
Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 April Mini.

Wendy our monthly hostess helped me name it.  The backing is from a  pretty blue  FQ print.

I machine quilted it with invisafil thread in a alternating design of straight and squiggly lines.  I have used this many times andI like on modern and contemporary quilts.
Here is how I approached this little quilt.   I first made circles become egg shaped.

I made slightly different sizes because, you know, eggs; not all eggs are the same.
I dug through my blue batiks to find appropriate exotic egg colors.
I prepared them the same way I do circles.  Easy Peasy.
Backgrounds!  Oh boy.  That is was the toughest decision.  I tried many things.  You might like one of them better.  Point is, I need to try lots of the ideas before making a final decision.
I glued them in place then machine top stitched to the background.
I missed the anniversary of the  Chernobyl Disaster which is April 26th but I'm machine it now.
For some reason my blog has reformatted for no reason - sorry about that. ha ha.

I'll leave you with this beautiful undulatus cloud I spotted yesterday while walking coco.  Being in the Cloud Appreciation Society has really increased my appreciation for the beauty right over our heads.
Have a great week! 

p.s.  after finishing the quilt vault, I found a drawer with about 20 more little quilts. 


  1. Cloud Appreciation Society -- I'll have to look that up. The pandemic has sharpened what we observe, hasn't it? Blue eggs in a rusty nest--great colors.

  2. Absolutely love the glow of this quilt. Your background choice really shows off the exotic blues of your eggs. Great name choice!
    Look forward to seeing your Chernobyl quilt all finished up.
    That is a lovely cloud formation.
    The drawer of little quilts--what a find!! Be still my heart. We need a little quilt show from you, Barb!

  3. I so love you did the eggs without fusible. Gorgeous quilt.

  4. Just love that Egg piece--so creative and I love that background you chose, too. Blue/orange great combo...
    Looks like a fun project to try out; I am no longer making big quilts--no can do anymore...;((( so....
    I may co-opt your idea, if that's okay...?? I am having shoulder blade issues from rotary cutting so applique and x-stitch are on my menu this week...hope it warms up here--that darn ocean wind is so raw still...
    hugs for true Spring to come Julierose

  5. Cute finish, Barb! Love your straight/wavy quilting design, I must try that! Isn't it amazing how the invisifil thread blends to look like the different colors of the fabrics?

  6. Love your egg quilt. The background is eggsactly the right color for these lovely blue eggs. Thanks for showing your applique process. As one who has no experience with applique, I enjoy seeing the techniques you use. I always find inspiration from your blog. Wishing you a blessed day! kelley secrest

  7. I just love this mini!!! I also love that you take time to explain your process. Your Chernobyl quilting is perfect for this quilt. And, I cannot believe you had 20 little quilts that you forgot about! I'm sure they are happy to be found!

  8. The egg quilt is gorgeous... fabrics, colours, quilting! I have little quilts stored here and there around here too. I am afraid to put all my quilts in one pile...
    The Chernobyl quilt looks wonderful!

  9. LOVE the idea of eggs instead of circles - must remember this! And I'm off to investigate the Cloud Appreciation Society.

  10. Last year olives, this year eggs, what fun! I think we're going to need a mini quilt show soon.

  11. I enjoy reading about your creative process with this quilt and others. There's decisions to make with each step. The wavy quilting line makes a great background for those perfect blue eggs.

  12. I like your April mini a lot!!! The "egg" shape is a nice change from circles and your color choices work very well. I need to start doing a little more than just cross hatching with machine quilting and really like your alternating straight and curvy lines!

  13. You are always working on something interesting. The eggs are so cute and I LOVE the blue fabric on the back!!! I always look at clouds too, I want to paint some one day. I need you to do a trunk show on all those mini quilts. please (-:

  14. I really like your inspiration for this mini and your Chernobyl quilt !!
    Great work Barb !!
    Huge hugs !

  15. Love your minis. Do you make them monthly and is there a theme each month...... if so who chooses the theme?

  16. Such fun eggs! Thanks for sharing your process, too - I'm definitely going to try your "modern" quilting technique.

  17. Your sense of humor comes through with this mini - it's as cute as can be and very original. It's amazing the different looks from the variety of backgrounds you tried. I love the Cloud Appreciation Society. One of my favorite TED talks ever.

  18. The background color is perfect for the eggs!
    Looking forward to seeing the Chernobyl quilt complete.

  19. That cloud picture!! I am so happy to see proof of what I saw many many years ago! I was waiting outside for my kids to get on the bus. After they left I happen to look up and saw clouds and thought 'wow, that looks like a quilt!' I described it to some people and they all said it must have been a bunch of criss-crossed contrails. Um, no, I know what contrails look like! And finally, of course, your mini is adorable :o)
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  20. Blues and orange! My fav colours! Can't go wrong with that and this mini is proving it. I love it! Thanks for tutorial. I love the quilting and I have to remember this one. The wavy line makes it so interesting. Great job. Thanks to the Cloud Appreciation Society I now know what those clouds are called. I call them fish scale! Lol. Looking forward to see Chernobyl all finished. ;^)

  21. Undulatus?? HUNH? I need a lesson in cloud identification!
    Love your "eggs". I still think they are eggcentric!!
    Always love watching your thought process... makes me inspired...
    Cannot wait to do it TOGETHER!! SOON!!

  22. Your April mini is perfect and thanks for sharing your process. Love the colors and your wavy quilting lines. Looking forward to seeing Chernobyl finished. I'm intrigued with the lettering. Those little quilts won't take up much space if you move them to the vault :) Your cloud photo is fantastic!

  23. The eggs look great and I have a real thing about clouds too......

  24. Oh, a treasure trove was found in that drawer!

  25. Eggsotica is so cute. I saw it on IG and I really love it! There's just something so charming about the egg shape. Great finish!

  26. So many fine comments saying what I'm thinking too: that background just makes those eggs glow, so congratulations on a great choice. I heard a piece about the man who started the Cloud Appreciation Society (actually, it was a podcast from The Daily); your clouds are really cool looking. Great progress on your steampunk circles quilt--can't wait to see it!


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