
Friday, August 21, 2020

Just Peachy! You?

Late Summer means Peach Pie!  My recipe is at the end of this post.
Peaches are such a nostalgic comfort food.
Add sugar, egg and butter
and it is summer heaven.
Big News here in Fun Land!
My son, Andrew, has finished nursing school with very high marks.  He will sit for his boards this fall and also start the BSN degree with 3 more semesters which will be on-line.

Because of Covid there is no pinning or graduation :(  
so we celebrated with pizza :)
We went to Sally's in New Haven.  They were set up very safely and the pizza was fabulous.   (note the potty trailer in the background....nope).
Last weekend I made pesto for the first time.   It was fabulous!  Next year I will be planting more pesto.  That vintage Cuisinart was a wedding gift 33 years ago!  Still works perfectly.
I used this recipe and I've been spreading it on just about everything and really like it on eggs.
Oh Look, finally some sewing!
I'm working on my Friendship Medallion quilt project.   I've added another bird and Nutmeg approves!  She loves birds almost as much as I do.
I'm still working on getting everything to fit together.  Fitting everything together is the challenge of every medallion, don't you think?  No, the quarantini won't be in the finished quilt.
I'm doing this little challenge with Wendy, The Constant Quilter, and Randy, The Barrister's Block.  Visit their blogs to see their progress.

Speaking of Randy, she sent me a few jigsaws and I've started this one.  What a cute sewing puzzle.  Thanks, Randy!
I hope you are doing well and find some nice home activities to pass the time of Covid.

Sweet Peach Pie 

9" Pie Shell unbaked (I use refrigerated crust)

4-5 Large Ripe Peaches, sliced

2/3 stick of butter - melted
1/3 cup flour
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 egg 

  • Fill pie shell with sliced peaches.
  • combine flour, sugar, salt, add vanilla.  Beat in egg.
  • Add butter to flour mixture.  Combine and pour over top of peaches.

Bake 325 degrees for 1 1/4 hours

**Peach Pie - Perfect anytime of day, especially breakfast :)


  1. So proud of Andrew!!! We really need more good nurses in this country! Where did you get fabric that looks just like peach pie? LOL. How do you stay so thin with all the great cooking you do? Love how your medallion is coming along. Will post my progress next week - I hope! Have a great weekend.

  2. Yay, Andrew - congratulations and good vibes to keep it going for the BSN! There are so many opportunities available, either in clinical care or administrative; maybe public health will even make a come back!
    We're fans of pesto here, too. We grow a big pot of basil outdoors every year; sometimes basil volunteers pop up in the cracks of our driveway!

  3. Mmmm ... yum on the peach pie! Your recipe looks good, and easy. And there’s nothing like homemade pesto. I freeze extra in small containers I get at the dollar store. Your medallion is coming along nicely.

  4. congrats to your son - the pie and the quilt look good!

  5. Congratulations Andrew! Barb you must be so proud!
    I love making pesto but never thought about putting it on eggs....I will today!
    Your quilt is looking so "you" and I love your birds always. I have copied the peach pie recipe and am making it today for Bob! Thanks!

  6. Congratulations and good luck with the next steps, Andrew.
    Peaches won't be ready around here for awhile unfortunately for me. That pie looks sooooo good. ;^)

  7. Congrats to Andrew! I'm sure you're very proud of him and his goals. I make an "annual" peach pie, too, and they are sooo good. Oh medallion quilts... I admire you for doing this. They can be a bit balky!

  8. I have the same Cuisinart food processor from my bridal shower! I just had to replace the work bowl, found one on eBay for $40.
    The pie looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  9. You must be sooo proud of your son !! Congratulations to him !!
    Oh là là.... this pie !! Pies are my favorite desserts ! Because I love cooked fruits not raw.
    Your quilt is going to be beautiful !!
    Thank you for the receipe !!
    I wish you a wonderful weekend !

  10. Congratulations to your son! The country faces a nursing shortage and he will always find rewarding work in his chosen career. Our favorite peach recipe is a simple peach and blueberry cobbler. Thanks for sharing your pesto recipe, it's actually very similar to the one we use. We've begun experimenting with different kinds of nuts given the outrageous prices for pine nuts these days, and we're finding we don't really miss the pine nuts, the wonderful basil flavor shines through whatever we add. Hope you can enjoy some quiet stitching time this weekend.

  11. I just used my last refrigerated crust for a quiche, darn it! Cobbler is on the agenda instead. Mazeltov, Andrew! Way to go on the BSN goal. We have two BSNs in our quilting circle, and they always have great advice. Thanks for the pesto recipe share too. I've used one on the Epicurious site that contains pecans instead of pine nuts. Now to grow some more basil... And it's seriously fun watching the four of you on these medallion quilts!

