
Thursday, September 9, 2021

Down on the Farm

The Danish Family was finally able to have a long awaited reunion!
This is our  silly shot.  Much more fun than the posed shot.  We had about 25 rotating family members.  These are the descendants of my husband's mother and her brother and sister.

We are blessed to have a family farm near Sheridan, Illinois.   The main reunion was Friday - Monday.
Rich's parents bought it 50 years ago and it has grown, and grown and grown, just like the family. Here is me and by boy, andrew.  Rich is in the background playing with a neighbor dog that kept following us.
We do all our own cooking - including making almost 400 Danish Pancakes; Ableskiver.  Here is a website to learn more about them.
We also had 20 lbs of sausage on hand.

We eat under a big rented tent and have a such a great time chatting and visiting.
Rich and I made 32 ears of roasted corn.  I cut it all off the cob and added lots of butter and s&p.  
here is my son and nephew on a building inspection.
and the water equipment testing....  yep, it's all good.
A group of us trekked into town to pay our respects to our Beloved and Departed Patriarch and Matriarch who would be so happy to see we are keeping the tradition going.  I don't know who took the "official" photo ha ha.

In Quilting News:
Our co-op farmer and caretaker of our farm, David, brought me this incredible quilt to see.  He wanted basic information. 
It is in excellent condition.  I did a little fabric research and put its age at 1860-1890.   I love the shirtings, double pinks and look - one of the greens in my Chrome Sweet Chrome.  
wonderful browns.
I'm really glad I met this quilt !  I may even organize a sew along or pattern.
I'm also crocheting a blanket for our bed for the upcoming winter.
The pattern is a solid granny square.  I learned it on Youtube here.

I visited the Frida Kahlo exhibit while in the area, but I'll share that next time!
Happy Fall -Take Care. 


  1. Looks like a fun time!!! Your crochet practically matches the quilt. I would love to do a sew along with that quilt.

  2. What a neat quilt ! A sew along sounds like fun. Great way and place to have a family reunion. Looks like you had wonderful weather to spend most of your time outside and enjoy each other’s company

  3. Looks like so much fun! It appears that the whole family is as fun as you are. :)
    That is a wonderful old quilt. Not tempted to make it a block swap, huh? LOL
    I've never seen Granny Squares done in solids. Such soft colors. This will be very pretty, and snuggly warm. I made all the squares for a Granny Squares afghan while I was in college, but it was probably over a decade before I assembled them--and then I gave it away.
    Oh, I meant to say that I used to help my sister demo making Ableskiver at the local heritage center--we both married Olsen men of Danish heritage. I have a pan, but haven't made them in years and wonder how they would be gluten free?
    I look forward to seeing what you have to share about this exhibit.

  4. Glad you were able yo have a successful reunion. What a wonderful place to hold one, so peaceful looking. The quilt is beautiful and in such nice shape (clear colors). Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love this!!! We just got back from a family reunion at the Beach where we spent every summer! First time in a couple of years. It's so great you hung onto the Farm!

  6. Glad you got to enjoy this special time with family! What a great quilt! I’ve never made a 9 patch so might be interested in a sew along though the last thing I need right now is another project!🙂

  7. looks like great fun was had by all....lovely antique quilt and a sew along? oooh that would be good!

  8. Woo hoo! I love a good family reunion! We had ours at Holden Beach again, but it's only about 20 to 25 people. Yours looks marvelous! I hope you and Mr. Fun get out to the farm more than once a year. It looks like a great place. And if you do a sew along with that quilt, I'm in!

  9. Looks like so much fun! And the quilt is gorgeous!

  10. Family gatherings are always fun. To talk to each about every and nothing, and to reconnect after the lockdowns is priceless. That quilt is a real beauty. Boy, I don't even like pink but this is a really beautiful quilt. Did you say you just learned how to crochet on Youtube? Your Granny blocks are pretty even for someone who just started. You must be a natural. Great job. Can't wait for your next post with Frida. ;^)

  11. Looks like a wonderful gathering, Barb, and what a fabulous quilt!!

  12. This family reunions are important, especially with thie year we are just lived.... I'm happy for you.
    This old quilt..... OMG !! Those fabrics.... yum yum !!
    Your Granny blocks are pretty !!

  13. Keeping those family traditions alive and having family reunions are precious and so important.

  14. 400 Ableskiver??? I made one pan of them once and it almost killed me! Well, I made several pans, but only 6 came out right! You will have to show me how to do them right. Looks like you had a ball! Love that 9-patch. What a unique setting. I think a sew-a-long would be super!!

  15. Oh what a fabulous reunion in an equally fabulous location! You are so lucky to have this special place to share with your family. Love that quilt and the double pinks! I'm so impressed with your granny squares. How many do you have to make?? Looking forward to your post about the Frida exhibit :)

  16. Looks like a wonderful reunion! I keep thinking I need to do something like that with my maternal side of the family in Wisconsin. And that quilt - woohoo - love everything about it!

  17. Enjoyed learning about Ableskiver. I recently watched an old Great British Baking Show where that was the blind challenge. So fun watching the bakers trying to make them in the round tins. Great post as always Barb.

  18. Looks like fun times! And the weather cooperated too, which is a plus. I like that you all visited the cemetery too. You did the Beloved and Departed proud!
    Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

  19. Glad to know weren't the only family that takes a photo at the graves when we have a family reunion. Special times together..... Wow that quilt .... It's just gorgeous.....

  20. Looks like you had a fabulous family reunion. How wonderful to have that farm and gather there! I love Ableskivers - my husband used to make them and I'm sure we still have our pan somewhere. With powdered sugar, or a little jam. Yum. The quilt is sweet as can be in all its simplicity and it looks to be in such great condition too.

  21. SEW ALONG?? Yes please! Love that double pink :0) What a great reunion, looks like a great time of reconnecting :0)

  22. You all are making terrific fun family memories! That 9 patch with the cool setting is so sweet!

  23. Looks like your family reunion was a ton of fun, and a lot of work too! I admire all of you for the cooking that everyone put forth. I could have devoured your tray of sweet corn. Yum! That's one of the things I miss most, since moving from Iowa to Florida - sweet corn. Sigh. And decent tomatoes. Sigh. Your crocheted granny squares looks like a fun project for you. Hope you make your goal of a winter finish!

  24. what a wonderful place to have a family reunion. Love the antique quilt.

  25. Love the old quilt! Frida was a wonderful painter, loved the movie!


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