
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Spring has Sprung

 Spring!  Time to spruce and clean.  

I might even have guests one day in my guest room. Here is my redo with three quilts that feature cheddar.

In other news I got my first vaccine in Connecticut. yay!  I'll be getting my second on April 9th.
Last weekend we took coco on vacation to the DC area to visit Hanna and David.  I have to say, coco LOVES a road trip; the open window, new smells, pit stops on 95 south and hotel living.
We did nothing, and it was awesome.  Eat, drink, talk and sleep....repeat.  
we also took coco walking in two area parks.
Lots of take in meals - the safest way to go in a highly populated area.

I've finished all my Steam Punk blocks, or Propeller Blocks as they were originally called.  Newspaper pattern from 1933!  Also note that it belongs to Modern Quilts.
I had some questions about calling this my "Chernobyl Quilt".  I was fascinated by the HBO series and I read the book "Midnight at Chernobyl".  

The meltdown event was very layered with so many people and living things affected.  The Russian government covered up a lot of it at the time.   I'm making this to honor those killed and those who sacrificed their lives in the subsequent clean up.  I chose this pattern because it reminds me of radiation fall out symbols.
I am so used to seeing it on my design wall with a white background.  I thought I'd try a dull tan...
I like both.  What do you think?

I did a little talk yesterday for the American Quilt Study Group on present day medallion quilts that I've made.  Here are a few that I layed out last week.  Some of you might have seen this on IG.

I was treated to a double hawk sighting in my yard.   Just two guys hanging out have a snack in my tree.
Here is a good image of the red shouldered hawk.
I wish you a Happy Spring and an Early Happy Easter.  Watercolor bookmark by Kelly of  Pinkadot Quilts.


  1. so neat to have a photo of the pair of hawks - I have gotten one but never sight both - I had that newspaper pattern also when I did that pattern. Your blocks look great and love the bed in the first photo! I bet it was nice to get away from home even if you ate in the room a lot - soon all will be back to normal and having our shots we will feel safer as well - I get my second at the end of the week and have never looked forward to a shot so much.

  2. So nice to be able to leave home for awhile. Love your Propellers quilt. I'd go with the tan sashing. It looks more "deserted" like Chernobyl is now. You sure had fun laying out some medallion quilts. I enjoyed seeing all the difference between them. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. Glad you were able to get away. It looks and sounds so relaxing. I need to do a little (or a lot) of spring sprucing up around here too. The guest room looks very inviting. The Chernobyl quilt looks great but I probably like the white sashing best. But, then I always like high contrast. I've never seen or heard of a red shouldered hawk so that was fun to see. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Great talk yesterday! Thank you -- loved the historical perspectives and that the program included your creative fun interpretations of medallion quilts. The steam punk block is one I'd like to take on some day -- the colors and textures of your blocks are terrific. David Attenborough's recent discussion of Chernobyl in "A Life on Our Planet" was fascinating and underscores the history. Thanks!

  5. It's sure nice to get away, and you'll feel lots more comfortable about it after you've had the second vaccination. Though, I'm still mask-wearing until I'm three weeks past the second dose. Just a suggestion... you might want to either take down the picture of your vaccination card, or rub out your name and birth info. That's all criminal types need to steal one's identity. I'm wishing you well.

  6. I think the dull tan really reflects the "meltdown" idea--whereas the white is a bit on the brighter feeling side. Just saying?
    what a wonderful relaxing getaway...happy to hear you got your first jab and are soon to get the feels a lot less stressful for us after we got the 2nd shot...
    Coco is just so sweet looking...sacked out on that quilt;)))
    Happy Easter and Spring --raining here now--which we really need--maybe that will bring on my daffodils...
    Hugs Julierose

  7. Love your blocks! I like both as background but think the tan makes the blocks pop.
    Chernobyl was an intense series to watch but so good. I think the steampunk definitely looks like the radiation symbol.
    So fun to get out of the house and relax! Nice that Coco is a good traveler. Happy Palm Sunday.

  8. I’ll bet your talk was inspiring! I love the borders you used and the change of the center is so dramatic
    The Chernobyl quilt is very well named. I also read that book and thought is was so interesting and tragic! I am going to attempt those blocks. Oh, I like the lighter background better. In fact, I was thinking I have a fabric that’d be perfect.
    One good thing about the winter is you can see those amazing hawks in the trees—no leaves!
    So glad you got away to see the kids and got a little change of scenery! Rich looks very comfy and the dinner looks like everyone was having a great time being together!
    Can’t wait until you’ve had your second shot! Then meeting up will be so much for feasible! And safe!

  9. Love your Chernobyl blocks, at first I liked the white background but after seeing them a bit more close-up, I like both. It's great having a dog who loves traveling! Those hawks are gorgeous! Have a great week.

