
Friday, December 18, 2020

December Modern Mini(s)

 Bright Little Trees - 2020

I have seen these little blocks on social media so I decided to give them a try.

I made a 'casual' paper piecing pattern.  ha ha....pattern.  This way they would be the same size.  

On my bright one, I used pearl cotton and big stitches.  It was fun.

I used this bright polkadot for the back.  You can see that I am using the pillowcase technique to make these.
I made 3 versions in all.  Here is one fit for gnome.
I used this cute woodland print for the back.

This one went to our friends', Susan and Owen.  Here it is on their mantel.   It fits in perfectly with their Red & White display.  
They team up to make wooden mice every year for family and friends.  I am lucky to be a recipient.   Here is the collection on display above my sink.
This one  was also gifted and I hope it has arrived.  You can't go wrong with red, green and cheddar.  I quilted tiny drop diamonds on this one.
The backing fabric is a funny dot print.
I was tempted to keep it because it looked so cute with Ralphy's House and playground.
I've also been learning to crochet.  I am working up to making a granny square afghan.  I've made 5 beanies so far.
I do a lot of ripping out, but I figure it is part of the learning process.
I like how the striping works out.
We got a BIG SNOW yesterday!
Winter Wonderland.
It was so pretty in the evening.
This may be our last fresh tree.  We had to go to 3 places and the pickings were slim.   It sat in the family room like these for almost a week.  I was joking that it was done.
With the snow day, we were inspired to finish the job.   I can't seem to find the tree's 2020 and I'm okay with it.
So which little quilt do you like best?

Thank you all so much for your kind comments on my Sparrow Post last week.   I appreciated them so much.

I wish you all a wonderful day.  
Stay Safe and Healthy!


  1. I like them all for different seasons of the year. What a sweet gift idea.

  2. It's hard to pick a favorite mini - they are all so cute. Probably the cheddar! You put so much punch and style into whatever you do! That is great that you are crocheting. Funny/not funny about your tree. Interestingly the fact that there's a fresh tree shortage in the U.S. made the news in Japan (!) in a story about how Americans are trying to keep some of the usual Christmas traditions going even in this difficult year. I'm glad you could finish your tree on such a gorgeous snowy day!

  3. Those little trees are wonderful!

  4. I love the one with many colors and big stitching. It has so much character! They are all beautiful though!!!

  5. What fun! Hard to pick a favorite, but I like the big stitch. They're all so adorable and not a green tree in the bunch. I've been wanting to make a tree quilt, but not a large one, so you've solved my problem. I'll be on it. With big stitch, it'll be done for Christmas. Thanks for all your wonderful posts.

    1. Thanks joannie - your welcome and thanks for the nice comment!

  6. I like all of them! The big stitch is fun on those bright colors, and cheddar is one of my favorites. And chrome yellow - still swooning on your recent Whig Rose quilt top. As for trees, I used similar ones in the Christmas stocking I finished last night for Karen's honey. Ian will see it tonight. I'm hoping he likes it! He's a hiking, camping kind of guy, so it should be a good fit. I'll post a picture of it on IG after he sees it. Have a great week!

  7. Oh y gosh I love them all! I couldn't pick! The big stitch adds so much character. We went with the small fake tabletop tree about 5is years ago and it makes life so simple......

  8. I can't choose between the three quilts.... they are all beautiful !
    I wish you a wonderful Christmas with your family !!
    Huge hugs

  9. Oh wow, wow, wow! How could we pick a favorite with all 3 so adorable? Normally I would choose the cheddar, but that bright mini is sensational with all that great stitching and I adore the little red and white one and the sweet backing! I say all 3! The tree came out beautifully. Funny, living in Maine I tend to forget how difficult it can be to find a "good" tree. We never bought a tree as kids but when when we moved to town we had to buy one for years. They are for sale everywhere but we always had our favorites. Now we just cut one down on our property in Georgetown. The herd needs thinning so it isn't wasteful and we bring it back down for the wildlife in January. Hope we get to chat on Tuesday!

  10. They are all just so darling!!;)) But if I HAD to choose it would be the red and white one..the trunks remind me of candy canes...Just adorb!!
    Your tree is so lovely...
    I am trying to fight the blues not being able to see my family this year for our usual get together...My geese are almost flying together in a flock...lots of pinning (aaargh!!) but they make me happy...

    Hugs from the Snowy fields not far from you Julierose;));()

  11. What fun little quilts. I like the gnome one with the striped trunks the best. I’m glad you got your tree decorated 😀 What a lot of snow!!

