
Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Sparrow Story Reprised

 My mother, Catherine Anne (Clarkson) Bednar, left my world 30 years ago today.  Many of you already know the "Story of the Sparrow" but I'm sharing it again today to mark this anniversary and share more quilts with the sparrow.

Song of the Sparrow - 2019

Alice Payne - 2017

Jubilee -  2012

Hot Flash - 2014

Here is a post I did in 2011 with the Complete Story.  

My 20th Anniversary tribute for my Mom that I finished in 2011.  I turned 48 that year, the same age she was when she passed away.

This quilt remains one my favorites and has been shared in many exhibits.
I quilted her initials, CAB on the urn.

So each time I stitch a sparrow onto or into a quilt, I remember my Mother and my dear friend Mary.  I am blessed to have had these women in my life.

In ordinary times, I would have planned something nice to do on this day.  This year I've decided to give blood through the Red Cross.  I hope it will help someone in need.

Stay well


  1. What a lovely, sweet, actually bittersweet, poignant thing Barb. Such a lovely tribute to your Mom and also personal, the sparrow, moving forward through the years in so many quilted iterations. Hugs to you. My Mom died young (not as young as your Mom) and I'm now the age she died, and it's just a weird feeling. I really admire how deliberately you have honored your Mom in your quilting. xoxo

  2. I love seeing your quilts! My mom died when I was 12, and is a big reason why I am a nurse today. She was the same age as I am now, when she passed. We miss our moms!

  3. Our mothers will stay in our hearts forever...
    Beautiful tribute to your dear Mom and to Mary... I remenber her and her kindness !

  4. Oh Barb, what a loving tribute to your mom. I miss mine everyday, though death hasn't taken her yet; dementia has. It's a blessing to know the 3 year old Honey, but her wisdom, support and courage are gone. But she's still a presence in my life, and I get to care for her every week. Thank you for reminding me to look beyond today, to remember the woman she once was and be grateful for who she is while she's with me. Hugs to you today!

  5. A beautiful story and tribute to your mother. My mom died in 2007. She was a fun, wonderful caring lady. She worked in an office in Florida until the age of 79 and when she submitted her retirement papers, they begged her to continue working! In 2009 I found a colorful and quirky reproduction sampler that reminded me so much of my mom so I dedicated to her. It is hanging in a prominent place in my home and I think of her each time I walk past. Mothers are the best! Hugs to you on this special day. Kelley Secrest

  6. What a lovely way to hold your mother in your heart. Thank you for sharing this story.

  7. Barb what a lovely tribute to your mom, I would never let it out of my sight! I am sure Mary is smiling down on you right now!

  8. Great tribute to your mom. A special way to be connected. My mother passed 25 years ago but sometimes it seems so recent.

  9. What a beautiful tribute to your mom and friend! You make such lovely quilts, I always enjoy seeing pictures. You did plan something nice today, by giving blood it’s one of the nicest things you could do. Have a Blessed day. Hugs,

  10. Such a great way to remember your mom and keep her close. Your quilts are always inspiring.

  11. I never tire of hearing this poignant story of the sparrow. What a special way to remember your mother.
    I've been donating blood recently. It is such a rewarding way to help others. I hope it goes well!

  12. A very heartfelt post and your remembrance of these women stitched into your quilts is wonderful. Alas, I cannot donate blood anymore but thank you for that. It truly saves lives!

  13. You have made so many remarkable quilts! This common thread through them is a sweet remembrance. I know you will bless someone with your blood donation.

  14. What a sweet and loving way to remember your mom. Thanks for sharing your beautiful quilts with us again, as well as the story of the sparrow.

  15. Because our mothers have been with us all our lives, it makes a humongous hole when they leave. We lose our anchors. The pain subsides but the emptiness never ends. This is a wonderful tribute to your mother and to your friend Mary. God bless. ;^)

  16. Your story is a reminder to count our family and friends as blessings daily.

  17. Thank you for sharing your story of the sparrow in your quilts. Very touching. We all leave a little piece of our hearts in our quilts.

  18. Such a sweet way to honor and remember your mother. Hugs to you my friend!

  19. My mom also died at age 48, I was 20. I have long past the age she was, yet miss her still, there was so much I could have learned from her! How different our lives might have been if our mothers had survived what took them from us. Beautiful quilts you made to honor her. I have a flower garden to honor mine. The plants that survive here are different from what she was able to grow, since I live in the arid climate of NE central Oregon rather than the Pacific NW on the wet side of the state.

    1. A living flower garden is such a lovely way to keep her alive in your heart.

  20. You have spent so many years without your mother. What a challenge that must have been. You honor her beautifully, Barb, in the way you live your life, and in your quilt. It is such a lovely tribute. And I think giving blood is a perfect way to continue your tribute to her at this time.

  21. What a lovely tribute, Barb, to your mom and friend, Mary. It just tugs at my heartstrings--tearful, poignant, and oh so heartfelt. Those little sparrows in your quilts just make me smile. My mom died when I was 21 and she was 54. I often wonder what our lives would have been like if she had lived longer :) So much we will never know but the memories live on . . .

  22. I read your story of the significance of 'the sparrow's and it has touched my heart; so, so poignant and beautiful. Your 20th Anniversary tribute to your beautiful mum is stunning; in design, colour and glorious stitching. A most amazing quilt spilling over with love of a daughter for her precious mother.

  23. What a wonderful way to remember and honor your mother. I can tell you still feel her loss deeply.

  24. This is truly one of my favorite quilts and I hadn't realized the story of the sparrows in your life. I think the pink and red are fabulous; the appliqué is remarkable. The Song of the Sparrow is equally amazing. I think it's so touching that you memorialize your mom through the sparrows! And giving blood is a wonderful way to remember her. She'd be so proud of you, Barb!
    You are amazing, loving, giving, charming, talented---I could go on but I am proud to call you my good friend!

  25. Some quilts contain our heart, and you've found a way to share yours. I worked on a quilt while my mother was in Hospice care. I had to give away the quilt after she passed because I didn't want the remembrance of those long, difficult days. Nice that you can give blood to honor her. No one would want mine (full of blood thinners)!

  26. Thank you for sharing such a personal story/journey. Your quilts always inspire and lift me up!


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