
Friday, May 28, 2021

Wendy's Wonderful World

How excited are we to finally visit Wendy Reed's quilt exhibit at the New England Quilt Museum.  Woo Hoo
Wendy, Randy and I planned a post covid, fully vaccinated  getaway with the is event as the centerpiece. 

From the left; Wendy, Pam, the Museum Curator, Gladi Porche and Laura Lane, Museum Collections Manager.  I had never seen this quilt in person before.  It is called "The Grapes of Bath" which is where Wendy's lives in Maine.
Wendy's creativity and exemplary quilting skills make for incredible quilts.  Her favorite style is the potholder setting.  Each block is created and bound individually then whip stitched together.   This was intricately puzzled together quilt.
It was such a joy to meander through the exhibit spaces and admire Wendy's work.
Gladi Porche  met us at the museum and it was wonderful to meet her person.  Her work is a source of inspiration for me.  

She has created two incredible blog posts on Wendy's exhibit here is Part 1 and here is Part 2.   Visit and enjoy all the information and please leave her a thanks in the comments.

We rented a tiny cottage 250 steps from the beach at the north end of Plum Island. Fabric and quilting everywhere you look!
Early morning walks were scented with lilacs and wisteria.
What a charming seaside town.
The beach was wide and beautiful.
Is there anything more silly than a group of mature women trying to take a public selfie? 
Randy I have waited a long time toast a Cosmopolitan.  Cheers!

Thank you everyone for all the kind and complimentary comments on my Chernobyl finish and photos.

I have started a quilt for the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in 1979.  I am still having trouble with the outside seam allowance😖😖.   More details to come.  Here is the first 2 blocks.
I wish you all a Happy and Healthy Memorial Day Weekend and congratulations again to Wendy and her Wonderful World of Quilts.


  1. looks like great fun was had by all....i agree about gladi's quilts...i too am in seeing my beautiful i miss the also inspire me barb...

  2. Ohhh what an amazing week you had, Wendy, Randy and you !
    I never tire of seeing and reviewing Wendy's quilts !
    Thank you for sharing and good luck for your seam allowance ! Argh.... :))

  3. That wisteria! Wow! The town looks really cute.
    Glad you got to see Wendy's exhibit.

  4. A week of fun and great memories. And wisteria already, it must be a lot warmer there than it is here! What a lovely beach and town, thanks for sharing your photos here. Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Fun photo to start the post, Barb! I have been looking forward to seeing your take on the visit. Your post didn't disappoint!

  6. Owe shucks! Such praise from such a fabulous quilter and friend!! We did have a ball! Thanks for the great photos.

  7. What a fun getaway!! Wendy’s quilts are amazing! I have never seen wisteria before - it looks beautiful. I love that picture of you and Wendy at the end of your post :0)

  8. So happy for you and your friends to be able to enjoy the show, town and love of quilting.

  9. Looks like a very fun getaway! Nothing better than being with your quilting buddies. Wendy’s quilts are inspiring. Potholder set? I’ll have to try it. Thanks for the links.

  10. Looks like a very fun getaway! Nothing better than being with your quilting buddies. Wendy’s quilts are inspiring. Potholder set? I’ll have to try it. Thanks for the links.

  11. So nice to see Wendy's Shenandoah again! All amazing quilts!

  12. Thanks for the shout-out and links to my blog! You got some good pictures too. And how wonderful to have a few days away with friends! I hope with the pandemic winding down we all will be able to enjoy gathering with friends and family without fear. I'm curious about your fabrics for the 3 Mile Island quilt - I'm not familiar with them; do they have a relationship with the topic? I well remember 3MI because I was living in PA at the time, though in Pittsburgh, not near the site.

  13. Looks like the perfect retreat and quilting friends. Yay for vaccines!

  14. By the looks in the pictures, you three had a great time together. So nice to see that "normal" is possible somewhere again. ;) Good luck with mastering the seam allowances. They can be so picky! ;^)

  15. What a wonderful time together.......and throw in a quilt exhibition also........looks like a nice place to stay.........

  16. What a wonderful way to begin the summer being part of Wendy's Wonderful World

  17. Thanks for the wonderful photos of Wendy's exhibit! Her quilts are incredible!
    Looks like you had a wonderfully fun and refreshing time. Lilacs and Wisteria--sounds heavenly.
    I am loving your choices of fabrics in the Three Mile Island quilt. What variety! And it all works together well.
    What a sweet shot of the two of you at the end.

  18. Looks like a wonderful time, what a charming place!

  19. Great photos of what looked to be a wonderful time!

  20. What a great place to have a getaway with your friends after so many months of not being able to see each other! Looks like the weather was perfect and those quilts are amazing! Wendy is very talented and her quilts are a sight to behold. Thanks for sharing your little holiday with all of us!

  21. Oh, what a truly splendid get-together! Wendy's quilts are lovely -- and so is the obvious delight you're having in one another's company.

  22. Oh, what fun you all had! There's nothing like spending time with quilting buddies especially in such a charming seaside town. Thanks for posting pics of Wendy's beautiful quilts. So glad you got to see the exhibit. Your new blocks look great!

  23. Great photos of great quilts! When I pieced my Steampunk I cut extra length on the corner triangles and those wedges that are between the curved pieces. (On your second block it would be the solid green) Once block is together you can just true it up to the correct size. Loved making that quilt, so much fun I would make another if time allowed.

  24. What a fabulous weekend! Stunning quilts, the beach and friends - what more could a girl want?? So glad you enjoyed your time. Such fun.

  25. First, I love the grapes of bath quilt!! and Wendy's potholder quilt is extra interesting and super. Your Chrome quilt is awesome!! Thanks for your quilt washing method, I don't usually wash a quilt right after finishing it, but I know others do. I might try your method. Your retreat was so much fun!!

  26. I loved reading about your getaway! How wonderful to be at the beach and hanging out with friends!
    Thanks for sharing your adventure... it gives me hope of life sometime returning to happier times.


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