
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Life's a Beach (and Garden)

Thank you for all the wonderful comments on Chrome Quilt and for the Birthday wishes.

I was so lucky to go away for a weekend with my CT besties to the beach and to the Philadelphia flower show.   We visited Susan's family on Brigantine Island on the New Jersey Shore near Atlantic City.  They are such a warm and generous family and shared their fabulous beachfront home with us.
We went boating, to the beach and to the Tropicana Casino for dinner and a little gaming.
They surprised me with a delicious cake - so thoughtful and sweet.
On Monday we went to the Philly Flower Show.  It was HOT and I mean HOT and HUMID.  
The Show Theme was:  Habitat
There were many bird themed displays - yay!
And Bee habitats
I always love to see Bonsai trees.  This one is 75 years old!
The indoor display had unusual plants and orchids.
They had a cool window box display.  I  really liked this one with a Octopus's Garden theme.
I loved this display.  The human man is fragile and almost invisible, as we all are.
What wonderful inspiration!  Wouldn't you love to visit this garden party?
Speaking of gardening; I'm back working on my Cantaloupe quilt.
Hope your summer is off to a good start!


  1. I am sweating just looing at those photos! You must have been drenched in that heat. So glad you got to cool off by the ocean! Looking forward to more Cantaloupe!

  2. What fun you've been having, Barb! I'm looking forward to seeing additional progress on your Cantaloupe quilt. SEW glad that you've made your way back to it!

  3. Oh that last garden with the rabbit is SO inviting - along with the invisible man's habitat. What a grand outing and adventure you enjoyed.

  4. What a lovely get away you had...I love your Cantaloupe quilt the colors are excellent!! Yummy hugs, Julierose

  5. Looks like you had a delightful birthday getaway! Fun with your friends, time on the water, and a lovely flower show. Don't know how all those people and displays survived the heat and humidity (I would have been drooping), but it looks fascinating. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  6. It sure looks like you had a great time with your friends at their beach house! That water looks so inviting!
    I agree with Janet- I would never have lasted at that show but so glad you managed to get some great shots!
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Hello Barb,
    Like the Dolce Vita in New Jersey... I love seeing pictures holidays and happiness and joy on your faces!!! Summer is so short... Enjoy

  8. Looks like you had a great getaway there. So thoughtful of them to remember to celebrate your birthday. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing the pictures of the garden. They are great. So many different types of display. I've enjoyed it. ;^)

  9. lovely in MD many people raise orchids of all types...unheard of in maine...

  10. You sure had a lot of fun activities on your little holiday with your friends! The garden show had some great displays. Perfect colour combination in the cantaloupe quilt.

  11. What a wonderful get away with your friends. It's wonderful seeing so many friends reconnecting. The garden displays, I'm sure, will spark your quilting inspiration and creativity. Thanks for sharing your trip.

  12. Beaches and boats are always fun. Staying at a beach house makes it more fun. Thanks for sharing Philly flower show photos. The invisible man is amazing and your comment on him is so true! Enjoy your new project.

  13. Sounds like you had a wonderful natal celebration! The Philly flower show looked amazing! I'm not sure we have such things around here, and I've never been to a flower show, so now I'll have to be on the lookout for a new adventure. Cantaloupe is a good name for your quilt project - it almost makes my mouth water!

  14. delightful getaway covers it perfect

  15. What a wonderful vacation getaway with your friends. It's so wonderful to be on the water. The flower show looks amazing. Your comment about the nearly invisible man is insightful.... Love seeing the bonsai.

  16. What a fun weekend! So nice to go away with besties.

  17. Lovely vacation with friends. Celebrate the birthday all month long with various occasions and people! Love the cantalope!

  18. What a great way to celebrate your birthday and the NJ shore is the place to be! How fun to spend time with your friends. The Philly flower show looks amazing. Love all the bird and bee exhibits--and the invisible man. You've really captured the cantaloupe color in your quilt. Can't wait to see more!


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