
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

One Step Forward Two Back....

Hello friends.  Hope you are all staying well.  I changed course on my Whig Rose quilting design.
Throughout the LONG process of making this quilt I had planned to use the feather stencil (bottom), but it just wasn't working.
I tested the design on paper first.
I've never used this one before and low and behold, it was Jill's and I must have inherited after she passed away.
 I extended the feather pattern outward to the corners.  It fit beautifully with no adjustments and no need to have any awkward corners.
 What do you think?  I will do radiating lines (as I almost always do) to fill the background.
 After attaching the HST borders I realized they were not lined up properly.  😡😩😭  So I took them off (a couple of times actually).
 So using a ruler I forced eased them into proper spacing.
Things are about to get worse so let's take a puzzle break.....
this is where my Frida puzzle was on Friday.  It is a Challenging one!
 Hooray!  Completed on Sunday!  1000 pieces.
 See how I'm pinning this?   I want the red edge to be on  the outside so I can have red binding.
 You okay Mom?  There was a lot of loud and angry self admonishments going on in the sewing room.
 sometimes you just have to walk away and take a break....
 Making these feed in staight isn't easy, but my handy flat seam ripper helps.
 AAAhhh, finally this is right and straight.
 I have one more side to attach today.  I'm not sure I go with the outside corner and may play around with a HST.  What do you think?
 Tenacity is our family motto and I will prevail.

To end on a lighter note.  I found this at Bed, Bath and Beyonce and my husband said:
"is that a dish drainer?" and I said "No, it's for my butt"
 My cute sewing chair offers no back or spine support.
 It may look funny, but my back thanks me!
 Hooray for my little state of Connecticut.  On friday it was the only decreasing covid state in the country.
My friend, Cynthia's last post put me on to this funny podcast.  You may know Mel from The Great British Baking Show. 
Give it a listen.  We all need a giggle.
Take Care!


  1. I have never drawn my quilting design on my top while I am still piecing, I didn't realize anyone did that - is there an advantage to doing it like that? Looks like a beautiful quilt and will be lovely quilting

  2. I saw cute sewing chairs like yours at a local sewing machine shop. I sat on one to test it out and knew right away it wasn't meant for my back. But they are cute. I have never seen a pad like you got and not sure how it would help your back.

  3. It is going to be magnificent! I love the new stencil. I cannot believe you had to redo those borders. I think I would have given up, but I know it was worth it in the end. I just adore this quilt!! Good job on the but cushion. I'm sure you will be like new from now on. I use a ball chair and it seems to work well. We can't help but overdo it when we are on a roll!

  4. I have that sewing chair, usually I have no issue with it. But then my ironing board and cutting table are in another room so I usually get quite a few "get up and move" breaks from sewing. And the one quilt I hand quilted was done in a cushy chair. My desk chair however could use some help, I've added this to my list to check out next time I'm near that store.

  5. I hope the chair pad gives you many hours of comfort!!

    Some quilts just demand a little extra attention, huh?? It's a beauty!
    We are going to masks mandatory starting tomorrow anywhere in public. Cases aren't exploding, but I laugh that the news or government dare not mention looters and rioters with no mask coverings as part of the reason for the rising cases.

  6. Sometimes you have to step back to proceed forward in the right direction but you'll be glad you did. Absolutely the right choice on the stencil, imo. Oh, the look on Nutmeg's face! HAHAHA!! (were you swearing?!? - gasp!) im leaning toward triangles on the corners ... I'll have to look into that butt thing.

  7. Bravo for tenacity! Know how you feel. My last quilt was a similar story piecing and I don't even have it on the longarm yet!

  8. Tenacity is an understatement!! BRAVO to you and Nutmeg!!
    I love Jill's stencil and think it's perfect for this project and in that space! She lives on!
    I have done quilts with tiny half square triangles on the edge and it's tough!
    Nice job!!!

