
Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Love Birds

I finished my Friend Sew Along top and I'm calling it  "Love Birds"
It measures 50" x 56" and is made of many orphaned and rescued blocks and 4 Star Swap 2019 blocks.

 Here are some close ups of some of the blocks.  I love to include little moments of whimsy using novelty prints.

This was the center block when I started.  Pretty Bare Boned.

 After adding 2 birds, more leaves and more berries.  More is More.
An early audition of things.....almost none of this idea stuck.
 When working without a set pattern, it is really important for me to stay open to revisions and changes along the way.  It is a fun journey.

Nutmeg doesn't seem to be having fun, lol.  She is waiting for sewing room treats.
I'm continuing to hand quilt the Whig Rose when it is not too hot or humid.  Here are my favorite notions for hand quilting.
I purposefully put these three greens in close proximity on this block because they are 3 versions of the SAME FABRIC.  

Green flower with yellow center on green background with coral or twig fill.  

I'm also working on a UFO project of Jill Reids'.  She did not like applique', she might have said she hated it but she started this group project back in 2006-2007.
Jill loved Northwood Themes and this quilt has quite a few.
I need to embroider the ropes for the Hot Air Ballon.
When I picked up the project earlier this year, I found her needle here in the Heart in Hand block.  It nearly broke my heart remember Jill.
I'll be sharing more about this group project in another post soon.
I need to get a photo of Susan McDs (hint hint) :)

On a final note, Alice F. sent me a photo of her finished Quarantini Quilt - 9 Olives.  Isn't it cute?  Thank you Alice for sharing the photo.
 My free tutorial is here if you want to make one.

Have a great week and I'll see you again soon!
stay well


  1. The medallion vase is looking beautiful--love the vase fabric!! So vintage looking...

    Aw, sorry about Jill--it's so difficult to deal with a loss like that;000

    I have your pattern for those appliques waiting in the wings--as you probably know (after all my whining!!) I am not any good at needleturn--at all...!!!
    I am determined to make a version of this one even though..I love the figures scattered around...
    Hugs in the rain....Julierose

  2. So glad you are finding time to sew! I remember when Jill started that applique quilt- you whizzed right through yours! They are all great and so meaningful.
    Love your birdy quilt top-great job getting it complete!
    Enjoy your day.

  3. Your Love Birds quilt is so very charming. Finding Jill’s needle in her hand would have undone me for a bit. Sending hugs and wishes for fond memories as you work to finish her project. I love the Statue of Liberty that she included. Your Whig Rose is do I g along nicely. Plenty of cooler weather ahead to work o. It. Fall is right around the corner.

  4. Love Birds is wonderful - and inspirational, as always! The little bits of whimsical fabric are Fun! Enjoy the journey of completing Jill's quilt - it will be a treasure.

  5. Oh yum, yum, yum! I love everything about your medallion. In fact, I like all iterations along the way. I do love seeing how people make their decisions. I need to figure out where to put a design wall so I can be better about sharing that process with people. I learn so much from fellow bloggers. Jill would be so proud of you for finishing her project. It seems like the perfect week to be working on it with all you have gone through. Enjoy the day!

  6. You're definitely right about 'more is more' especially when it comes to that gorgeous medallion block. The extras you added are perfect. Love Birds is a fabulous finish!

  7. Love all the stories that are stitched in your quilts. Thanks for sharing. Btw, have you seen APQ yet?

  8. Love Birds turned out wonderful! Love your border fabric. Are you going to hand quilt it also?

  9. I think the scrappiness of Love Birds is fabulous!
    And the border print is a perfect addition!
    Such an interesting UFO of Jill's that you are working on!

  10. Finding her needle? How wonderful, yet sad. I hope you remembered the good times you two had together. Maybe it will be meditative finishing her quilt.
    The Love Birds is so beautiful, I can see the "Barb" touch all the way to Pennsylvania!

  11. Exquisite! I love your Love Birds quilt. I love the addition of green in the borders and the stars in the corners. Just perfect. Congrats. Jill left you quite a fun souvenir of her work. Enjoy working on it, maybe have a few conversations with her. One day, we will be reunite again. ;^)

  12. Love Birds is wonderful and true, more is always better. You've included lots of I Spying fabrics. I love seeing the 3 green fabrics together. Finishing you friend Jill's applique quilt is a lovely testament to your friendship. Finding her needle where she last placed it would have made me cry too.

  13. Your medallion quilt is so sharp and pretty. It's fun to see how you decided to add "more"to the center. Love the little birdies. And the conversation goodies here and there. So poignant - the appliqué you are working on for your friend. On your hand quilting - what are those blue swirly things holding threaded needles??

  14. Ohhhh la la ....your top is soooo beautiful Barb and I love the border fabric !
    Congratulations on this finish !
    Working on the top of your friend is very touching ... A beautiful tribute.
    And as always, your stitches are perfect !!

  15. Another wonderful quilt, Barb!f I love your style and Love Birds is a perfect name :) Always enjoy seeing snippets of conversationals here and there. Your Whig Rose is so pretty and three versions of that same green is crazy! So glad you will finish Jill's quilt and I'm looking forward to your post about that group project :) Yours is a favorite!

  16. Love the little surprises from the conversation prints in your medallion--so fun! It is so touching that you are finishing up your friends quilt and I'm sure it evokes lots of sweet memories. It will be a wonderful quilt.

  17. The vase "portrait" quilt is just lovely, Barb. You have just the right balance between the borders and the center. Thanks for sharing your design decisions. The group applique quilt is such a classically busy piece-- great fun!

  18. So nice to see Jill back at work stitching. The needle is for certain a conduit out to you from her. Proof that quilting can still make connections through the years.

    Your kitty has such a lovely coat and a humorous expression. I think she does want something probably more than treats.

    I miss not having a woofus keeping me company looking for a run outside

    Jane K

  19. "Love Birds" is lovely!!! I alternate using a tj lane thimble with a Roxanne - whichever fits me better that day. I totally love my Clover Domes -what a great invention! I also use a finger cot to pull fabric through the layers - can't imagine NOT using it! I also use Gutterman thread for hand quilting, but prefer their 30 wt silk which glides easily through the fabric and is strong.

  20. Love Birds is just gorgeous. I really love the borders with all the different fabrics in the HSTs, flying geese and little postage stamps. The variety is wonderful!

  21. Loving your quilts, and that you are finishing Jills for her (family?). In can see Nutmeg better this time, and see that she is wearing a one shouldered outfit, how chic!

  22. Wonderful challenge quilt. I'm envious of your 19th Century style conversation prints you scattered in this quilt I collect real ones and repros. Jealous!! I don't have some o


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