
Sunday, July 18, 2021


 Do you know what Cantaloupe is in Spanish?

Cantaloupe! ha ha.  I thought I would be clever and use the Spanish name but the yokes on me I guess.  These words are called cognates, the same word in different languages.

I started this quilt in February 2021.  To read the origin story of this quilt click here.

Can you believe how perfect this backing is for this quilt?

I did a combination of machine quilting and big stitch quilting.  I used orange, green and yellow thread to do straight line quilting on my sewing machine.
I then did big stitch quilting between each machine stitched line.  I picked different corresponding colors of Perle Cotton #8 for each "set" of colors.
Here is how I moved from string to string; by shuttling my needle between the layers.  
I quilted at the beach one day which was very fun.  I used my usual big hoop and loaded it loosely.  I use a #22 chenille needle.
I posted this photo on Instagram and got an alarming amount of likes. 
A few people commented on the cute little case I used for the cotton spools and quilting supplies.
It was a gift from Wendy Reed.   She found it in her travels and picked it up for me.  How sweet is that?  Isn't it charming?   I love it.
Here is my label.  I'm trying to rededicate myself to labeling all my quilts.  You can see the big stitch on the backing too.  I really like the texture of it.
Nutmeg helped me with the binding delima.   I thought about facing it, but went with my usual single binding instead (there is a tutorial on a tab above on how to do that).   I settled on a light green.
Hope you are having a lovely summer (or winter in Australia).  Are you hungry for a little Cantaloupe?  I sure am 😜

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Canteloupe looks great..........I must do some quilting like that........

  2. Cognate! Whoa, I learned something new. I had never heard that before. Yes, hungry for cantaloupe now. :) Sweet gift from a friend, love that little tote. Quilt friends are the best ever! Enjoy what's left of summer, fall will be soon upon us.

  3. Love your Cantaloupe quilt. You have inspired me to finally try plain cottons. ☺

  4. Cantaloupe has a wonderful beachy vibe, love the combination of hand and machine quilting! And the backing is perfect!

  5. Cantaloupe has a wonderful beachy vibe, love the combination of hand and machine quilting! And the backing is perfect! Just wonderful.

  6. Love the backing and the big stitch quilting.

  7. Combining machine quilting and big stitches with Perle cotton gives lots of great texture.

  8. I love the color scheme of this quilt and I like the large stitch quilting. Happy Summer! take care, cw

  9. THe quilt is pieced beautifully and the quiltin just completes and enhances it.

  10. Fun quilt! Reminds me of the jazz classic, "Cantaloupe Island", by Herbie Hancock.

  11. Love your combination of straight line and big stitch. And that thread case was an awesome find and gift!! So cute.
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  12. Oh it is simply smashing - oh wait that is for pumpkins not cantaloupes! I love the big stitch addition. What super texture! I knew you would find a good use for that little case. So cute!

  13. This is such a fun cheerful project. I love the big stitch/machine stitch combo with different colored thread. It really adds depth to this playful quilt. Beautiful job.

  14. It is such a fun quilt and I love your big stitch! The backing is perfect. My daughter and her family planted about 5 cantaloupe plants and 5 watermelon plants, they are going to be eating a lot of fruit!

  15. I agree with all the kudos by your other commenters! A successful quilt in every way. 👏🏻 I’m inspired to try a bit of “big stitching” myself soon.

  16. Oh i love everything in this quilt !
    Bravo Barb !!
    Happy summer et good luck to your husband and son for the race !!

  17. And love the Frieda fabric for the backing!

  18. And what is Cantaloupe in French? That's right! You found the most perfect fabric for the back. Very well done. Congrats! ;^)

  19. I love the quilt but I think the backing is superb. It's great because you didn't have to cut into it!
    Love the sewing case that Wendy gifted you. It's perfect for those threads and supplies.
    Nutmeg is too cute!!!
    Can't wait to see what's up next!....

  20. What a wonderful finish, Barb! Now when I cut into a cantaloupe I think of your quilt and it makes me smile :) Great colors and stitching. And I love the backing--it's perfect. Nice to see Nutmeg helping out :)

  21. It's a summery delight, Barb. Love the backing! (I saw the Frida Kahlo exhibit at the College of DuPage this week. Right near your former neighborhood!)

  22. So refreshing on a hot summer day! I had a little suitcase like that when I was little. I kept my doll clothes in it! Glad to see your quilt is Nutmeg approved!


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