
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Go World!!

It's Tokyo 2020 Olympic time!  There certainly have been a lot of surprises!

Here are some quilts I made for previous olympics.

Hand Quilted feathers and cables.
I added Olympic Rings to this Eagle Quilt to commemorate the Torino Olympics.
Stars and Crowns for London (there is some blue bleeding and I intend to soak it in blue Dawn and borax).
The back of the London quilt has a pieced and jumbled world map.  My daughter called it Barb's pangea ha ha.
We had sweet summer visitor.  How he got in the house, no one really knows.
I named him Frederik and he visited for about an hour and found a good spot by a sail bag.
I walked him about a block away near a boggy wet area and set him free.
Bye Frederik have a good summer.

I'm working on a social justice quilt of sorts.  It is a fun challenge to make these words with no pattern.
You may already know the rest of this sentiment.  If not, stay tuned.
Enjoy August!

p.s. can I just say how happy I am that Tokyo is using all the 2020 signage even though it is 2021.  Saving all those materials is so eco minded.   Also I think they will be called the 2020 olympics in the future.


  1. Fun way to commemorate the Olympics! We have been watching the swimming this week. Glas you helped your little friend find a new, more appropriate home.

  2. Lester Holt is calling it the 2020 Olympics, haven't watched any other news lately. I love Hannah's name for the back of the London quilt. Too clever!! Hope you are getting some of this cool dry summer day. Enjoy!

  3. Beautiful Olympic quilts. I love watching the games all day. Our small country is doing so well! So proud of all those Olympic sports men and woman especially under the difficult circumstances right now.
    Love your quilt with words, I recently made one too with a quote that means a lot to me.

  4. I haven't been watching, but hearing headlines. I love that it is 2020 Olympics as well!

  5. It's great to see your Olympic quilts - love the idea of commemorating the Games! Glad Frederik found a new home. Are you sure Nutmeg didn't let him in? ;-) Looking forward to the rest of your social justice quilt!

  6. Thanks for sharing your Olympic quilts with us. I would guess that you are an Olympic fan and watch some events on TV? I only watch the horses, lol. Enjoy! ;^)

  7. I'm enjoying watching the Olympics so it was fun to see what you have made to honor the games. Japan is doing such a wonderful job under the circumstances. But, I miss the enthusiasm of the spectators.

  8. Fun to see your Olympic quilts! I really like that you make quilts to commemorate those kinds of things, something I haven't done but should maybe consider doing. LOVE the backing for the 2012 one!!

  9. What a great Olympic tradition you have. Your quilts are a fabulous reminder that we can all come together even if it's just once in awhile.

  10. What a fabulous idea to make something to commemorate the Olympics. Are you planning one for Tokyo 2020/2021? I too am delighted that all the signs are still being used saying 2020. Why reprint them??
    you are great sports helping Frederick back into the natural world. My family would not have been as generous! Mark has a deep-seated dislike for frogs as when we had a pool over 30 yrs ago, we always had frogs in it and he hated them. He'd hunt for them. Enough said about that.

  11. Clever Barb! Always the clever one. I'll take Frederick over a snake I found in my basement one time!

  12. I love your Olympics quilts! I have really been enjoying watching the Olympics in the evenings while on vacation!

  13. So enjoyed seeing your Olympic quilts again! You are a winner in my book! We've been watching most of the events--it's the only time I can sit long enough to watch tv, lol! Frederik had a great visit. Wonder how he got in your house?? I'm intrigued by your new social justice quilt. Can't wait to see more.

  14. ALWAYS a joy to check in and see what you're 'doing'. THANKS!

  15. I did realise that the signs were all out dated but I'm pleased they did not waste money to change all the signs..... And imagine the money out costs to maintain everything for the last year..


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