
Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Old Man Winter

 Tea at Downton Abbey Finished - 40" square

This was a mystery quilt project with the Ninigret Quilters guild.     Here I am holding it in July.   These seems years ago, not months.
Our balcony looks like this now!
I used a beautiful pillar print on the back.  I had to piece it very imperfectly.
In keeping with the Tea theme, I quilted it with the tea cup pattern.
I use my walking foot and serpentined one way and then the other to create this pattern.
I get a bobble once in a while and some I do over if they are really noticeable.
I quilted straight lines in the border and followed the pretty fabric pattern for the borders.
I used a pre-printed label.
I am still making these circle blocks for Cecile's sew along.  This time I tried to make them with low contrast which is not my usual style.
I am also working on my Whig Rose hand quilting.  Those triangles are super slow going.
This weekend I'm taking a Tara Faughan workshop.  I am going to work outside my box again with this pastel pallet.  
Believe it or not, it is snowing again today.  We got 6 inches on Sunday.   Pretty.
Old Man Winter is here to stay for a while!
Stay Warm and Stay Well.


  1. Your teatime quilt looks great! You have an amazing stash--that backing--ooh la la! I'll see you at the workshop this weekend. Yay!

  2. Did you quilt that on your regular sewing machine? Did you mark all the lines first and if so, did you have some kind of template you traced around? It looks so complicated. I'd like to try quilting on my machine, I have a Bernina and I know it would do a great job but it all seems overwhelming.

  3. Congratulations on your quilt finish, Barb, and have fun in your upcoming class!!

  4. Wow beautiful finish and love the pictures of the snow!!!

  5. I love your mystery quilt. Thanks for sharing how you quilted it. We woke up to more snow not nearly as much as you have. Have a great day and keep safe. Hugs

  6. Love your tea time quilt and that backing is gorgeous!
    Snow is supposed to be heading our way on thursday, we shall see. You got dumped on! Wow!

  7. Congratulations on the finish! I love the pillar print. I used to be able to find pretty pillar prints but they are getting scarce now. Or I'm not finding them? We've had more snow than usual this winter. Supposed to get an ice storm coming in the next 24 hours and lasting till Friday. I have hand work at the ready, candles and batteries. Stay warm!

  8. Thanks for showing how you quilt the tea cup pattern. I'm cold just looking at all that snow. ;o)

  9. The perfect weather to stay inside and sew!

  10. A beautiful finish. I love the tea cup quilting. I want to try that!! Thanks for showing us how you did it. Have fun at your workshop- I look forward to seeing what you make with your pastels 😀

  11. Congrats on Tea at Downton Abbey lovely--it really came out so well.
    I am battling with my log cabins wherein some of those interior logs are bowed...(did you say "bias" stretches?? sigh) . The last rounds are all even but it looks like the centers bulge...oh well so it and learn...
    Can I say it is an Improv--ya think??? hahaha
    hugs, Julierose

  12. Beautiful finish. Congrats on keeping going. My deck is in pretty much the same state.

  13. I love the way you quilted the teatime quilt. I am a walking foot quilter and will have to try that sometime. Your snow just keeps getting deeper and deeper. We have a few inches of snow which will remain for a while yet as it is going to be cold for the next couple of weeks at least. That's a lovely pile of fabric that you have gathered for your workshop. Can't wait to see what you create.

  14. I really enjoy the wide variety of quilts you make with a wide variety of fabrics, ranging from traditional to modern. I recently watched the "Quilt Show" (Alex Anderson) program featuring Tara Faughan, love her work, and am tempted to try a workshop by her some day. It should be fun and I expect you to post about it! :) We are definitely in a "snowy" period - I'm lucky my husband has all the shoveling and plowing duties, leaving me to quilt!! :)

  15. Your pillar point is fabulous, as is your finish. This snowy period certainly spells quilting days to me! More snow and bitter cold again in this week's forecast. I think it will be awhile before the maple sap really begins to run and buckwheat pancake breakfast season can start in earnest.

  16. Congratulations on this beautiful finish. I love the colour palette, I love the block pattern, I love the quilting, yeah, I love this one. I think your quilting is great. I need to get myself some of those blue markers. It would help I'm sure. Love the picture of your balcony. I love winter. Pastel fabrics are outside my comfort zone too. Looking forward to see what comes out of it. Enjoy! ;^)

  17. Ohhhh the snow is so pretty. And your Tea at Downton Abbey quilt is lovely! I love how you quilted it. In Japan that pattern is called Seven Treasures. Your porch in both shots is pretty. In Connecticut you really enjoy four distinct seasons. Your palette for your upcoming workshop is really pretty. You are such a good role model for both teaching, and continual learning!

  18. What a nice Tea Time quilt, and the backing is delicious!! I have never quilted curves like that with a walking foot. Is it tricky?
    My goodness, you really are living in a marshmallow world right now, aren't you?
    How many circle blocks are you making for Cecile's SAL? Seems like you have made bunches.
    Whig Rose is looking great! Does it feel like the end is in sight?
    You have a beautiful, soft color palette for your workshop project. I look forward to seeing what you create.
    Enjoy your snow!

  19. This snowy cold weather is perfect for Tea Time. Your finish is lovely and the teacup quilting design is spot on. Thanks for the example of how you got the quilting done. Very efficient.

  20. Tea Time is a great finish - that black and white paisley is stunning! Stitching the triangles in Whig Rose may take some time, but your stitches look wonderful!

  21. Absolutely love your tea cup quilting. And I'm happy to hear it's done with a walking foot. I'll have to try that on a small quilt. I'll definitely have to mark it somehow. Thanks for showing how it's done. I have the same amount of snow as you. Nice and sunny today but COLD! 21 degrees right now.
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  22. Your Tea Time quilt is great. I haven't sewn with the Downton Abbey fabric at all-- it sure looks great.
    I can't wait to see what you make in your workshop this weekend. Pastels?? Good for you to branch out!

    All that snow?? YIKES. Hard to believe you are standing barefoot in the same place!!

  23. Ohhhh congratulations on this finish !! Fabulous Pillar print on the back !
    I love your choice of solids !! I can't wait your future top ! ;)
    Snowy days in my town yesterday !! I love that !
    Big hugs friend !

  24. Your title got me singing here, "Old Man Winter, that old man winter. He just keeps snowing and keeps on going, that old man winter he just keeps snowing along! You and me we sweat and strain, shoveling snow, we'd rather have rain..." giggling here!

  25. Love seeing your snow pictures! I especially appreciate the one taken in July as compared to what it looks like now. You make me really glad I moved away from the midwest, with its awful cold and snow, to Florida! Thank you for that reminder! :-) Your quilt turned out nice too, and I appreciate you pointing out your bobble. We all get those when we're domestic machine quilting. It's what gives character to the quilt, and makes it uniquely perfect! Well done!

  26. Wow, you finished Tea Time really fast! It looks so nice and that pillar print on the back is to die for! Love the way you quilted it. Can't wait to see how you set your circle blocks together and what you do with those pretty pastel solids. Expecting more snow later today and tomorrow. You'll probably get some too!


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