
Monday, April 20, 2020

serenity sewing

Soft Quilt for a Hard Time.  This is what I'm making at the moment because I can't seem to concentrate and stay focused.
It started by just making string sets and trimming them into squares.  Neutrals are what I have the most of for some reason.
I made a little tape marker on my sewing machine for cutting longer strips to the right length, which is about 1 1/2" inches longer before trimming.
This was my first layout.  NOPE.  I just didn't love it.  It is not calming, and I am craving calm.
This speaks to me much more.  I like the columns and after a few neutrals I made a red one.
This spot in a red string was bothering me so I added fixed it.  You who know me know I usually don't "fix" things.  But I want order at the moment.  (these columns are not sewn together yet by the way.)
I started in on brown strings when a really funny thing happened.  I realized (late as usual) that I didn't need to cut the the top and bottom of the sets, just make a straight edge.   But I cut the first group at 5 1/2" wide instead of 6 1/2"  OOOOPS.   I used a different ruler and just sort of blew it. 
Now it is a "creative expression"  yeah, that's right it is now a design choice.
I think I'll finish this brown column and then add one more neutral column.
In other news; I cleaned out my book cases.  These are from Ikea and I love them.  I also moved a chair from my bedroom down the hall to my sewing room.  It's nice to have lunch and watch my TV from a rocking soft chair.
I'm currently watching West World from the beginning while simultaneously watching season 3.  Anyone else watching?
Here is  few things that made me happy this week.  This little display at Hammonasset State Beach at the Long Island Sound where I walk with coco.
 I am so grateful to have this wide open space to enjoy the fresh air.
I invited Hanna to my sewing room for Happy Hour and to watch the new "Making the Cut" fashion design show on Amazon.  Are you watching?  What do you think?  Sometimes it is fun to move the party to a different room.
 Luna and her house guest Momo watching the birds on a rainy morning.  They are getting along so well!
I hope are all doing okay.  This is a very extraordinary time in our world.  I am not one who tends to feel depressed or hopeless, but I have had my bouts with it recently.  

Stay Well everyone!


  1. I like the neutrals with the brown and red columns. It does say "order". How wonderful to have the beach and Coco for some outdoor fresh air and peace. I've been watching Making the Cut also. I think I like it better than Project Runway. Though I am surprised that some of the designers hardly sew! How they manage to advise the seamstresses is beyond me. But I like the use of the seamstresses. And I love the stories of the designers- I think Esther is my favorite. Like you, I call myself "scattered". I'm getting some things done, but not what I imagined I'd do with all this time. The whole thing is depressing.

  2. Your vertical rows make it a really effective design. And a great scrap-buster! Alas, our state parks are closed which means our entire lake front. But the forest preserves are open and I've been walking in those closest to home. (One is in walking distance and two are driving distance.)

  3. You are right. This is a lovely, calming quilt design. Thanks for sharing the inspiration!
    I'm glad the kitties are doing so well together. My sisters cats have had a feud for over two years and have finally melded again. Thank God! Enjoy more time outside with Luna. That looks like a wonderful area to walk.

  4. Your columns look so restful and neat--you have a lot of great neutrals...I like the ones that tend toward the"butterscotch" tints....
    I think we all get those low points during this isolation...Nice that you can get out and walk the beach....
    Stay safe ~ ~ ~ waving 'neath cloudy skies (again) Julierose

  5. I love your strings! Perfectly peaceful. Your set up for stitching in your comfy chair is perfect!

  6. Love the string quilt. Very calming. I do like the hammer in the red but I could see how that'd bother you.
    I figured you'd be having your Cosmo cocktail. I saw a recipe over the weekend and thought of you.
    I am going to give one a try today at happy hour and will toast to you and your crew!
    What a beautiful place to walk, Barb. I grew up on Long Island and loved Jones Beach (we didn't go to LI Sound for the beach!).
    Stay healthy and strong!

  7. you are so fortunate to have the ocean nearby for outdoor is the place where i go to find serenity and solace and i miss it so...

  8. I really like your soft quilt. I had kind of the same idea, but I am making neutral improv log cabin blocks. Adding some embroidery. Some simple sewing feels really good right now. Your beach walk looks wonderful! The kitties look like us, longing to get out and back to normal.

  9. I agree that the long strings are more relaxing to look at. Even though I've been working, this whole ordeal can be very overwhelming. Whenever I think about Rene's situation it gets me worried. Worry doesn't help anything though, so I try not.
    I also try not to think about each person entering our business may be a carrier of the virus- there is only so much we have control over and that isn't one of them! Carry on and be happy!

  10. I like the term serenity sewing, goes right along with the serenity prayer, as we all search for the wisdom to get through this time of uncertainty.

