
Friday, August 21, 2020

Just Peachy! You?

Late Summer means Peach Pie!  My recipe is at the end of this post.
Peaches are such a nostalgic comfort food.
Add sugar, egg and butter
and it is summer heaven.
Big News here in Fun Land!
My son, Andrew, has finished nursing school with very high marks.  He will sit for his boards this fall and also start the BSN degree with 3 more semesters which will be on-line.

Because of Covid there is no pinning or graduation :(  
so we celebrated with pizza :)
We went to Sally's in New Haven.  They were set up very safely and the pizza was fabulous.   (note the potty trailer in the background....nope).
Last weekend I made pesto for the first time.   It was fabulous!  Next year I will be planting more pesto.  That vintage Cuisinart was a wedding gift 33 years ago!  Still works perfectly.
I used this recipe and I've been spreading it on just about everything and really like it on eggs.
Oh Look, finally some sewing!
I'm working on my Friendship Medallion quilt project.   I've added another bird and Nutmeg approves!  She loves birds almost as much as I do.
I'm still working on getting everything to fit together.  Fitting everything together is the challenge of every medallion, don't you think?  No, the quarantini won't be in the finished quilt.
I'm doing this little challenge with Wendy, The Constant Quilter, and Randy, The Barrister's Block.  Visit their blogs to see their progress.

Speaking of Randy, she sent me a few jigsaws and I've started this one.  What a cute sewing puzzle.  Thanks, Randy!
I hope you are doing well and find some nice home activities to pass the time of Covid.

Sweet Peach Pie 

9" Pie Shell unbaked (I use refrigerated crust)

4-5 Large Ripe Peaches, sliced

2/3 stick of butter - melted
1/3 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg 

  • Fill pie shell with sliced peaches.
  • combine flour, sugar, salt, add vanilla.  Beat in egg.
  • Add butter to flour mixture.  Combine and pour over top of peaches.

Bake 325 degrees for 1 1/4 hours

**Peach Pie - Perfect anytime of day, especially breakfast :)

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Big Blow

Just when you've had enough of 2020 and all that is happening, we got a big blow.  Thank you to all the friends for checking on me I so appreciated it and I'm grateful for my social media friends.
Hurricane Isaias hit us very hard.  It was a mostly dry event with twirly swirly wind.  We lost power about 4pm on Tues. 8/4/20

Now, I can do without power but we also lose water. .....that means no bathing and no flushing.....

My entire yard looked like my deck.
This was a common site all over our town and surrounding towns.
Mr. Fun was able to find a hotel room with poweso that he could continue to work.  I stayed home with coco and drove the 45 mins to sleep with a/c and have shower and charge up my laptop and phone.

While home I ate fresh vegetable and bread salad so I wouldn't have to open the fridge. (note the hand fan)
To break the silence of my house the roar of neighboring generators I started watching The Civil War Documentary Series by Ken Burns.  It was good company for quilting.
I also put together this puzzle.  It was a gift from my friend, Nancy, and it was a great diversion!  Thank you, Nancy, it is coming your way soon.
With the power still out on Friday afternoon, we scrambled to find a hotel that would accommodate us and our dog, coco.  (Andrew was able to stay with friends closer to the home).

I was so grateful to return home on mid-day Sunday to start the big clean out and clean up.  The fridge and freezer had to be trashed except for a few things that weren't open.
I was so grateful for power, I didn't even mind cleaning :)
Nutmeg was so happy to have us home again.  She was happy to pass judgement on my medallion quilt project.
Here is hand quilting progress on my Whig Rose.  This is the back so you can see the stitching.  I used Moda Natural wide muslin.
I'll be back for more on this project next time.

If you are missing quilt shows as much as I am, you will enjoy this short Documentary.
Hope you are all taking care and staying well.