
Monday, November 29, 2021

News of the World - My World

Here is my quilt published in a beautiful new book "The Quilters Night Before Christmas".
This book illustrates each stanza of the poem written by Clement C. Moore almost 200 years ago.   I made a santa that reminded me of these little elves that we had when I was a girl.
Sue Reich invited quilters to submit a little quilt for each stanza which was also to include a quilt or quilt block.  Here the cover quilt made by Jill Mezaros.  Each quilt is unique and many are made by quilts friends from around the country.
It is a beautiful book with vintage postcards and Christmas history and traditions.
 It also includes some wonderful traditional quilt patterns.

It is available on Amazon for $28.00 and is a hardcover.  A perfect gift for a quilt friend or for yourself!

In other publishing news; I was featured in the December QuiltMania Magazine for my Instagram Account.  What a nice surprise and huge honor!   I was proud to be among the other quilters who I also follow.

This year I decided to display my White House Historical Ornament tree.  I'm trying to separate the beauty of the craftsmanship and history with the current atmosphere in DC.

Each year the committee selects a past President to honor.  Here is my collection.  I am only missing 4 to complete the collection and I think Santa is going to come through this year.  They are gorgeous ornaments. The White House ornaments include the same limestone as the actual White House!
Each ornament comes in a pretty box with lovely goldleaf and an illustration.
A booklet is included with historical facts about the President, his administration and how the family celebrated Christmas in the White House.
This year I am challenging myself to read one little booklet a day.  I am learning so many things about the President and White House.
I have also been very busy lately watching the entire Bond series.  It started with watching all the Daniel Craig movies then I took the plunge and watched them all.  Here is my very sloppy tally sheet.
My favorite is Daniel Craig, then Pierce Brosnan.  It was great fun watch them in order. 

I made a new crochet pattern hat for my quilt guild's Holiday Silent Auction.  I may even bid on it myself.
We had our Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday because my son, Andrew, worked night shifts at the hospital Wednesday and Thursday.
It was wonderful to relax on Thursday and have dinner together on Saturday.  It think it was the best turkey we've ever cooked!
We cooked for 12 even though there were only 3 of us.  I love the week of leftovers! 

I am Thankful for all the friends and talented people I have met through quilting.  Thank you for continuing to read my blog or visit my Instagram feed.  Quilting has enriched my life beyond measure.

See you next time~


  1. Your little quilt is so adorable. I finally ordered the book. Can't wait to see yours in all its adorable glory. I can't believe I don't have my Quiltmania yet. Of all times for it to be late. I can't wait to see you in it! Your turkey looks beautiful. Hope you are having fun with your "Bondathon". I've always said we were going to do that. We made it through the first 3! Your presidential ornaments are so unique. Right up your alley. Enjoy the day!

  2. Wow! So many things to learn in your post. The annual WHHA ornaments make such a great collection. What pattern are the dishes? I will take a look at the book...that basket quilt caught my eye. My Quiltmania arrived Friday. I like the translations--English words but French turns of phrase. Congratulations on being featured!

  3. How exciting to be part of such a beautiful book. Your little Santa is very cute.

  4. The elf quilt is so charming, you have so much talent!
    Congratulation on being published twice : )

  5. You have been busy. Your quilt is so cute. Congratulations for being published, both in the Christmas book and having your Instagram featured on Quiltmania.

  6. Congratulations. It's been an exciting quilting year for you. Your Santa quilt is delightful and I'll have to get the book to enjoy the rest. I have 2 White House ornaments. Your collection is very impressive. During the summer we did the same thing watching all the Bond movies. It was fun to go back. The special effects of the first ones seem pretty corny now, but Sean was nice to look at.

  7. Neat story about the White House Christmas ornaments! I never knew there was such a thing. The Quilter's Night Before Christmas looks like fun. Congrats on being included! We are big Bond fans here, so there's always re-watching going on. Daniel Craig is a great Bond, but Sean Connery will always be my fave!

  8. Congrats on being published in such a special book. Your quilt is very cute.
    And congrats again for landing in Quiltmania! Very cool!
    I really enjoyed learning about your White House Christmas ornaments.
    I got a chuckle out of your ratings on the Bond movies. Very systematic. ;) You may not believe that I have never seen a Bond movie in my life, but I have always had a soft spot for Pierce Brosnan (ever since I first saw him in Remington Steele).
    We had a similar Thanksgiving celebration, since my son found out that morning that he'd had a COVID exposure the night before. That kept my sister's family from coming, so we had cooked for many and only had 3 as well. And after the intense 3 days of cooking, it was nice not to cook for a week afterward. LOL

  9. Congratulations on being published in the book and for being featured in the Quiltmania magazine! It is so satisfying to have your work recognized and appreciated and you deserve it! I had no idea those Christmas ornaments existed and enjoyed your sharing of info about them. Wishing you a merry December!

  10. What a great post with so much to see. Congratulations on both publications! I had no idea about the White House ornaments even having lived in the D.C. area for several years! What great style you have across so many "genres"!

  11. How cool is that book, and that you have a quilt in it! How fun to sit and read it with a grandchild. It looks like the kind of book that will be in home libraries for decades to come. Congrats on your inclusion! I’ve never heard of the White House Commemorative Ornaments. Looks like something my husband would like to collect, not that he needs another collection, ha ha. I myself would enjoy the historical booklet. I might need to look into this. How fun to watch all the Bond movies! We started watching Star Trek from the beginning, but lost interest somewhere in the middle of The Next Generation. Personally, I’d like to watch the Planet of the Apes movies, especially since I’ve never seen most of them! Your table setting and turkey look delicious!

  12. How cool is that book, and that you have a quilt in it! How fun to sit and read it with a grandchild. It looks like the kind of book that will be in home libraries for decades to come. Congrats on your inclusion! I’ve never heard of the White House Commemorative Ornaments. Looks like something my husband would like to collect, not that he needs another collection, ha ha. I myself would enjoy the historical booklet. I might need to look into this. How fun to watch all the Bond movies! We started watching Star Trek from the beginning, but lost interest somewhere in the middle of The Next Generation. Personally, I’d like to watch the Planet of the Apes movies, especially since I’ve never seen most of them! Your table setting and turkey look delicious!

  13. Your busy all the time! I love the book and that green and white quilt.....

  14. Lots going on in your world, Barb! Congrats on having your little quilt published in that beautiful Christmas book and what an honor to have your Instagram featured in Quiltmania. Yay for you! Love those White House ornaments!

  15. Congratulations on having your IG in the last Quiltmania ! I'd seen it but I left you the surprise to discover it !!
    Sooo happy for you !!
    And congratulations again on having a little quilt in a book !
    It's Xmas before Xmas !! :)))))

  16. Thanksgiving, all looks so inviting!
    How wonderfnul to be published in such a beautiful book. I saw you in quiltmania, so well deserved.
    I hope to travel to your country this week after so long and experience a bit of that wonderful time before Christmas!

  17. Yay for your blog/instagram being featured in Quiltmania! And the book thing is very cool too. You are a quilting rock star!:) I've been wanting to watch all the older James Bond Movies myself. The only ones I've watched are the Daniel Craig ones and my husband thinks he's not the 'best'. Hmm.. I rather like him myself!:)

  18. Congratulations on your book and magazine features! You made me laugh with your Bond list -- right up until you listed your favorites -- WHAT??? No mention of Sean! The. Only. One. Barb. You might want to rethink your life choices LOL.


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