
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Chrome Sweet Chrome

 At Last....🎶🎶🎶🎶

She is 66" x 66" and I'm naming her "Chrome Sweet Chrome"  In the future it will be noted that I worked on this quilt during the Covid 19 pandemic.  I included 20 for the year.

It has been a long and fulfilling quilt to make.   I thank you all for the continued support and encouragement through the years!
If you look carefully you will see 2 sparrows quilted within the feathered borders.  I will be adding one to the back next to the label for good measure.
I pulled fabrics together for this quilt in March of 2017.  Can you believe I saw my inspiration quilt at the New England Quilt Museum just a couple of weeks ago?   Kismet 
I started the first block a year later in March of 2018.
I started the hand quilting in July of 2020.
I finished the binding on Saturday.  It is a funny feeling when you finish a long term project.
Sunday was wash day.   I wash my quilts in my big bathtub because basically I soak them to remove lint and pet hair.
I used a little Blue Dawn Dishwashing liquid and a little Borax. 
I rinse it several times.  I used a few color catchers and they seemed to catch some chrome.
I wring it out by hand getting as much water out as possible, then I transfer it to a laundry basket to take down to the washer.
I put it through a rinse and spin cycle with cold water, medium spin to avoid creasing.

I put it in the dryer on low for about 20 mins.  I then lay it out on a bed sheet on the carpet.  I gently block it with my hands.
I often set up an oscillating fan to help it dry.  I flip it over to dry the back.
and Voila'!
Today is my 59th Birthday and I'm so grateful for my family, friends, home, health and to you blog readers who have been part of my life for so long.



  1. Awesome result! I think I would have used a packet of colour catchers.......yellow scares me......mainly as I have seen the antique chrome yellows leach & run badly, so I am damaged lol🤣🤣🤣

  2. It’s spectacular, Barb. I’ve enjoyed following your journey on this one.

  3. WOW... I'm in love ... is it possible ? Oh yes !
    Congratulations on this beautiful finish !
    Another masterpiece to add to your collection !!

  4. Oh, Barb, this quilt takes my breath away! It's truly a masterpiece and your quilting is absolutely gorgeous. I've enjoyed watching your progress each and every step of the way. I can't wait for you to enter some major quilt shows and receive all kinds of awards :) Thanks for sharing your washing method again :)

  5. Oops! I almost forgot--Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day!

  6. Happy, happy birthday, Barb! And congratulations on finishing this truly beautiful and masterful quilt. Have so enjoyed watching your progress.🥰

  7. Happy Birthday and congratulations on a stunningly beautiful finish!!! It is gorgeous and I've enjoyed watching it come to life!

  8. I have so enjoyed this journey with you! This bold and beautiful quilt really captures your heart and soul. Your work is so lovely and inspiriting. Thank you for sharing. And enjoy your big day!!! Many blessing and many more!!!

  9. Stunning, absolutely stunning! I've enjoyed your progress on this quilt from the start now to the finish. Happy birthday. You are the 3rd person I've wished that today. My sister and her daughter have their birthday today also.

  10. Another masterpiece, Barb. That's it. Nothing else need be said.

  11. Happy Birthday! And thank you for sharing how you wash an heirloom quilt!! It is stunning.

  12. Beautiful Barb! There is nothing like a hand-quilted quilt -- I LOVE that your quilting is so traditional (and well, the quilt is too!) Hop you had a very Happy Birthday!!! XO

  13. Bravo. It's such a beautiful quilt. I love it Hugs

  14. Happy birthday and congratulations on a stunning finish! Great quilts cannot be rushed!!

  15. Happy Birthday, and what a great present to give yourself - finishing this gorgeous quilt. I don't know that I'd have the vision to use that chrome yellow as a background, but I'm very glad you did!

  16. First of all, Happy Birthday (again). I am in awe of this accomplishment. It is now my favorite all time quilt. I mean that sincerely, just gorgeous!!! Thanks for the washing and blocking lesson. I think I need to do that more often in the future. Have a superb day!!!

  17. Happy Birthday! Chrome Sweet Chrome is gorgeous! The fabrics, the appliqué, the all just sings! Congratulations on a wonderful finish!

  18. Thanks for showing how you wash the quilt. I am going to incorporate some it next time I wash one. Happy, Happy Birthday. Thanks for hosting the swaps!

  19. Oh, Happy Birthday, Barb! Thank you for the years of friendship, inspiration and instruction. I have learned much from you about quilting and life. You have such a generous spirit.
    Your "Chrome Sweet Chrome" is such a stunning creation. Kudos to you!
    When I finish something that I have worked on a long time I think I feel about 3 parts elation and one part loss, if that makes any sense.

  20. Happy birthday, Barb! What a sweet gift to have finished your gorgeous quilt! Your work is so very lovely! I am inspired by your workmanship, and also how you pay attention to every little detail along the way - it all adds up to a beautiful finished masterpiece. Love the title too!