    One more thing - Congrats on your mention in American Patchwork and Quilting! Wishing now that I signed up for the repro version as well as the modern one. Funny, I pieced about 6 low volume 16 patches to use with my stars or churndashes in June. So now, I have an idea of the final look of the quilt. So sad the swaps are herstory... (sniff) Enjoy your day!

  12. That’s the same pesto recipe I use 😋 We’ve made lots here this summer. Your peach pie looks delicious! Congratulations to your son for all his hard work!

  13. Congratulations to your son--great that he's going into nursing...

    I love your pretty
    Enjoy this lovely stretch of weather (finally!!)
    hugs, Julierose

  14. Now Peach Pie--yours sounds yummy--it does bring back memories for me--my family ate so many peach pies when I was a teenager and in 4-H and doing the pie for some demonstration or something--I just remember making them over and over!!
    And I know what you mean about the 'potty'--I do not use public restrooms anymore--as I do worry about them being good places to get that nasty virus--and those out doors ones would really be bad I bet!!
    And I love your quilt and your helper--both are really pretty!
    take care--luv, di

  15. Congrats to Andrew and best of luck fitting your medallion together, Barb!!

  16. Congratulations to your son on his big achievement!
    Reading about your peach pie literally made my mouth water! Over made it before but this is a new recipe to me - must try it!
    Love your appliqué center for your medallion, I’ve added that to my to do list as well.
    Take care, Chris

  17. Congratulations, Andrew. You've made your parents proud! Western Slope peaches ate just starting to show up in the stores. Peach pie, yum, especially for breakfast. Love to see how your working on and planning your medallion. Oh, and pesto.... perfect.

  18. I will be making your peach pie—I like the single crust and it looks delicious! Congratulations to Andrew—that is a big accomplishment!

  19. Congratulations to your son Andrew! Nurses are essential! He's bound to have a great career in nursing. Your projects are beautiful - how fun to do a challenge with Wendy and Randy. Peaches... yum....beautiful pie! And pesto too. Years ago when we had bumper crops of basil I would freeze pesto in ice cube trays - then randomly in wintertime I would use it and get that burst of summer aroma/taste. Love that classic Cuisinart - wish I had one.

  20. Thanks for the pie recipe, and congrats to your son for graduating! Pizza sounds like a fun way to celebrate that. Catbird STudio has all kinds of tips for getting medallions to fit together, if you want any tips, but knowing you, you are already brilliant at that.

    Pesto is a favorite. I keep it in the freezer and chisel out chunks in homemade soups all winter long; really peps them up.

    Happy August--it's almost over!

  21. Your Peach Pie looks so yummy! Love the table topper quilt it's set on. What a perfect way to present a luscious pie :) Congratulations to Andrew for this great accomplishment! My daughter makes pesto all the time and puts it in the freezer. Your medallion quilt is wonderful. Love the 2nd bird and ALL the borders!

  22. Félicitations pour la réussite de votre fils. Il ne faut pas de grande fête, être ensemble c'est déjà du bonheur.
    La couette sera magnifique.
    Merci pour la recette qui me donne envie.

  23. So glad you took the time to record the passing of tests.... even if there is no pin to pin on.... the photos will be worth many words in the years to come

  24. I love that you went for PIZZA to celebrate Andrew's graduation! Looks fabulous!! And I agree with you on the portages-potties... BLAH...
    Your medallion challenge is looking awesome. I noticed the addition of the birdies! And more berries. I really might start to appliqué something if I keep loving your projects! And Wendy's too!
    That peach pie sounds so yummy... at least you have two men to eat it. I'd wind up eating it all myself!
    And pesto?? Can't believe you're never made it before...
    It's so easy...and yummy...
    love ya

  25. I love fresh peaches. Your pie surely was delicious.

    I had seen that Randy was sending you jigsaw puzzles. I have quite a few puzzles in the closet but have not had time to work on one. I purchase gently used ones at the local church thrift store. One of the volunteers loves to work puzzles and donates some really good ones after he is done.

  26. Congratulations to Andrew! I make peach pie a couple of times every summer but I've never used your recipe with an egg. (My version is two-crust. Slice the peaches, add sugar, some tapioca (for thickening), some nutmeg, and 1/4 t almond extract.) The applique medallion is enhanced by the wonderful borders.

  27. P.S. I have the same Cuisinart, the same age (from Service Merchandise!), and make pesto and much else. Pesto freezes well--I put a tablespoon in a ziploc sandwich bag (snack size is better), then put all the bags into one larger freezer bag -- easy to take out one at a time for pasta or rice or whatever.

  28. The pie looks so good! I have been making apple pies from my son's trees. Your medallion is beautiful - I love all the different fabrics. One of our sons is also a RN and he was 40 when he decided to go back to school for it. He now works in the ICU in a hospital in Pensacola, FL. We are so proud of him and I know you are proud of your son too. Isn't it wonderful when they grow into manhood and take on responsibilities? The puzzle looks like fun too.


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