  19. Your labels are beautiful and I love to see Nutmeg playing in the quilt !! 🤣
    My husband cooks some cakes and ... oh my !! Once a week it.s perfect !
    Stay safe please !!

  20. I just heard on the radio that jigsaw puzzles is currently one of the top ten searches on Amazon and most are sold out!

  21. I enjoy using the calm app also!
    That is a lovely puzzle! I'm on my 3third 1,000 piece pandemic puzzle... best thing to do when the brain is fried!

  22. Love your houses quilt, it was perfectly made for that space. Have you read Freddy's Houses? Met her at the sister's Oregon quilt show many years ago. LOTS OF RED!

  23. Your house quilt looks wonderful hanging up and such a cute label. Pretty daffodils!

  24. Thanks for the inspiration - as always! What changes we have seen in just a few weeks. It makes me wonder if life will ever return to "normal". Keep stitchin' and stay safe!

  25. Your posts are always uplifting. Such a joy to read something positive and upbeat. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and knowledge. Stay safe and keep quilting my friend!

  26. I love the House quilt! A nice colorful application of an old favorite! I think making a few different types of masks is a good idea. It's not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. I forgot about puzzles! Thanks for the reminder! Take care, cw

  27. Thanks for the link to the quilting Bee doll! Too cute! We are on our 4th puzzle and the last one we have is a 1000 piece puzzle, which I'm not real fond of because of so many pieces. But it can't be THAT bad. I just sent my sister a light house puzzle for her birthday - lighthouses in Oregon. She liked it! Your labels are so cute. I'm not that imaginative. I'm waiting on batting that I ordered so I can finish my house quilt. Hope it comes soon!


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