
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Catching Up

 Greetings!  I've been on a little break so thought I'd pop in and catch up.  This was big news a few weeks ago.  I was honored by the Vermont Quilt Festival.

I entered the virtual show to support the festival which had to be virtual this year.   I had no expectation at all so it was a wonderful surprise.  I also received a Purple Ribbon of Merit for this quilt, awarded if you received a combined judges score of 97-100.  I've been working toward this goal for many years.

I also received a Blue Ribbon for my modern quilt!  It was particularly gratifying since I'm not generally known to make modern quitls.

 Hanna and David came for a visit and while others had to work we decided to visit the Mystic Aquarium.  We look like ad for glasses. lol.
We got to see the trainer feed the Penguins.   Special time with my kids together is rare and such a gift.  
The obligatory Nemo photo.
And Hanna's favorite; jellies.
We also sailed my son's Hobie for the first time.  He named her Tenacity; our family motto.
We had driveway fireworks - very carefully at a distance.....
I've been busy planting container gardens

I have started growing hostas in all weather pots on my 2 decks.  I've always had a hosta garden and this is the best way to grow them on my property.  This one is three years old.
As far as sewing, I've been making summer surgical caps for my son. This one is made by fabric I received from Jackie through Norma.   Thanks ladies!
I also decided to add big stitch quilting to my Canteloup quilt.
It has been fun picking which colors go where.
I even worked on it at the beach 😀
I hope you are having a nice summer!


  1. Congrats on your quilts...... Very exciting......
    Always wonderful to spend time with your kids

  2. Huzzahs on your quilts winning !! I am amazed at all the birds and leaves on Song of the Sparrow--such a lovely one ...
    Looks like you had a great time over the 4th...have fun quilting on the beach hugs, Julierose

  3. I am so proud of your wins...lovely job! Hey, what surgical cap pattern are you using, please? Thank you!!!

  4. Congratulations and well deserved. Your masterpieces are beautiful!!!

  5. What a great post! Love the big stitch addition.

  6. Glasses commercial! LOL You are so funny! Looks like your summer has been lovely. I agree time spent with our adult kids is always a treasure.

  7. Congratulations on your quilts and the recognition of excellent workmanship. It is a special time when you get to spend time with your grown-up kids. It's hard to coordinate schedules. Glad you had fun. Love the colors and and now the addition of big stitches to the Cantaloupe quilt.

  8. Congratulations on your ribbon. Beautiful family. Enjoy your summer.

  9. Congrats, Barb! nice that they recognized how lovely your quilts are! I love the Sparrow quilt so much, love the birds and scrappiness and the pretty balance of light and dark. It reminds me a little of a quilt in the book Quilting with Style, love that book. Fun family photos, family time is the best!

  10. Congratulations on the Vermont Quilt Festival ribbons! Well Deserved. The cantaloupe quilt reminds me of those striped beach huts that you see in old photos. Lovely flowers on your deck. So nice to spend time with your kids, even if they are not kids anymore!

  11. Double congratulations for your ribbons. What an accomplishment!! Bravo! but really, you deserved it. Song of the Sparrow is so awesome. Looks like a fun time with the "kids". Love your patio garden. I don't have all-green hostas. I have "bordered" with white and the one I call the skunk as it has a white line down the middle of the leaf. But no green-all-over. I'll have so look for that next time I'm at the nursery. enjoy the beach! ;^)

  12. You have been busy! All your containers have beautiful flowers. I've tried growing hostas in Central Oregon but have so far been a big failure. Oh well.
    I'm so excited for your ribbons and successes!! Love the quilts.
    And your cantaloupe quilt is yummy. I even love looking at the threads, which are so perfectly matched!
    Didn't know Andrew had a boat. Hope he gets lots of time to sail it!!
    Love the caps!!
    Your kids are so sweet together. You're all very lucky!!

  13. Congratulations Barb! How exciting to have your talent and skill recognized in this way - well deserved ribbons!! Awesome to make more fun memories with your kids! I love the big stitch quilting you’re doing. I need to give it a try too.

  14. Congratulations on your ribbons Barb! So well deserved! Your quilts are excellent on all levels. I hope these can be seen in person next year! Looks like you had a blast with your kids! Your melon quilt looks yummy! A little red suitcase of threads - such style, love it!

  15. Your quilts deserve all that wonderful recognition, and more!
    Such fun times with your kids. And I laughed over the glasses commercial comment, and your son's T-shirt.
    You have such pretty container gardens. I am beginning to want to go more that direction, after seeing your beauties over the years.
    The big stitch quilting on your cantaloupe quilt is a really cool effect.

  16. Love the palette and the big stitches on your 'Cantaloupe' quilt. And congrats on your ribbons!

  17. Congrats, Barb! I'm so glad to hear you won ribbons at VQF! They are well-deserved--as always! Love how your big stitch looks on Cantaloupe and those colors are yummy. Any time we spend with our "kids" is a treasure. Mine will be here this weekend to celebrate our missed Christmas 2020 :) Love your container gardens--so pretty!

  18. Congrats on the ribbons! Vermont Quilt Festival has been on my bucket list for years, so I hope they are back "live" soon. You're so right about spending time with the kids. My boys were both here last month for a visit and it was rejuvenating! I've been wanting to try growing some hostas, but my yard has almost no shade. Guess I need to try containers on my very shady front porch. Thanks for the inspo!

  19. Double congratulations on your Vermont wins... so very exciting and well deserved!
    How wonderful to be with your kids and have some fun together!
    I adore the photos of you hand stitching the cantaloupe on the beach!

  20. Congratulations Barb! So excited for you. A lovely post!!!

  21. Your awards are well earned! Of course Song of of the Sparrow is awesome and I have seen it in progress and love it. Your modern quilt is so colorful and happy! We are on our way home from visiting 2 of our sons and their families. A wonderful trip but can't wait to get home tomorrow. I love plants in post to place on the patio or front step! I hope mine are still alive!

  22. Congratulations on your quilts ! I guess I already told you but once again !!
    It's well deserved !
    Happy summer holidays dear friend !
    Enjoy them with your family !

  23. and good times were had by all! Beautiful quilts, of course!

  24. Congratulations once again on your VQF ribbons! I love both quilts and am so impressed with your grasp of excellent design in both the traditional and modern styles. The “big stitching” you are adding to the cantaloupe quilt is creating so much more interest. I’m curious - what type and size thread and needle are you using? Are you stitching in the same manner you would when quilting the traditional way? Glad you got to spend time with your family - so important!

  25. What a nice day to spend with the family. I love big stitch but have not really done it much. I may have to change that. My pots are doing fantastic this year too! Lots of rain so I don't have to be a slave to watering them.

  26. What a befutiful place!
    great post!Like your blog, thank you for sharing.
    These contents have greatly helped me.

  27. Wow, am I far behind on my blog reading! So proud of your Vermont success!!! Hope we can catch up soon!

  28. Looks like you’re having a wonderful Summer. Congratulations on your show prizes - super well done!


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