
Wednesday, February 17, 2021

humming along....

Greetings!  Here is my finished top for Curves Sew Along with Cecile.

I didn't really plan (nothing new there).  I just made blocks combining 2 solids.  I machine top stitch appliqued the circles.
I moved them around a zillion times.   I'm looking forward to machine quilting it.

Recently while waiting for my car tune up I did some doodling.  I would like to learn how to FMQ better and I've heard this is a good way to practice your eye hand coordination.

In crocheting news, you may have seen these 2 projects on IG.  I find both relaxing and challenging.

A hat for Andrew's Girlfriend.
A shawl for me.  It is called the virus shawl, but not because of covid, but because it grows and grows.  The yarn changes color all on its own color and is called "Lipstick on my Collar" so cute.
This past Saturday I attended a zoom workshop with Tara Faughnan.  
The morning was spent doing color exercises and discussing colors.
I had planned to use this soft pastel palette.   I cut 6" pieces of each. Notice the center area of this arrangement.
I sewing a few random strip sets and quickly decided that it looked like Demented Easter.  yuk
I quickly changed gears to an analogous color scheme.   I'm calling it the Cantaloupe quilt at the moment.
Amazing how perfectly Mother Nature nailed this analogous scheme!!

What do you think?   Like it?  Hate it?  all views are welcome here.  I am using about half of the color wheel from medium orange through medium blue green.
Mr. Fun and I quietly celebrated our 34th Wedding Anniversary on February 14th with a great pasta dinner and bubbly.    Costo roses were $14.99 for a dozen!  I took this photo on my Iphone with the portrait setting on Saturday.
They have opened beautifully.  This how they look this morning.
I think coco has the right idea; find a quilt and nap your way through a covid February.
Snuggle up and stay warm and safe friends.


  1. Nature has a great way of mixing colors! Love your cantaloupe top!! Happy Anniversary!

  2. You know I love your "Curves" challenge piece!
    I tend to doodle around the edges of papers or calendars where I am taking notes--lots of good stuff in your doodles!
    Demented Easter--LOL! I DO love your cantaloupe quilt. That is fun!
    Happy Anniversary to you! We spent our anniversary last year driving around a bird refuge, thinking next year we would do something to celebrate without worries about the virus. It remains to be seen if that will be the case by the time we get to June.
    Yes, I'd like to spend the rest of this month like Coco!! :)

  3. Well Happy Anniversary! My sister and BIL also celebrated their anniversary on Valentines Day, though more like 50 years. Yes, I love what you have going on with your cantaloupe quilt. Mother Nature doesn't lead us astray color-wise.

  4. Happy Belated Anniversary. Mine was the 10th. Sounds like your zoom class was informative. Hugs

  5. I love your doodling. It would look great on a quilt. Cantaloupe is looking really interesting so far. Happy Anniversary!!

  6. Happy anniversary Barb !! The roses are beautiful !
    I love the pictures with Coco in your shawl and quilt !! Ohhh so funny !
    I can't wait to see your progress with solids !

  7. I really like the colors in your Cantaloupe piece--just perfect to capture that melon-ry goodness...
    Hugs, Julierose

  8. Your top is sensational. And, I love, love, love the cantaloupe so far!! I really need to use some solids once in a while. Yours sure do shine! Happy Belated Anniversary.

  9. I agree, scrap the demented Easter eggs and stick with the fresh cantaloupe. Its amazing how wonderful those colors look together. I guess we should pay closer attention to Mother Nature. Happy Anniversary. I got lovely rose's from Costco too!

  10. Great curve quilt. Super model Coco with the shawl is precious. Love the shawl. As far as colours go, Mother Nature knows best. She's been doing it for so long. When I saw your blocks, I thought of a path through Fall but Cantaloupe is an AWESOME name. You nailed it! Happy belated anniversary and cheers for many, many more. ;^)

  11. love the cantaloupe quilt....and beautiful roses!

  12. Love the vibrating color combos in the Curves Sew Along quilt! The Virus Shawl is lovely - the scallops are so classic. I don't really love crochet, but you've got me wanting to go look for the pattern. Happy Anniversary!

  13. I really like your new color scheme, for sure. I have never tried crochet. You make it look fun and how cozy is Coco? So cute. Happy Anniversary! What a fun day to both be married and then have those anniversaries all through the years.

  14. Happy Anniversary and stay safe...and warm!

  15. Happy Anniversary! Your new quilt has a very Amish feel and must be fun to make. You have really caught on with the crochet, I need more practice. I feel like I need to be more productive while waiting instead of scrolling on my phone, good idea.

  16. Love your Cantaloupe quilt. The colors are wonderful and are a perfect match to the real thing :) Will Curves be a table runner? You definitely have a knack for working in solids. And to think you just started to learn how to crochet. Wow! Those are great projects you've got going. Coco has the right idea to nap through Feb. So cute! And a very Happy Anniversary to you both!

  17. I love your curves blocks
    I moved mine around a bunch of times, took photos, and moved them again. Finally I just started stitching them together. It was a fun challenge

  18. A belated happy anniversary to you! And you win the award for best display of a covid shawl!
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  19. Happy Anniversary to you both! Did Coco like your shawl? So nice what you are creating!

  20. You stay busy and fun Barb! Love your solid projects. Cheers to 34 and many more!



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