
Monday, June 21, 2021

June '21 Modern Mini

Isn't this a crazy colorful print?  My flag is 15" x 16".
I quilted it with my signature straight and wavy line design.  I may get tired of this one day, but not yet.
This month's Modern Mini Theme was an easy one for me.   I have several family members and friends in the Gay Community and I love them very much.  I have been quietly celebrating Pride month in small ways.

I learned more about the Pride Flag.  Did you know each stripe has a meaning?

The original was designed by Gilbert Baker in 1978.
Here is a modernized version with black and brown added.
Here is the most current flag which includes transgender and non-binary.
There are many different versions of this important symbol.

I bought this fabulous rainbow bag at Ikea.
I changed my Apple Watch face for the month.  
Every time I look at it is a different rainbow combination.  Very Fun.

Pride month commemorates the Stonewall Riots (should have been called Uprising) in June of 1969.  It was a catalyst for the first Gay Pride Parade in NYC.   Here is a short video about the history.
Sesame Street introduced a bi-racial Gay couple on its Family Day Episode.   Sesame Street has tackled all sorts of difficult family and cultural issues over the decades.   Hooray for PBS!

The US Government got their Pride on.

Landmarks all around the world are celebrating!
I especially loved this story.  A couple in Racine, WI was told by their Homeowners Association that they were not allowed to fly a Pride Flag.  Here was their reaction.  How Marvelous!
Celebrate Pride Month in anyway that makes you Happy!


  1. A very colourful post! I love all the ways that you and others are celebrating pride month. Your mini quilt is the perfect project for this month.

  2. Ma, I absolutely love this! With many friends in the LQBTQ+ community I think this is a great way to spread the love, bring some awareness and show that people can do subtle things to show support and allyship. People may not understand the struggle of this community, but learning, spreading love and positivity, and being open minded are all things to be celebrated!

    Wonderful and informative post

    <3 Roo

    PS congrats on winning multiple blue ribbons and the coveted purple ribbon at the Vermont Quilt Show, well deserved and what an accomplishment!!!!

  3. Our house is sporting the new Pride flag, big an beautiful! Thanks for letting us know exactly what the colors mean on this flag. It's been a fun month celebrating with all our friends of every persuasion. Love is love is love!

    And so happy for you on all those ribbons! Best in Show! Best on Blogger! Mazel tov!

  4. Like you, I have friends and family members who are gay. I just love them without judging them...
    Your post is soooo fun and I love your mini !
    Congratulations again and again for the ribbons in Vermont !! Woo Hoo !
    It's well deserved and I'm so happy for you ! :)

  5. What a joyous post! Your flag is so colorful, and that backing fabric is perfect.

  6. Wow, you really did your homework! Love the mini and the story. Thanks for sharing.

  7. What a fabulous mini and sensational commemorative! So great of you to include this part of our history that we should never forget. Thanks for bringing the importance of embracing diversity in such a special way.

  8. Barb, I love this post so much and I thank you for it! I feel like the world is collectively sort of catching up (I hope) and it's about time! Your flag is perfect. I never knew the meaning behind the stripes. I learned a lot with this post! Gotta love Sesame Street - and that house in Racine, that's fantastic, lol.

  9. I also have wonderful friends and family in the gay community, Barb, yet I didn't know the symbolism behind the rainbow flag--and the many versions. Thanks for sharing this with us!
    You have made the perfect mini for this month, I love the backing fabric! Great job!

  10. It's great to see the change that has come about over the acceptance of LGBTQ persons in our country. Your post brings back memories of supporting anti-discrimination city ordinances in Miami in the days of Anita Bryant and "Save Our Children". I wish my gay friends from those days were still around to see the changes.

  11. What a great mini and a wonderful way to celebrate Pride Month. Thanks for the history lesson and photos of the landmarks around the world displaying their rainbow colors :)

  12. What a wonderful, colorful post!!! Happy Pride Month!

  13. You always do your homework and research. Your work is always inspiring and reflective. We celebrated Pride month by being in NYC and going by the Stonewall Inn. Shout out to PBS always!


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