
Friday, October 22, 2021

Quilt Show in Review

 Yay! Finally a quilt show and it was my guild, the Ninigret Quilters Guilds' 40 year anniversary Ruby Jubilee Show.

The show is held at the Westerly Armory.  We had 205 quilts - all in one room! Here is a panoramic view from the balcony just as the show was opening on Sunday.
There were 14 Guild Mystery quilts on display.  I love to see how everyone makes them their own.
Here is Best in Show made my Pat Harrison.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a photo of the card. Pat is a professional Long Arm Quilter and won extra merit ribbons for this quilt.

Many quilters in our group do not have their quilts judged.  If your work is judged, there are two categories; artisan and master.

This was my favorite quilt in the whole show.   It is a quilt from the Shelburne Museum.
And here are some other beautiful quilts from this wonderful show.

Chrome Sweet Chrome received Best Appliuqe' and Best Hand Quilting.  What an honor!  It also received a Vendor Ribbon (not in photo) from Beyond the Bolt a great local quilt shop.  Thanks ladies!
Technicolor Dream Quilt received best Modern Quilt.  Who Me? a Modern Quilter?  
Chernobyl received a 3rd in pieced master.  I spoke to several visitors about this quilt who wanted to know more about it.
We all received these commemorative labels for our quilts.  What a special touch.
Here is the drawing for the Jubilee Raffle Quilt.  The tickets were SOLD OUT.  Tina's sister-in-law won, which was great because she designed and finished the quilt and was the Quilt Show Chairwoman.
I was lucky to win the Scratch Off Lottery raffle basket.  Wee!  I'm still working on them.  There are over $100 worth of tickets.
I hope you have enjoyed this visit to the show.  I celebrated by sipping this pretty sparkling rose' cava which came in a patchwork decorated bottle.
Hope have a happy weekend! If you have a chance, check out the harvest full moon.  Here are photos I took on Tuesday while driving home from NJ.
Until next time.


  1. What a wonderful quilt show! Lots of quilty talent in your group! Congratulations on your ribbons.

  2. that sunflower quilt looks like you...can see why you are drawn to it....lovely quilts and congrats on all the wins...and PS good luck with the lottery tix...LOL!

  3. How lovely to attend an in person quilt show and one with such great quilts. Congrats on the wins. Well deserved.

  4. Wow what a great show! All the quilts look fabulous especially yours. Thanks.

  5. Congratulations! Thanks for the great photos of a terrific show.

  6. Congrats again on more ribbons! So lovely to see quilts in a show .... thank you for sharing!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your photos of this show, so many great quilts to study and admire! And a big congrats on your ribbons!

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!! and what fun! A real, live QUILT SHOW. I cannot wait for one in our state. Thank you for showing so many beautiful quilts!

  9. Congratulations on your ribbons! Kelley Secrest

  10. Ohhhh i’m so happy for you ! Congratulations !
    Your quilts are fabulous and it’s well deserved.
    Thank you for sharing all the pictures of this show !! ❤️🥰

  11. Thank you for sharing - it's so nice to see a show! It gives one hope that things are starting to return to "normal"! Congrats on your ribbons - well-deserved, for sure! That sunflower quilt pattern is one of my long-time favorites (Bucket List!) and the Halloween EPP quilt made me smile. I think I may have to try a Halloween EPP quilt myself!

  12. Congratulations! Thanks so much for sharing photos of quilts from the show - we are starved for them!!! Your show sounds a lot like my guild's show which was last weekend. It felt so, so good to be at a show again! I'll be posting photos on my blog soon!

  13. These pictures are wonderful; thank you for bringing us along for the fun. Congratulations on your winning entries! Love those guild mystery quilts, and Why not quilt, too.

  14. Fabulous show and outstanding quilts! I can see that a lot of quilters were very busy during the pandemic. Congratulations on your awards and the basket...who knows what else you might win!

    1. Thank you! I don't have an email for you but thanks for stopping by and leaving a nice comment!

  15. Looks like a beautiful show in a place with really nice lighting. Your quilts are FANTASTIC and congratulations on winning the ribbons! It must have been so rewarding to be in and amongst other quilters, in person, and able to tell about your Chernobyl quilt etc. I love that sunflower quilt too. I think I saw it a number of years ago at VQF.

  16. Congratulations on your well deserved show success, Barb!!

  17. How wonderful to go to a quilt show. Beautiful quilts, Thank you for sharing.
    Congrats on your ribbons! : )

  18. It was wonderful to see all of these fabulous quilts. Of course, seeing yours as well. So many quilting events continue to be canceled. I'm glad yours wasn't. A 40 years celebration is long time for a group to stay together. Your raffle basket was a cool idea. Hope you hit the jackpot.

  19. Wow, Barb, great post! Congratulations on all your well-deserved ribbons and for winning the basket of goodies, too! Looks like it was a beautiful show! The harvest moon was amazing. Great pics all around!

  20. Thanks for taking us to the quilt show with you! I really miss being able to see quilts in real life.
    Congrats on your wins! And I am totally curious to know if your scratch tickets made you a millionaire!?!

  21. Congratulations. Your quilts are wonderful! Thanks for sharing your photos. Great quilt show.

  22. Congratulations, modern quilter, you! You deserve those ribbons whether you consider yourself a modern quilter or not. Congrats on winning the ticket basket. I have enjoyed all the wonderful pictures you shared with us. Thank you so much for that. ;^)

  23. What a lovely array of beautiful quilts. Congrats on your amazing quilts! The ribbons and accolades are much deserved. I guess it's official, You are a modern quilter as well as traditional.

  24. Thank you for sharing your guild's quilt show! So many quilts entered and displayed. There haven't been many quilt shows for obvious reasons. Well-deserved awards you received.

  25. What a wonderful quilt show. Why not indeed! The person who said that is absolutely clueless.

  26. You are awesome! I know I've already said that your awards did not surprise me, but seriously, you should be so proud!! I can't believe you won that basket of tickets! Hope you tell us tonight that you won a million dollars! I will help you spend it! I also love that your quilt was next to the Best in Show. They are both stunning. I wonder if this is the same Pat Harrison who is a NQA judge? If so, she gave me a Judge's Choice award once. It was a bright colored quilt so I am thinking this might be the same person. Looking forward to our Zoom today - if we don't lose power!!

  27. Thanks for a peek at the show, what a great turn out of quilts! I NEVER get tired of seeing beautiful quilts! Congrats on your new ribbons for your lovely quilts!!


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