  11. It’s a very calming quilt but still with lots of interest. I’m grateful for outdoor space too and finally ... spring weather to enjoy it 😀

  12. Your serenity quilt does have a calm effect despite all the different fabric pieces. The longer length is better, at least, in my eyes. Great idea for the cutting the strings. Were you using a foundation? I've been feeling restless lately too.

  13. The quilt is calming; the kitties are adorable; the cocktails look yummy; and the walk looks refreshing. All good things needed at this time.

  14. LOVE your new quilt project, Barb!! I used your Olive tutorial over the weekend on the mini that I finished today. Thanks, again!

  15. Can't get enough of this quilt to be! I just love it. Sorry you have been having bouts of "ick". I seem to be holding my own, but i am one to fall apart when bad things are over. So far so good. Love how you have arranged your books by color. My daughter does that. I'm lucky if I get them on a shelf! You are so right about having open spaces to walk in. I am so thankful we are in Maine and have lots of opportunity to be in the wild. Stay safe and healthy and quilt on!

  16. I love your string rows. So inspiring!

  17. I really like your "calm" quilt. Easy sewing and kind of mindless. I have hardly been sewing at all, mostly painting and reading. I think the beach is one of the most wonderful places to be no matter what is going on in the world! Cocktails in the sewing room, I think you may start a new trend....

  18. I think we have all had bouts of sadness and mild depression recently. It's a hard time to be our usual upbeat selves.
    Wish I could come to Happy Hour... I see my martini ready for me! LOL
    The string quilt is a fabulous idea!

  19. I really like your little stitching/reading/TV watching nook--wish I had room in my sewing area for one. It looks so cozy! Your book shelves are so nice and neat too and it's fun that you've organized them by color. I love the meditative sewing you have been doing--looks like a great way to use up fabric (something that I need to do desperately!). I agree that it's difficult to stay upbeat right now with everything seeming to be upside down. I guess the antidote is just to keep sewing in our happy places.

  20. I love your creative expression....yes, when you added the red strip...your quilt took on a different personality. Love it. I just might have to try this with my scraps.

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  22. Love your Coins type strips. Well, love everything you sew actually. And I’ve noted that crunchy cake recipe. Thanks for the link. Aren’t we lucky to have this wonderful pastime never more so than during these strange days.

  23. Love your quilt. I have colored in places that bothered me with a fabric pen, when string piecing. Even crayons can work.

    1. good trick. I've used that myself and didn't think of it for this and should have!

  24. Hi Barb, I'm enjoying your string quilt process. We're staying busy, which is working for us (besides working from home, we are both fortunate to still have our jobs). I've been painting my kitchen, cleaning out file cabinets (ugh so much unnecessary stuff), and cooking. Also sewing baby quilts - one grandbaby born this week, another due in a month. Got the first quilt done but it took 3 tries before I found one I liked. We also go on lots of walks with the dogs, and go on drives too, usually to find little ponds or lakes. There's something calming about water. Love your happy hour idea, we like to have our wine on the front porch and chat with neighbors who wander by. People are friendlier than ever now. Take care!

  25. Your Soft Quilt is definitely soothing. I can just imagine the soothing rhythm of the construction process (I'm looking forward to some of that soothing process using my treadle sewing machine this weekend). I need to make space in my sewing room for a comfy chair - definitely a soothing idea! I watched Westworld with my son when he was living at home last year. I gave up at the end of season 2 - just too confusing and frustrating. I'm not a lover of clichés, but there always seems to be a grain of truth in them - therefore: Hang in there! We're all in this together!

  26. Stay cheery Barb -- Round 1 should soon be over. I just hope this isn't going to be the new normal every year or two -- we'll have to get a grip LOL! Very fun that your cats get along. We currently have 2 cats plus 2 guests and they don't get along so we have to take shifts for the most coveted rooms. When I hear a mad dashing of feet somewhere, I know there's been an escapee LOL.

  27. Great Chinese Coins quilt, love your colors!

  28. Another great quilt in the works and your sewing room is just so beautiful AND cozy. Love your animals too.

  29. Your little quilt is so calming. I often turn to easy piecing, too, to manage anxiety and stress and most times it works :) Wonderful book cases and your books are organized by color! Never would have thought of doing it that way! Your sewing room looks like the perfect hideaway--so comfy-cozy. Wide open spaces are just what we need nowadays. Glad to see the kitties in your house are getting along :)

  30. I think I see you are having a sweet potato for lunch. One of my favorites. Most Thursdays, my dear quilting friend, Linda, and I have lunch in two old club chairs that sit in my sewing space. We usually watch an episode of The Quilt Show. It is a wonderful"get away" lunch. Hope I will see you in Houston next month at Lakeview.


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