  12. All three are so cute, how can we choose a favorite? For this season I'd choose the peppermint stick version though the cheddar one is a very close second. No shortage of Christmas trees around here, though we got the last Fraser fir at the farm we visited. How is Nutmeg around the tree? Sammy hasn't knocked ours over yet, more interested in the water in the tree stand than the ornaments or the tree itself.

  13. Red green and cheddar of course : )
    I think I'll go make one
    Thank you for all your inspiration
    Merry Christmas : )

  14. Darling tree quilts!! I'm a fan of the red and white for Christmas!!
    Oregon has many Christmas tree farms but most are being shipped overseas!(I don't blame them as they are making money at least) It is getting harder to find one here. You can always go out in the woods, but I'm over that. Yours looks relaly pretty. Now all we need is snow!

  15. All three are so different I couldn't pick a favorite - very cute! Looks like they were fun to make. Your tree is lovely - so festive. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  16. I love the brights! What a fun project. Merry Christmas, Barb!

  17. I love all 3 minis, but for the holidays I'll take the red and white one! I have never made a holiday quilt and am feeling the urge to do so, though looks like it'll have to be for next year :) Merry Christmas!

  18. Merry Christmas Barb. Your package arrived yesterday and was still in "quarantine" until I read your blog post this morning. Germs be damned, we tore right through the wrappings! I can’t wait to display my little tree quilt (love the polka-dotty fabric) and look forward to poring over the new book, too. Thank you, my steadfast friend. You've made my Christmas bright. Fondly, Diane

  19. Wow! You really out did yourself this month. A favorite? Gosh, as unlikely a choice for me, I'd go for the BRIGHT trees. Your tree looks beautiful. I just didn't have the heart to decorate this year, so I've appreciated seeing everyone's lovely trees. The snow makes a perfect scene for a Merry Christmas!

  20. What a fun post. Three tiny tree quilts really made me smile. A favorite? Are you kidding? Each one has a charm all its own. But if I had to choose, I guess the red and cheddar would win.
    Those mice are cuties. When I worked at a private club for fly fisherman (just a little bit outside Yellowstone Park) one summer in my college years, there were always mice in the walls of the apartment for the hired help. Sometimes they would come out of the walls and one morning I found one sitting on my shoes, watching me get ready. I wrote about that to my family and for years afterward my family gifted me mouse figurines, so I know mice! LOL
    Kudos to you learning a new skill. Actually--that summer when I worked at that club (on the banks of the Snake River), I crocheted a Granny Squares afghan. I made a lot of afghans in my younger years, but that was the only Granny Squares.
    Your tree is beautiful. We haven't had a fresh one for many years. We used to get a Noble Fir. My MIL was from Canada and she always talked about how they used to go cut one down. She said the branches were so strong and the scent was wonderful She was right. We got them for a couple dozen years. They were great trees that could handle the weight of any ornament.

  21. Love all 3 of the mini trees but my favorite must be the cheddar. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  22. All three of the Christmas minis are wonderful, but I admit to being partial to the red and white one! Have fun with the crochet, but be kind to your wrists - repetitive motion and all that. Thanks for the Christmas spirit infusion!

  23. I like all of them but my favorite would be the Cheddar and then the red and white! I love the snow out the window it looks so pretty. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Hugs,

  24. Now that's a tough question! It's like asking which child a mother prefers. They all have such a wonderful personality and cuteness overload. I would be more than happy to receive any one of these trees as a present. You have a great talent to know what works and what wouldn't works. Fabulous job! Have a Merry Everywhere and a Happy Everyday. ;^)

  25. Outside Christmas lights are so beautiful after a snow. I’m partial to the red/cheddar/green trees but all three are festive and fun!!

  26. Your paper-pieced, improv-looking trees are delightful, especially with the big stitch hand quilting. What a nice gift idea, especially in exchange for those wooden mice. Very cute too! I've only ever had a live tree to decorate. When your parents owned a Christmas tree farm (many years ago), it's difficult to consider a fake tree. Your real tree is sure pretty! Have a merry Christmas!

  27. You've been busy! What cute little Christmas tree quilts. I tend to favor the multicolored one with all the stitching :) Love those little mice. Susan and her husband are so talented and your little red and white quilt looks so nice on their mantel. Your beanie hats look great! I never could get into crochet. Have fun making granny squares. Can't wait to see them!

  28. Those trees do look like such a fun project. Love your Christmas decorations and all of the projects you are doing. You are one busy beaver. Merry Christmas!!


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