  10. Happy Spring. I'm glad you were able to have a visit in DC and enjoy some R&R as well. Your Chernobyl blocks are wonderful and the fabrics you've chosen help to remind us of the tragedy of the event.

  11. Enjoyed your post today! Congrats on getting the Steam Punk blocks done - love them and the message! I think either the white or tan would be fine, though am wondering if any sashing "color" would specifically relate to the nuclear meltdown or any other aspect of the story - not sure. "Midnight in Chernobyl" was a fabulous, but sobering, book. Love your cheddar quilts and they look great together. So glad you got your vaccination and had a trip to see family!

  12. Have you considered gray sashing for the Chernobyl blocks? It might give you the solemn, clinical, industrial vibe one associates with the disaster.

  13. i personally think the tan background makes the blocks pop more.......very nice blocks!

  14. My son had a class mate in middle school who was evacuated from Chernobyl before they even knew what had happened. She and her mother were given two airplane tickets and told to go to the airport immediately. When the plane took off there was a child on every lap in the plane. Your tribute quilt is beautiful and a thoughtful.

  15. Your Chernobyl quilt is terrific. I'd go with the tan background.

  16. So nice to have a little vacation with your family. You and your daughter could be twins! Beautiful memorial quilt.

  17. Ohhh fun post as always !!
    I love Coco in the car !! :))))
    And your Tchernobyl blocks are soooo beautiful !!
    The tan fabric (second picture ?) is good !

  18. Funny, you and Randy used almost the same title for your posts. Spring is "almost" here in Maine too. Love those blocks and thank you for explaining the title. I prefer the white sashing perhaps because it was such a stark event that the white honors that "starkness". So glad you got to spend time with the kids.

  19. I get my second vaccine on April 9 as well! Does this mean I get to stay in the guest room? LOL It sure looks inviting. And that sweet Coco girl is such a sport, I bet traveling with her is the best! I really like those blocks. I too was very moved by the mini series about Chernobyl and think these blocks are a meaningful remembrance. I've always loved that block no matter what it was called.

  20. Lots of exciting things going on for you right now! PA is 46th in the country for getting out the vaccine. At this rate it will be mid summer for me! Your Chernobyl quilt does remind me of the radiation symbol! Book marks always make me happy!

  21. I really like your idea of a do nothing vacation! Sounds relaxing and fun. I like the darker fabric for the background of your Chernobyl quilt. I remember that event when it happened. I was watching it unfold on the TV news while I was nursing my 12-day-old baby.
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  22. A road trip sounds perfect to me - glad Coco got to go along! What ever you call them, I love the Steam Punk blocks. I like both of the backgrounds, but I think the white makes the blocks/colors pop more.

  23. So many wonderful photos... walks and hawks, quilts and family visits...big smiles for all your readers!

  24. Oh Coco looks so content - that is so cute. You are my inspiration for bringing quilts to hotel rooms. Glad you got that visit! Terrific about the vaccine! How did I miss that you were giving a talk to AQSG? I need to get with it (although with the time difference I bet it would have been difficult for me to tune in). Your medallion quilts are wonderful. I need to check out the Chernobyl series/book. There's been a lot on TV about the Fukushima disaster, ten years ago (hard to believe it's been that long). Your quilt is amazing - I think I prefer the white sashing, but I know whatever you decide will be perfect.

  25. Wonderful post, Barb! Your cheddar quilts look so nice in your guest bedroom. I like your Chernobyl blocks on the white background :) Enjoyed following along with your medallion quilts and switching the center every time. So glad you took Coco on a road trip. Looks like you all had a fun and relaxing time! Two hawks at one time is amazing. That's a beautiful bookmark by Kelly. Happy Easter!

  26. You have a very inviting guest room.
    That is nice that you had a chance to get out. I get my second vaccine the week after you do. Can't wait to hug the grandkids again!!
    I like Diane's suggestion of the grey sashing. I like the way the tan makes the blocks pop, but the tan color doesn't click as well with these blocks as I think the grey might--just MHO. :)
    Love the medallion quilts, the hawks, and the orchid!

  27. I would love to know about the Eagle patterned quilt, whose pattern is it? I love the colors in your guest room, very pretty!! My oldest grandson has taken up a liking on hawks recently too, after he saw one in one of his trees. It had caught a small bird.

  28. Love making up as bed and throwing a lovely quilt on top...... Lots of great projects on the go.....

  29. The meltdown event was very layered with so many people and living things affected. The Russian government covered up a lot of it at the time. I'm making this to honor those killed and those who sacrificed their lives in the subsequent clean up. I chose this pattern because it reminds me of radiation fall out symbols.

    Yeah, like covid is ....China conspiracy. Or, Democrat conspiracy. I’m not taking vaccine because something else is down the pike. A war against America.


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