  9. Interesting seat "cushion", Barb, and that quilt is going to be spectacular!

  10. And yet she prevailed! Good job, Barb! I LOVE this quilt, the yellow background has just the right zing to it! I love you you so carefully assigned the HST borders with a ruler. I remember the first time I put together a quilt with blocks and sashing (many moons ago), and I was so dismayed when I finished and nothing lined up! I usually use cornerstones now to alleviate that problem. I notice that you cut your borders wider, then trim after sewing on the HST border, does that help with accuracy or ? Never saw that before. Good luck, hope no more boo-boo's, but on the other hand, if a boo-boo yields a cosmo, it's not a totally bad thing, right? Happy 4th!

  11. Tenacity is a great characteristic and you certainly prevailed. I did notice a little drinky- poo sitting there. I'm sure that helped. Your quilt is beautiful and the quilting design you've chosen will be spectacular.

  12. I love this quilt and your feather design in the border is going to look great! I have to smile at your border struggles (you solved everything beautifully) because I am currently struggling a bit - and fudging a lot!! - to get the sawtooth edgings on the borders of the quilt I'm making to look the same (or close!) as they come together in the 4 corners. I'm thinking of some of those quilters in the 19th century who didn't worry so much about making everything match and thinking they have the right idea! :)

  13. Your quilt is going to be very lovely!

  14. Persistence runs in my family too. :^D Love the quilting design. This is going to be so gorgeous when done. Don't pull hair, just hang in there! You know all that ripping will be worth it in the end. I should get one of those cushion for my back too or get a new chair. It is over 35 years old after all. Thanks for the picture of Nutmeg. Always nice to see her.

  15. I love this quilt so much!! I’m sure it was worth it to redo the borders. Your quilting plan is fabulous!! Gorgeous feathers!

  16. Oh, my goodness, that feather stencil of Jill's is perfect! I love what it does for your already gorgeous quilt.
    Some quilts deserve that extra attention to detail--like this one. Kudos to you for correcting the problem right away. I might have stuffed it in a closet and tried to forget it for a long time! But I am glad you didn't. It is too pretty to hide.
    My MIL gave me a Back Joy seat pad many years ago, but it didn't look like that at all. It did help, until I got a really good chair and a "Purple" gel seat pad.
    I saw Cynthia's post about that, but admit I haven't checked it out yet. I really enjoyed Mel on the baking show.

  17. Your quilting efforts are always such a perfect touch. This template/stencil for the border is fabulous! So sorry about the frustrations of getting the borders just right. I hate days like that. Makes you wonder why even bother? But then the quilt comes together at a finish and we know exactly why we bother. You do beautiful work. Such an inspiration.:)

  18. I was going to say perfectionist (award winning too) - tenacious is better. I really admire your quilty work ethic! The results speak for themselves. Another stunner of a quilt! Have your enjoyed Mel's podcast??? I was at my sewing machine with earbuds in and laughed so hard and long at one point that my husband came in wondering what the to-do was. It's just such a breath of fresh air.

  19. oh my that is sooo beautiful and as a hand quilter, i am totally drooling over the designs you have chosen...just perfect as all of your quilts are...when i grow up i want to be your kind of quilter...

  20. You are meticulous- admirable! It's going to be lovely. Tanks for the link- i'm off to listen.

  21. Oh yeah--sometimes you just have to step away and take a break (a drink break is a good idea!). It's going to be a wonderful quilt and well worth the extra effort to get it right!

  22. Love your quilting design, the radiating lines are simple but so effective. I usually give myself 3 attempts to get something lined up, persistence pays off most times. Your jigsaw looks like it was fun to do albeit challenging. I hope your state keeps going with the decreasing COVID count, the rest of the map isn't looking too good.

  23. Thanks for the hand-quilting design tips! Sorry to hear about your border struggles - been there, done that!

  24. Kudos for re-doing those hst borders--what a tedious job! Jill's beautiful feather stencil is perfect for your quilt! I never could get into doing puzzles but admire your sticktuitiveness in tackling them. Hope the chair pad works :)


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