
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Here Comes the Sun!

Whig Rose Update - almost finished with the third border - YAY

I appreciate all the support that keeps me encouraged to finish.

I sent this little house quilt to my friend, Diane for her 2021 Birthday.
  I made this house block during a liberated house demo for my guild.

 The back is almost better than the front.   I adore this fabric.

Last weekend I taught my Pretty Pineapple ZOOM workshop.  I had 14 students and we had a great workshop.  Thank you, Oxford Quilters of Canada!

Here is one of my new blocks.  I plan to make a runner.

And some of the students blocks.


Lynn's - this is a hybrid block, flying geese pineapple (a small trimming error) then traditional pineapple.  I like it!

If I were to give this workshop ala carte, would you be interested?  I could pick a date and take sign ups.  Let me know and I'll consider it.

I have been working on my fitness this year following my leg issues last fall.   Anyone using Apple Fitness can identify with this, haha  When you miss closing your ring by 1 minute.  Of course I did close it right away.
Who can resist tulips a the grocery store this time of year?  I came home and said to Rich "I bought these because I knew you'd want me to have them".  he did.  😀
Spring is almost here!  


  1. I do that with flowers too :) love the quilting. I don't like loosing a full circle on exercise aps by a minute either I tend to obsess and will keep looking at the ap to make sure I get a full requirement. Love the pineapple block

  2. So glad you bought the tulips. Your Rose Whig quilt is so beautiful!

  3. So fun to see some of the blocks that were made at the workshop! I have a Fitbit and like to reach my step goal each day too. Whig rose looks fantastic. Your tulips are so pretty. I noticed our daffodils are starting to come up yesterday.

  4. Your Whig Rose is another masterpiece for sure. It has been fun to watch it grow, and I can't wait to see it in person! Yes, pineapple, please. I am definitely going to borrow your tulip justification--genius!

  5. Looks like you are getting miles in with stitches and steps! Love the Whig Rose. The backing on your birthday gift is gorgeous. I've not made a pineapple block/quilt. Your offer has encouraged me to try and learn.

  6. Yay for spring! We're at the snow almost gone, here's the mud stage, lol. So close to a finish with your gorgeous Whig Rose. That backing on your little house quilt is so pretty, do you have the name of the collection/designer?

    1. It is electric elements by Jim hilts. Wallflower. Coats. OWTH 025 menagerie
      I hope you get this. Next time please include your email or email me.

  7. Hello Barb
    Your Whig Rose is absolutely gorgeous...! I am so impressed by your quilting
    It is always a real pleasure to read your posts...
    I am so interested in a workshop “ a la carte” ( hi hi like in French) of French students are allowed...
    Happy survey...
    Veronique PRAT Lamasure

  8. The Whig Rose quilt is outstanding, Barb! I am so impressed. I could just sit and stare at it and never tire of it.
    Such a cute little house block. You would definitely want to rotate occasionally to show off the backing fabric. It is wonderful!
    Glad your Zoom workshop went well--as you can see from their blocks you shared.
    If I want flowers and it isn't a special occasion, I buy them myself. Hubby is good to get them for me on birthday, Mother's Day/Anniversary events. But otherwise I am on my own. LOL

  9. Your Whig rose is so amazing!! I’m glad your zoom class went well. The tulips are beautiful!

  10. Whig rose is looking gorgeous!!
    Lovely tulips above your little buddha statue and cairn...
    hugs, julierose

  11. Your little birthday house is cute. The ship fabric you used for the roof is an oldie from Marcus Fabrics. I love tulips too.

  12. I just love your posts Barb. Your Whig Rose is just amazing and I never tire of seeing your progress on that. Getting so close! Lovely (and lively) little house mini for your friend. What a treasure and the backing really is so special too. I don't use a Fit Bit anymore but I remember times just randomly walking in the house back and forth for a few minutes at night before bed just to make that step goal, lol. Tulips so bold and a great portent of spring. I chuckled at your comment to Rich;). I have the same concept in my little household too;).

  13. Whig Rose is amazing! It's always inspiring to see your progress. As always, the backing for your mini house quilt is perfect - I love seeing birds on fabrics and quilts!

  14. Those pineapple blocks look fun. I love how creative everyone has been during the pandemic, finding ways to move classes online and connecting. I buy flowers on a regular basis, especially in winter. Tulip and daffodils are a great choice.

  15. Your quilt is glowing! You must be so happy to see the finish line. I know your classes are fun, they must have loved having you teach! I buy myself flowers all the time!

  16. OH that quilting!!! Those feathers just "pop". I adore that quilt, but then you already knew that. I love that hybrid pineapple block. I think you could base a whole new class on that.

  17. Your Whig Rose quilt is beautiful. It has been so fun to watch your progress. I would be interested in a Zoom workshop to learn all of your tips and tricks for a pineapple block. Sounds like fun.

  18. You are getting so close to finishing your beautiful Whig Rose quilt. I'm glad you've been able to continue teaching via Zoom. Your students did great. Your birthday gift quilt is super cute with the conversation prints. The backing is great too. I bought myself some daffodils for myself last week. I thought I needed them especially now we have an impending blizzard heading my way.

  19. The stitching on the Whig Rose is looking fantastic! Love, love, love the texture!:)

  20. Your quilting is absolutely gorgeous !!
    Another masterpiece for you Barb !

  21. Love the quilting on Whig Rose. You are getting so close to finishing :) Cute mini quilt. I've never seen that fabric on the back but if I had I would have bought some. Yes, count me in if you offer a pineapple workshop! Would love to see a pic of yours again. I use MapMyFitness and always try to finish my time and distance even if it means walking up the driveway again :) So glad spring is almost here!

  22. Love your Whig Rose! absolutely beautiful!

  23. Your Whig Rose quilt is beautiful
    I would be interested in an a la carte class


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