
Friday, April 9, 2021


The Quilt Vault is Done!  The bottom shelf is the hand quilted quilts.

This is part of a bedroom re-do and a long awaited solution to quilt storage.
When Hanna moved to DC, my quilting stuff took over her bedroom.  
Quilt stuff was everywhere!
I designed an Elfa shelving closet with very deep shelves.  I have designed installed about a dozen of these over the years.
I came across this little quilt which was perfect for Easter.  The 9-patch blocks are 1 inch and it is hand quilted.

In other domestic news we had a full day of tree care done.
I love having a wooded property but it does take a lot of maintenance and we are catching up on tree work following 2 hurricanes and growth.
These were the views out my BR window.  Below is a view from kitchen window.
I have finished setting my propeller blocks and let me tell you friends, it was a challenge.   They DID NOT turn out 9 1/2" but more like 9 1/4" inches.   I had issues with the seam allowances too :(
When I asked my friend, Pauline "which is worse blocks that are too big, or too small?"  her response was "Both"!   Too true.

In order for the lattice to line up properly I cut 9 1/4" squares of freezer paper to use as guides.
I pressed the blocks onto the freezer paper centering as best as I was able.   I trimmed some edges.
and here I'm scant.
So I used the edge of the FP to line up the lattice.  Did I lose some corners?....sadly yes.   I have to live with it.  I think there is a flaw in the templates/pattern but that's just me.  Nutmeg liked the crinkly paper.  Me?  Not so much.
I graded the seams to avoid shadowing.   I have missed this step in the past and was sorry.  With light backgrounds these shadows become very noticeable once the batting is added.
I picked a font called "Kremlin Advisor" perfect for my Chernobyl theme.  I tried many many sizes and finally settled on one that I like.
Wednesday was my boy, Andrew's Birthday.  We enjoyed a picnic at the beach.   It was a gift and a joy.
I'm off for my second vaccine this morning.   So Grateful!
Take Care.


  1. Love the new closet - and HOORAY for the vaccine!!!

  2. Doesn't it feel great to have things tidied up? We are glad to have our vaccinations done -- and no side effects. Thanks for the tips about grading seams, too.

  3. we got our second a week ago - will be glad for this next week to pass and know we will be safer. I wish I had a closet to devote to my quilts - right now they are stacked all over the place

  4. A vault full of wonderfulness!! I’m curious about the words you are adding to your steam punk quilt - I look forward to seeing them added. Hurray for a picnic with your son at the beach!!! 🎉

  5. My sewing room is due for a change up and cleanup! Love how organized your "new" closet is!!
    Looks like you came up with a good solution for your steampunk blocks.

  6. Wonderful news about getting your 2nd vaccine!! It does really help with stress.
    I like your idea of the freezer papers to even out the blocks! My blocks never all come out the same size...seems to be how I can never quite get seam allowances all the same!
    That closet looks so great--nice to have that space to commandeer for storage.
    Hugs, Julierose

  7. no doubt when it's finished, only you will know about the challenges....very nice blocks...i've seen that pattern lots of time and even jen kingwell's version didn't attract me like your blocks....

  8. I'm so glad you posted photos of your freezer paper solution. I was having trouble picturing it on Tuesday. I know this quilt will be just fabulous no matter how many "reactor points" get cut off. You are just so clever. I know many people suffered from this disaster and it is wonderful that you have such a special quilt to commemorate such a tragic event. You and Andrew looks so happy. Keep it up!

  9. Hi Barb, Good tip about using FP on uneven blocks - it happens to the best of us! I usually mark the "scant" edges with a pin or something but this is much more accurate. Good to take care of your trees, we did ours all last year before the house painters came. This year is a long overdue kitchen refresh, same cabinet but all else new. Happy vax day!

  10. Your quilt closet looks like a great solution for quilt storage! I could use something like this, but am stuck with laying everything on beds in layers, probably for the long term. I'm not complaining. Glad you chose the tan for Chernobyl quilt. I find that quilt making often presents construction challenges that must be solved - sometimes a pain and sometimes enjoyable. Looks like you worked things out just fine!

  11. Oh for an extra closet to store finished quilts where you can get to them and view them easily! We're about maxed out on quilt storage options here, but nowhere near finished making more, lol! I agree with Grace, once you're finished with the propeller quilt you won't notice any little imperfections, you'll just be loving the whole wonderful creation.