  21. I love this quilt so much! It has been wonderful following your progress with it! The quilting is spectacular! I love that you included your sparrows in the quilting. Thanks for including your washing process - it’s very helpful :0)

  22. Happy 59th! Cheers to you and a spectacular finish! Bravo!

  23. What a sweet, sweet finish to celebrate your birthday! Happy Birthday #59!

  24. Happy birthday and congratulations on a beautiful finish. This is certainly going to be a show stopper when we get back to irl shows.

  25. Stunning Actually better than stunning xoxo love it

  26. Happy Birthday! Your quilt is absolutely gorgeous and the quilting is beautiful. I love seeing how you added the sparrows. I'm a chicken when it comes to washing a masterpiece. Glad it worked out. 😊

  27. Oh my goodness - what a perfect way to celebrate your birthday! This is gorgeous - a true work of art and obviously a labour of love. And thank you for the washing instructions - they will come in very handy. Happy birthday!

  28. Happy birthday! Your quilt is phenomenal! And your hand quilting??? no words. The back looks like a whole cloth quilt, I'd want to display the back and the quilting as much as the front.

  29. an awesome birthday accomplishment....a masterpiece of hand quilting and applique...many happy returns!

  30. Lovely quilt. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

  31. Happy birthday, Barb! Chrome Sweet Chrome is breathtakingly beautiful. Enjoy your latest quilt finish!

  32. It is such a strikingly beautiful quilt and what a birthday present to yourself to have it. completely. finished. I appreciate you sharing the washing, blocking and drying steps. It's been joy to follow your progress on Chrome Sweet Chrome :)

  33. what a wonderful's just gorgeous.........the quilting is beautiful

  34. Well isn't that just darling to finish this quilt on your birthday? What a lovely gift to give to yourself. It's really a Masterpiece. I'm lost for words (that's rare for me, you know). I've enjoyed watching this quilt grow and become the beauty it is today. Congratulations and Happy Birthday! Oh, and I love the name Chrome Sweet Chrome. ;^)

  35. Happy Birthday dear friend! What a wonderful, beautiful labor of love. Stand back and proudly admire this treasure!

  36. Barb! First of all, Happy Birthday. Secondly, wow, just wow, what a beauty. It's just a masterpiece. The hand quilting as seen from the back, is mind blowing. So gorgeous and balanced. I love the sparrows. Thank you for sharing how you so carefully wash a special quilt like this. Surely this will win awards at shows! You are a master quilter and artist. Congratulations on such a significant finish.

  37. Gorgeous quilt. And Happy Birthday!

  38. Congratulations. And the quilt is Beautifull

  39. Happy Birthday Barb!! Your quilt is stunning(as usual)!

  40. It is wonderful! And thanks for sharing your entire process. Now what???

  41. Happy birthday! Your quilt is so beautiful. Thanks for taking us through your process of washing your finished quilt.

  42. It really is stunning, Barb! Congratulations on an amazing finish. I'm so grateful you share your process and progress with us...I find it inspirational!

  43. It's beautiful! That's quite a process you use to clean the quilt. And Happy Birthday to you!
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  44. Happy birthday, Barb! Congratulations on another outstanding quilt!

  45. Happy birthday, Barb! Congratulations on another outstanding quilt!

  46. This is just perfect! What a gorgeous treasure: congratulations on such a beautiful quilt. I’ve really enjoyed watching this come to life. Happy birthday!

  47. It's stunning... just GORGEOUS! Thanks for the information on how you wash and block your quilts. Very helpful... I will remember this for the next time I need to do this. Happy Birthday!!

  48. BEAUTIFUL and happy birthday beautiful!!!

  49. Love your gorgeous quilt! The hand quilting makes it oh so special! This looks like another ribbon coming up very soon.:)

  50. Hi Barb
    I confess I have only just come across your blog and stumbled upon this simply beautiful quilt. It's stunning. I don't know it's background, but I will go back and read older blogs in time. The colour of the background is fabulous and your stitching really pops on it. Thanks for your washing instructions, I can't find Dawn dishwashing soap here in the UK, but will try one of our brands. Happy Birthday too.

  51. This is so beautiful. And you have done amazing work. For me, it is such a relief to finish a long term project but I do have a hard time working on anything else for a few days following. It's hard to change gears. . . This is a treasure for sure.

  52. A spectacular quilt! Thanks for showing us how you clean a quilt.
    Sending you happy birthday wishes!

  53. Love that quilt, so beautiful, so well done. Happy birthday, young'in.

  54. It is absolutely stunning, Barb. Huge congratulations on this marvellous finish. And very happy birthday wishes to you too xx

  55. It’s beautiful! Appreciate the laundry and drying instructions!

  56. Absolutely beautiful! I have enjoyed watching your progress on this quilt. Definitely worth the work and time you put in! Well done, Barb!


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