
Friday, July 10, 2020

Good Old Abe

It was surprise Abe week for me.  First I received this charming Lincoln tray and flag from Diane.
 It was wrapped with this primitive flag and bakery string.

My friend, Cecile of Patchwork Inspirations sent me this charming surprise Lincoln doll quilt.   Thank you Cecile!
Abe and nine patches - two of my favorite things!
 I didn't expect anything in return.   I've been so lucky to be on the receiving end.

We had a nice quiet 4th of July here.  
We played games, sipped adult beverages and spent time together.
We decorated the trees with streamers - a little tacky but festive and fun.

 It was relaxing and fun and I got some stitching done.
 I saw this book on Gladi's blog and was happy to add a used version to my Applique' Library.
I'm taking part in the Ninigret Quilters mystery quilt.  I has been decades since I've participated in one.   I'm using this lovely Downton Abbey fabric and I'm going for "elegant"...The theme is TeaTime.  Stay tuned.
 This week I was the guest for the Calico Cutters Guild Zoom Meeting.
There was lots of great show and tell and it was a very active and fun meeting.
I hope you've had a good week too.


  1. All so fun and lovely! Happy July!!

  2. Lovely gifts. Enjoy! You deserve them as you are so generous! Love the streamers in the trees. Gosh, haven't seen that since ... college I think. Looking forward to see more of your new project. ;^)

  3. Love your appliqué block and all the other pictures.

  4. Wow, I love your applique block, especially the fabric for the vase!

  5. Looks like you are having fun in many parts of your life! Love the first pic of the Applique and the set up for your zoom. You have a flare for sets and staging! take care!

  6. How fun to add more awesome Abe items to your collection, especially from sweet blogging friends. I think I see a new applique project? Looks fantastic.

  7. Love the flower pot appliqué you're working on and look forward to seeing what you do with it! I hope you enjoy your new appliqué book :)

  8. I LOVE your applique pot of flowers!!! Such a perfect fabric for the vase. Again I am so sorry I had to miss your lecture, but it was for a good reason <3

  9. I ahve been reading in various sites about Zoom meetings. I know absolutely nothing about them. I don't understand how you can do a program or class with a guild using it. But evidently it works okay and solves a social distancing problem.

    As usual, I like your Abe stuff!

  10. Love the streamers in the trees, a simple idea that is bright and colourful and not tacky at all. Love that fabric you are using for the vase, reminds me of a vase my grandmother had.

  11. What a great time of year to have Lincoln come to call.
    Looks like a fun, low-key celebration. I LOVE the streamers in the trees. Just add me to the list of "tacky". :)

  12. I was happy you received your mini just in time for the 4th of July !!
    Your appliqué block is beautiful !!
    Happy summer Barb ! And take care with the virus ! :(

  13. So many pretties you shared! Love your wooden Lincoln "statue" standing on the table! Do you remember where you found him?

  14. Quilt Grama -
    if you have a direct question please email me using the box on my blog or to
    Or, change your google account Blogger settings to include your email.

    The Lincoln bust was sent to me by the same friend, Diane. It is a composite of some kind. I don't know where she got it.

  15. abraham lincoln was the best republican!

  16. oh my that applique vase is soooo any chance do you recall the name/line of the vase fabric? that is really elegant!

  17. What a fun 4th with your family! Love all your Lincoln goodies. Your vase applique is so pretty! I recognize that fabric :) I'm sure it'll be fun participating in that guild's mystery quilt!

  18. It looks like you've been having some fun and getting things done! I haven't done a mystery quilt in forever either. The appliqué looks amazing, per your usual!

  19. I have gotten so far behind with blogging, you would think I am too busy! Well, I am rather busy because I am spending almost all my time sewing. We had a quiet 4th of July with our DGS, with the exception of fireworks set off in our cul-de-sac! Our neighbor loves to do that and we enjoy the celebration of Independence Day! I'm jealous of you getting to go to a quilt guild meeting! Ours hasn't been meeting since February. I was supposed to present a trunk show this month, so maybe I will do it another time. I hope so, because I love sharing my quilts and story behind them.


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