  12. Love the closet. I.N.V.U. So many quilts! Wow! The little quilt does recall Easter and spring. Beautiful! Always fun to see Nutmeg at work, inspecting something or another. Sorry to see that the Propeller quilt is giving you a hard time. Ah those curves!! Happy BD Andrew! ;^)

  13. First of all wonderful that you are now fully vaccinated! We've had houses in the woods too, and you are right - there is maintenance. This is the ideal time of year to deal with all that. Oh your new closet system is practical and just perfect for safely storing your quilts. I really admire your excellent workmanship - with your Chernobyl blocks, grading the seams, etc. What a stunning quilt this is shaping up to be.

  14. Great quilt storage! The Chernobyl quilt blocks look great. No one will ever know that you had some challenges with block sizes. Yahoo for vaccines!

  15. Hello Barb,
    Congratulations for your shelves, I love stack of quilts!!! It is so beautiful !!! and so fast to find the "good "quilt !!!
    happy to learn how to grad the seam allowance of dark fabric with white fabric. I hope you may
    focus when you will finish your quilt
    Your mini quilt is adorable and the blocks are tiny tiny
    Véronique PRAT Lamasure

  16. Happy birthday, Andrew!! Nice that you two enjoyed lunch at the beach. Enjoy your new quilt repository, Barb!

  17. Great job on the closet! You could open a business designing closets, especially for quilters!! Love seeing all the quilts, even folded. That fruit/hot dog backing is hysterical!
    I love your Chernobyl quilt even if some of the points got chopped off. And the letters? Over the top, Barb!
    Tree work is one of those things you pay a ton for with nothing to show for it!but I’m sure once the leaves grow back, it’ll be beautiful.
    I love the birthday lunch at the beach but Andrew’s mask on his forehead ??? Very stylish!
    Have a great weekend!

  18. I am sorry that your blocks did not measure properly but it makes me feel better since I have had the same issue with mine and I wondered if it was my sewing skills or the templates or a bit of both.

  19. What a wonderful quilt vault! So clever to use FP on the backs of your blocks to line up the sashing strips. Nutmeg sure looks like she's having fun. I can't wait to see how you use those letters. That looks like a great place to celebrate Andrew's birthday :)

  20. Fabulous quilt storage idea! And I adore that tiny 9 patch quilt!
    Sorry the propellers are spinning all kinds of trouble :(

  21. Getting reorganized and creating a perfect storage solution for all of your wonderful quilts must feel good. I'm wondering about all those letters for your Chernobyl quilt. Your points aren't lost, they're just out of sight.

  22. I definitely know the woes of lining up blocks that aren't quite the right size. Your solution sounds like a good one, so I'm going to remember it for my next sashed quilt! The "Kremlin Advisor" font is perfect!

  23. I love cleaning up, it inspires me so much. I need to remind myself of that more often. Blocks that don't end up the same size is something that happens to me all the time. I can always count on you to go the extra mile and find just the right font for a special quilt, you amaze me! Happy Birthday Andrew!!!

  24. Your new quilt closet is simply marvelous! (closet envy!)

  25. Looks like you're having a fun and busy spring Barb! Your Chernobyl quilt is looking great and I love your quilt storage closet -- I need one of those! Happy Spring!!!

  26. The ‘quilt’ shelves look simple, practical and make the best use of the storage area. I shall ponder doing something similar. The freezer paper method for aligning ‘non-perfect’ blocks is brilliant. I’m struggling with something similar and have been trying to ‘fudge’ as best I can. It looks like Nutmeg is contemplating which to choose as a favorite block. A beach is the best place for a b’day!

  27. Oh, the closet looks so good! Do you hire out? LOL
    That is such a sweet little quilt, and perfect for the Easter season.
    Your property is beautiful, but that does look like a whole lot of work!
    Good solution on your blocks. I sometimes do something similar when making tiny blocks with lots of pieces. They never come out the same size, so I often pin them to newsprint cut to size and use the newsprint to determine my seam.
    It appears that you and Andrew are fun at picnics. :)

  28. Clever quilter! The freezer paper is a great idea for those ornery blocks. The quilt storage closet couldn't be better--love it!

  29. You get so much done! That’s a cute quilt. I won’t be getting vaccinated, too many risks for me and I stay home. Even send someone to shop for me. If I were a frontline worker, I might.


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