
Friday, August 20, 2021

Dog Dayz

I don't have a big project in the works so I'm playing with these circles sent by my quilt buddy Wendy of The Constant Quilter.  Use the link to see her project.

These are the circles trimmed out after appliquing.  Here is a photo from her blog.  Wendy does everything so neatly!
  All the fabrics are designed by Betsy Chutchian.
I considered several options for these little beauties.  I decided to use solid fabrics and picked cheddar and red.  A natural, right?  

I'm gathering them around 1 3/4" paper circles from  I starch them to hold the finished edge.
I am glue basting them onto 3 1/2" background squares.  I only use little dots.  You don't need much.
I made a CutRite Heavy Duty Freezer Paper mask in order to center the circles.  (you can see the product here and its available on Amazon).  Thank you, Sharon, for telling me about this!
Those photo shows the circle placed inside my template. It is on top of the yellow background square which you can't see because I liked it up perfectly šŸ˜ I hold the circle with my finger, then remove the paper.
I press with hot dry iron to set the glue.
Nutmeg watches over my used paper circles.  Thanks Nutmeg!
I dry press them to use again.
Here is a batch all ready to applique'.  Can I tell you again that glue basting for applque has changed my life?   Have you tried it? 
Summer Recipe: Perfect for August
It uses cherry tomatoes and I like to use several varieties.  It is easy and keeps in the refrigerator for several days.  You can also use it as spread for toaster bread.
All you need is cherry tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and red pepper flakes.
There is so much upsetting news in the world at the moment.
I am trying to stay calm with simple sewing and simple foods. 
I wish you all the same.  
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.



  1. ooh gifts from wendy are always wonderful! i agree the news is horrible, hardly watch anymore....and my circles project is african wax resist prints on black and gray backgrounds...easy sewing for lazy days...

  2. Yes - love glue basting for appliquƩ! Red and cheddar make a great background. Roasted tomatoes can't be beat - like summer in your mouth! I'm with you, trying to cocoon and stay sane in my own little world - take care and stay safe!

  3. Love your circles! And that recipe looks so good, thanks for sharing it.

  4. The red and cheddar is so wonderful and graphic!

  5. Love Betsy’s fabrics and used that first gray and brown print in a quilt I made my dad. The circles are so small! Your work looks lovely. Glad Nutmeg has a job.

  6. What a great little project this is. Betsy designs wonderful repro fabrics, and your red/cheddar/black backgrounds really make them shine. Your circles turn out very precise and beautiful!

  7. Thank you for all the intel on the applique and deliciousness!

  8. Hi Barb. I've been thinking of you a lot lately. Your new project looks like fun. It's hard to gauge the size of those blocks from the first photo; I assumed they were so much bigger! Don't get me started on the news!

  9. Circles are such fun to work with. I love my circle project that I just recently completed. Great tip about the glue. Wish I had known about that sooner, but will tuck it away for future projects.

  10. Lovely circles coming together Barb!! Great way to use leftovers...I like your cheddar choice, too...
    hugs, Julierose

  11. Red is my favorite color and "gold" - and all its variations from yellow to cheddar - is right up there on the favorites list too, so, to my eyes, your quilt is looking great!! I promise I will try the glue basting method very soon!! :) We are so lucky that quilt making is providing us solace in these difficult times.

  12. Thanks for sharing how you make your circles so precise. Circles on a quilt are fun (Quilty 365) but hand quilting all of them on a king size might just do me in, lol! Hope you're planning something much more manageable! The pasta recipe looks fabulous!

  13. I think the glue basting is an amazing method! I will check out the Cut Rite paper. Those tomatoes are making my mouth water!

  14. The red and cheddar background pieces are fabulous for those precise circles. Glue basting saves tons of frustration for keeping those applique pieces in their proper places. "Just a little dab will do ya."

  15. Your step by step photos make it look easy. I have not tried glue basting before. I love the photo of your work tray! And of course sweet Nutmeg "helping" is so adorable! Thanks for the smiles today!

  16. What a gift from Wendy and you are making something so striking, love it. I have tried glue basting before yes! It's great. For some reason I'm now in the habit of back-basting and that's how I'm doing my current appliquƩ projects except for when a little circle is called for. Nutmeg is so sweet. Your tray for outside stitching - just great style Barb! I agree with you on the news. It is heavy, on so many levels. Hope the storm coming your way doesn't affect you too badly.

  17. So nice of Wendy to send you all those circles which are right up your alley! Love what you are doing with them. I was always hesitant to try glue basting but you make it look so quick and easy. Nutmeg sure is a good helper :)

  18. I sure enjoyed looking through your tutorial for your appliquƩd circles. After you've glue-pressed them into place, are you hand or machine appliquƩing them? There are so many ways to accomplish the same thing! I too am appliquƩing small circles onto squares, but using a prescription bottle lid to draw circles that are machine-stitched onto fusible interfacing. We're accomplishing the same thing, but by different routes. :-) It's wonderful isn't it... many techniques for making circles? And how quiltmaking is attractive to each person in different ways?

  19. What a fabulous tutorial! Your circles are perfect and perfectly beautiful! Thanks for the recipe. I am so stumped in the "What's for dinner" category!!

  20. Love those circles Barb -- looks like it's going to be a fun project! When we drove to Maine last week we diverted through your home state -- yipee we bagged CT and RI LOL -- younger son and I needed them to get to 50 -- only one left for me and two for him. ;-D

  21. Thanks for another tutorial! I love Betsy's fabrics and was lucky enough to take a Jo Morton Little Women class with her about 11 years ago. Nutmeg is fascinated with the round papers. She is so cute!


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